Last updated 20th January 2025 by Jon
This is an important update if you are using Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 as this version is the first version to support the new rules for rounding of points for scoring penalties as specified in this edition – it is also backward compatible with the earlier RRS
RRS 2025-2028 requires Scoring penalties rounded to 0.1 whereas previously this was to a whole number. To allow scoring of series files that are using the earlier version of RRS this can be reverted to rounding to whole numbers by unticking the box
Any series created with version 2.37 will have this ticked automatically (although you can untick it if you wish to use whole-number rounding to score an older event)
If you load a series file created with an earlier version of Sailwave you will get a warning
Should you wish to keep the whole number rounding, you can ignore this message. Once you have saved the file with the new version of Sailwave, you will not get the message when opening it.
However, if you have copied a file from last year and wish to use it this year you should follow the instructions in the message
Also included in this install are :-
- Updates to RRS plugin
- Updates to World Sailing plugin
- Updates to Irish Sailing plugin
- Updates to Country codes
- Fix some translations issues
- When merging with points – points are now preset
- Ability to translate scoring code descriptions
- Wind ratings can now be longer
- Copy and Paste of scoring codes via Ctl C/Ctl V
- iQFOiL slalom increased from 20 to 40
This is Issued as a full install
Please report any issues and I will try to fix them
You can download Version 2.37.0 from the link below.
For Mac and other operating systems read
Other Operating systems
Any difficulties please ask on the chat or User Group