All posts by Jon

ezTrap 21.1.1

To Download this version please click the link at the end of this section

Last Page update  14-01-2021 Jon

This is an update to V21.

The latest version of ezTrap has two new functions along with minor cosmetic improvements.

  • The Trap6 course now has a template function that can be activated by the end-user. Each template has three generic Trap6 racecourses with different Target Race Times along with BRGs and distances for each mark;
  • All courses now have an ‘Export’ function that creates a separate Excel spreadsheet with the current Course Display. The exported spreadsheet can then be immediately sent to smartphones, printed, or further processed;
  • The Yacht Club course now has a provision for adding Port or Starboard roundings. Also, a minor bug fix that now allows a mark to be named ‘X’;
  • The Trap6, WL, and Opti courses now have the Wind-up or North-up course plot orientation options.
  • The User’s Manual has also been updated.

For more information on ezTrap please see the release notes on the download page

The new release was authored by Ed Bottrell who is phasing out his involvement with ezTrap. Huw Pearce will be providing end-user support and Jon Eskdale  technical support as needed. If you are interested in providing ongoing support or development, please let Huw and Jon know of your interest.

It can be downloaded from

VERSION 2.28.11

To Download this version please click the link at the end of this section

Last Page update 02-12-2020 Jon

For changes since the last full install  please also see the changes in the Download Beta for 2.28.3 and 2.28.7

  • Changes as per
    2.28.3 and 2.28.7
  • Importing results from CSV improved – If there is no Start time specified in the import CSV it will look up if it matches the conditions for a start in the race and uses the times specified.
  • Added the ability to import  Race Name, Date, and Time.  The instructions on the Sailwave website have been updated please see
  • Updated the link generated for linking to results uploaded to the Sailwave results folder.
  • Updated PYonline link
  • Increased size of Notes allowed when publishing
  • Added the NSC code for when a boat doesn’t sail the course as per World Sailing RRS 2021
  • Added Windows message support for Add and Delete races
  • New Effects are included in the install
  • This version is digitally signed with a certificate.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.28.11.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_28_11.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

If you want to run the World Sailing (ISAF) interface with Wine or on a Mac please see instructions on the Sailwave User Group.

Version 2.28.11 can be downloaded from

For Mac and other operating systems see above and read
Other Operating systems

Image background Effect

This effect allows a background image (it doesn’t have to be a photo) to be applied to the results as an effect so you can turn it on or off as simply as selecting the effect.  You can also specify the image to use and save it with the series.

You can of course simply add an image using CSS, to any of the existing styles by editing the Style and saving it as a custom style (see the Sailwave User Group for the sample that Keith kindly supplied).  This effect however allows you to add a background image to any of the styles without having to edit the style.  And publish with or without it at will.

It has a default image (you can modify the default image simply by editing the effect) but it also allows you to specify the image to use at the time of publishing and this is stored with the series so that each series can have a different background image.

As a sample, you could have something like this








It can be combined with other effects such as HighlightWins3v3 if required

How to change the image at publishing time without editing any files.
This is done by adding the path to the image in the publish notes.
You can still add notes as normal but if you add a line starting with
<!BG   and ending with > e.g.
This line will not appear in the published results but it is passed to the effect.  You must of course tick the box to publish notes even if the image path is the only thing in the notes.










It can be downloaded from here.
Save it in your custom effects folder as specified in the Setup – Global options- folders – My script folder,  the default for this is

Have fun….
Try the example <!BG> and post a reply in the user group if you know where the picture is taken – I know some of you will.

Hover Effect for Summary and Race Tables (Jon)

This effect allows the row where the cursor is to be highlighted by changing its color as you move the cursor around and over the summary and race tables.

You can of course simply add the hover effect to the style by adding one or two lines of CSS and some of the styles do have this implemented already.  This is an effect which you can turn on or off at the point of publishing by selecting the Hover effect implementing it as Javascript .  The colour is a rather boring grey so that it works with all the different styles available but feel free to change your copy if you wish.

It can be combined with other effects such as HighlightWins3v3 if required





It can be downloaded from here.
Save it in your custom effects folder as specified in the Setup – Global options- folders – My script folder, the default for this is

Sailwave 2.28.7

Version 2.28.7 has been around for a little while with some users that have been testing and I’m happy that it is stable so it’s not strictly a Beta but it is only a .exe which you can replace the existing Sailwave.exe file see the post below if you need details of how to do this

  • The user group link in Sailwave has been updated to the new Forum
  • You can add additional info or comments in the CSV as it now ignores lines starting with ; after the header-line
  • When importing results from a CSV file it will automatically remove the excluded flag for a competitor if they are marked as Excluded.
  • It is now possible to import the rating for a specific race
A rating column can now be mapped to RaceRating (Maybe better to name the column RaceRating)
The image below may help explain
When the results are imported the Rating is imported to the rating for that race.
Additionally, if the Competitors default rating is empty and these are results for race 1 then the default rating is set to match that of Race 1

You can download Version 2.28.7  from the link below.  Note this is an exe only.

Please do a full install of 2.28.2 if you don’t have it already and replace the Sailwave.exe with this file renaming it to Sailwave.exe
You may if you wish to rename the original Sailwave.exe to say sailwave2-28-2.exe so you can revert to it if you wish (see below)


Sailwave acquires ezTrap

Sailwave (, the premier sailing results/scoring application for windows has acquired ezTrap, a unique MS Excel© based application for designing and managing sailboat racecourses. As with Sailwave, ezTrap is available as a free download for unrestricted use.

ezTrap has been available since 2009 and is in use by Race Officers around the world for Trapezoid, Windward/Leeward, Optimist; RS:X Slalom; 505 Worlds, Triangle, and Lipton Cup courses along with a flexible ‘round the buoys’ course for Yacht Clubs and other sailing associations.

Two of the biggest challenges with sailboat racing are significantly improved with ezTrap – set-up time and accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only app that instantly:

  • Provides Latitudes & Longitudes of all Marks & Pins;
  • Calculates BRGs & Distance of all Marks & Pins to/from RC Signals Boat;
  • Estimates sailing times by leg; and,
  • Scales up/down the course to meet Target Race Times for multiple fleets.

ezTrap was developed and supported by Ed Bottrell, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and will continue to be available from his website until the end of February 2021. Ed has retired and is pleased that Sailwave will continue to provide downloads and support through the Sailwave User Group. Future development and enhancements are possible with current and future Sailwave volunteers.

You can download the full version of ezTrap for free from the Download section of the Sailwave Website.  If you are just curious you can view the User Manual from the same section.

There is a new section in the Forum for ezTrap support – If you have any questions or suggestions please post them there.
