Category Archives: Reference

Upload of published results FTP SFTP SSH FTPS

Sailwave incorporates built-in FTP for uploading of the Sailwave generated results to either the Sailwave results folder hosted on the Sailwave server (No configuration needed)  or to your own website.

From version 2.29.0 Sailwave also incorporates fully integrated support for SFTP and SSH and FTPS in addition to FTP

The configuration is in Setup – Global Options – FTP


Enter the IP address or name of your server e.g. or

Base URL

Here you can enter the path to the directory that your results will be stored in e.g.
Note – directories(Folders) must exist when writing files to them otherwise it will return an error that it is not found
If you wish to write directly to the home folder put ./ in the base url

Folders can also be included as a prefix to the filename when publishing.  So if your base URL was media/results you could prefix the filename with a folder e.g. 2021/myresults.htm

If you leave the base URL empty then the directory is the root directory and you would have to supply a full path in front of the filename when publishing

Note that the Base URL was not fully implemented in pre 2.29.0 versions of Sailwave so if you have been using the FTP upload previously you will probably need to add ./ here or modify the prefix in front of the filename.  But with 2.29.0 onwards you can specify a prefix and don’t need to specify it with the filename.

Directories/Folders must exist and you must have permissions to write to them otherwise it reports an error.


Here you need to enter a username which will be set by your webmaster or hosting company. Different usernames may have different permissions and their home directory may be different.
e.g ScorersUpload    or   admin


This password should be that supplied by the webmaster or hosting company.


This is the port used to connect to the remote computer
For SSH or SFTP protocol use 22
For FTPS use 990
For FTP you can leave blank and it will use 21 or specify a custom port number other than 22 or 990

Use Passive Transfer

This currently is only used for the transfer to the Sailwave results folder


To publish to FTP or SFTP or SSH or FTPS select the Destination as shown below

You can click the preview to see the file you are publishing in your browser.  If you are happy you can then enter a filename


This is the filename that will be used for the name of the file on your server
e.g.  myresults    –   This will upload a file myresults.htm to the directory specified by the configuration described previously
e.g. results/2011/myresults.html  –  This will upload a file myresults.html to the directory as specified in the configuration within the subdirectories results/2011

Modify connection settings

You can click this button at anytime prior to publishing to take you directly to the configuration page to Check or Modify the settings

Please feel free to contact us or ask on the Sailwave User Group if you need assistance configuring.


Sailwave supports flights as an advanced feature, but to make it simpler for the normal user where flights are not used, they are not shown unless you enable them by ticking the box, in the Setup – User Interface – Appendix LE addendum C

Flights are stored for each competitor and each race.
There is also a Flights field which belongs to the competitor which is their current flight.

Flight allocation can be easily viewed by using

View Flight assignments

Flight allocation is normally done using the Tools – Flight assignments

Flight assignment tool

Tooltips are available to assist you.

You can also use the Tools – Set competitor field to set flights

Tools setting flights

From version 2.25.5 onwards it is also possible to import flights from a csv file.  This uses the File – Import results from csv file…

Typically you would have a csv something like this:-

sample flight allocation csv

You don’t have to use Sailno you can use anything that uniquely identifies the competitor which may be multiple columns

Import of flights




Finish time entry with sail number wizard

From version 2.8.3 entry of finish times within the sail number wizard have been changed to optimize the quick entry of data.  Rules for entry in the other areas have not changed and are covered under the previous section.

  • Finishing times  such as 123456 will get “:”‘s entered automatically so it becomes 12:34:56.
  • Finishing times entered in this format are checked and you get an error beep and prompted to re-enter if the hour > 23, minute > 59 or second > 59.
  • You don’t need to enter a leading 0 so 92345 becomes 09:23:45.
  • You don’t need to enter trailing seconds if it is an exact minute so 923 becomes 09:23:00.
  • You don’t need to enter trailing minutes for an exact hour so 9 becomes 09:00:00.

Elapsed time extensions for sailno wizard

Last edited 1st June 2018 by Jon

As of version 2.8.3, the completely numeric form of the elapsed time syntax is extended as described below.  To force the standard interpretation (seconds) use a + prefix. The extended formats are converted by Sailwave into standard form and appear in the results as such.  When doing this conversion a semicolon separator is assumed.  Other standard formats are unaffected and can still be used.

mss 0m:ss
mmss mm:ss
hmmss 0h:mm:ss
hhmmss hh:mm:ss
dhhmmss 0d:hh:mm:ss
ddhhmmss dd:hh:mm:ss

The following constraints are applied, resulting in a single beep if broken:-

0 < ss < 60
0 < mm < 100 (no hours specified)
0 < mm < 60 (hours specified)
0 < hh < 100 (no days specified)
0 < hh < 24 (days specified)


+123 = 123
123 = 1:23
12345 = 1:23:45