Category Archives: Download Sailwave


This free software in return for a Sailwave logo linked to on your event or club website and a restriction that the Sailwave link in the results footer shall not be removed regardless of media or reformatting. This is a good example of a simple but effective event page and this is their club results page.


Version 2.37.0

Last updated 20th January 2025 by Jon

This is an important update if you are using Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 as this version is the first version to support the new rules for rounding of points for scoring penalties as specified in this edition – it is also backward compatible with the earlier RRS

RRS 2025-2028 requires Scoring penalties rounded to 0.1 whereas previously this was to a whole number. To allow scoring of series files that are using the earlier version of RRS this can be reverted to rounding to whole numbers by unticking the box


Any series created with version 2.37 will have this ticked automatically (although you can untick it if you wish to use whole-number rounding to score an older event)

If you load a series file created with an earlier version of Sailwave you will get a warning


Should you wish to keep the whole number rounding, you can ignore this message.  Once you have saved the file with the new version of Sailwave, you will not get the message when opening it.
However, if you have copied a file from last year and wish to use it this year you should follow the instructions in the message

Also included in this install are :-

  • Updates to RRS plugin
  • Updates to World Sailing plugin
  • Updates to Irish Sailing plugin
  • Updates to Country codes
  • Fix some translations issues
  • When merging with points – points are now preset
  • Ability to translate scoring code descriptions
  • Wind ratings can now be longer
  • Copy and Paste of scoring codes via Ctl C/Ctl V
  • iQFOiL slalom increased from 20 to 40

This is Issued as a full install

Please report any issues and I will try to fix them

You can download Version 2.37.0 from the link below.

For Mac and other operating systems read
Other Operating systems

Any difficulties please ask on the chat or User Group

Version 2.34.0

Last updated 6th June 2024 by Jon

Most of the changes have been in support of the Irish Sailing interface and the RRS interface

Based on 2.33.2 with a fix for publishing individual races using the ECHO rating system – now displays the rating for the next race.

This is Issued as a full install

Please report any issues and I will try to fix them

You can download Version 2.34.0 from the link below.

For Mac and other operating systems read
Other Operating systems

Any difficulties please ask on the chat or User Group


Version 2.30.2

Last updated 20th April 2024 by Jon

Version 2.33.0 currently available in the download Betas (see details there) is now the preferred version as it is stable and has additional features it will be moved to this section shortly



This is a full install with many changes /improvements

Changes since 2.29.0 are

  • Fix class name generation for Race columns e.g. rank 10-39 had .rankxx applied (applies to advanced users only)
  •  Fix internal chartochars routine not to use the ¬ symbol so Chinese and presumably other languages don’t get corrupted
  • Fix hang if an invalid locale file is specified
    (Specifying an invalid file forces the use of the charset specified so you can see the Chinese file without switching the computer)
    Users may want to change header.txt to specify the language
  •  Fixed Foils dropdown on Technical tab
  •  Added a clear search box icon.
  •  A  new competitor now clears the filter
  • Changes to the save to JSON.  Fixed the formatting and now uses .json instead of .txt and no longer displays the file.  No longer includes excluded competitors if they are hidden
    Unused competitor fields are not included in the file (This results in the file now being much smaller)
  • Fixed Merge when the file being merged to the original has had its races reordered
  • Has the facility to support iQFOiL scoring
  • Uses AS for Australian Sailing in place of VY for Victoria Yardstick converts VY to AS for compatibility
  • Add selective starts to SailNo Wizard.   For the larger events, the Sail Number wizard now can filter presented SailNo’s based on the starts that are selected.  Using this feature makes it less likely to enter an incorrect sail number and will highlight any competitors in the wrong fleets.  It also makes entry quicker as you don’t have to type so many characters to get a match and is especially useful when multiple countries are present with the same sail number
  • A New series now has the Sailwave burgees configured as standard – you can of course either delete or change them as you wish
  • Upload to  PYOnline now checks that an Event name is specified and automatically ignores races with no results when sending.  It is now possible to use * to send all races even if some have not been sailed
  • Changed RYA Logo and changed ISAF logo to World Sailing Logo plus added RYA icon to Plugin Menu
  • Change ISAF text to World Sailing


This is Issued as a full install with an updated World Sailing Plugin – not all functionality is operational at the moment – awaiting World Sailing to supply updated details but it can check all World Sailing ID’s and can create XRR files to be sent to World Sailing

Please report any issues and I will try to fix them

You can download Version 2.30.2 from the link below.


Version 2.29.0

This is an exciting upgrade for those publishing to their own websites.

This new version now includes a fully integrated support for SFTP, SSH, and FTPS in addition to a new FTP uploader for uploading published results directly to your website.  This was previously only possible if your website or service supported FTP but many are no longer supporting FTP and require SFTP or SSH uploads.  This all now comes built into your favorite scoring program Sailwave.

Documentation is available here:-

In addition to the support for the secure protocols, there have been some other changes.  The Base URL window now works correctly as intended which may mean if you have been using FTP previously and left this blank you will need to insert “./” in this window.  If you have entered a directory path here and been entering it in front of the filename you will no longer need it in front of the filename.
The famous Error 0 no longer applies when you get an error uploading to your website, you should now get a more informative message such as authentication failure meaning your username or password is incorrect. Note an access error means you don’t have permissions.

This is a full install and also includes

  • the changes in 2.28.14 (see Beta releases) plus
  • Increase buffer size for the format of columns to allow larger HTML formating from 150 to 500 chars – This allows the creation of links on any column – see user group for detail
  • Increase buffer size for Fleet name to 40 from 20 in Main competitor edit window
  • Increase entry size for Venue and Event burgees from 100 to 255 chars to allow long URL’s to be used

Please report any issues and I will try to fix them

You can download Version 2.29.0 from the link below.

For Mac and other operating systems read
Other Operating systems

Any difficulties please ask on the chat or User Group

VERSION 2.28.11

To Download this version please click the link at the end of this section

Last Page update 02-12-2020 Jon

For changes since the last full install  please also see the changes in the Download Beta for 2.28.3 and 2.28.7

  • Changes as per
    2.28.3 and 2.28.7
  • Importing results from CSV improved – If there is no Start time specified in the import CSV it will look up if it matches the conditions for a start in the race and uses the times specified.
  • Added the ability to import  Race Name, Date, and Time.  The instructions on the Sailwave website have been updated please see
  • Updated the link generated for linking to results uploaded to the Sailwave results folder.
  • Updated PYonline link
  • Increased size of Notes allowed when publishing
  • Added the NSC code for when a boat doesn’t sail the course as per World Sailing RRS 2021
  • Added Windows message support for Add and Delete races
  • New Effects are included in the install
  • This version is digitally signed with a certificate.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.28.11.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_28_11.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

If you want to run the World Sailing (ISAF) interface with Wine or on a Mac please see instructions on the Sailwave User Group.

Version 2.28.11 can be downloaded from

For Mac and other operating systems see above and read
Other Operating systems

VERSION 2.28.2

To Download this version please click the link at the end of this section

Last Page update 07-04-2020 Jon

This is a minor update to 2.28.1 but the installer has been updated to include the Updated PY ratings and an example template for use with the RYA virtual racing.

  • This version is digitally signed with a certificate.  Hopefully, it will reduce the number of false positives that are generated by anti-virus software.  You will at least be guaranteed that no one has tampered with the install file.
  • Fixed templates for Autoscaling of Burgee images when using Publish Results V2

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.28.2.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_28_2.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

If you want to run the World Sailing (ISAF) interface with Wine or on a Mac please see instructions on the Sailwave User Group.

It can be downloaded from

For Mac and other operating systems see above and read
Other Operating systems

VERSION 2.28.1

To Download this version please click the link at the end of this section

Last Page update 14-07-2019 Jon

A new version of Sailwave which introduces some new features

  • This is the first version non-beta to be digitally signed with a certificate.  Hopefully, it will reduce the number of false positives that are generated by anti-virus software.  You will at least be guaranteed that no one has tampered with the install file.
  • This version is the first one non-beta published on the Sailwave site to be built with a new version of the compiler and this enables touch control to scroll the data around.  So if you have a touch-enabled device give it a go.
  • RORC high point scoring is in Beta in this version.  The RORC factors are not implemented for RORC series as yet.
  • This Version also has Iceboat support in Beta.
  • The import from CSV has been reworked and expanded – see documentation on the Sailwave web site
  • The install also contains updated versions of SWCList, ISAF (World Sailing) interface and the SWHelper for NHC scoring which now supports internal calculations when you are using PY numbers.
  • You will also notice some cosmetic and font changes.
  • There are improvements in the RYA PY returns and some bug fixes.
  • New Rating files are included as are the additional information for the PY returns.
  • Correction of DNE description.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.28.1.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_28_1.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

Huw has tested the installer under Linux without any problems but points out if you are using Wine you should be using at least version 3.0.  If you want to run the World Sailing (ISAF) interface with Wine or on a Mac please ask for help or see instructions on the Sailwave User Group.

It can be downloaded from

For Mac and other operating systems see above and read
Other Operating systems

VERSION 2.25.11

This new version fixes a bug with discards of medal races that was introduced in 2.25.9  So it’s important if you are scoring with medal races.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.25.11.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_25_11.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

VERSION 2.25.10

This new version fixes a bug with publishing unsailed races even when all races are selected.  So it probably won’t affect many users.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.25.10.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_25_10.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

VERSION 2.25.9

New Version includes some new features and enhancements and a bug fix for the finals discard profiles when performing Qualifiers and Finals.

This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.25.9.    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.  If you have any issues installing please try running the installer as administrator by right-clicking the sw2_25_9.exe file and selecting run as administrator.

Some features all users will notice are:-

  • Fixed bug with Discard profile of finals when using Qualifiers and Finals
  • When publishing individual races with the option of sailed races only the races with results will be published.
  • Publishing using Results V2 will auto size the header images and improve the balance of the results appearance.  More details on the Sailwave User Group.