[WinCalculateElapsed] WINDOW : Calculate_elapsed_time = Calculate elapsed time PROMPT : Start_time = &Start time PROMPT : Finish_time = Finish time PROMPT : Elapsed_time = Elapsed time CHECK : Show_elapsed_as_seconds_only = Sho&w elapsed as seconds only BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinComputeRatingUI] WINDOW : Rating_estimator = Rating estimator STRING : You_must_score_the_series_before_using_this_tool = You must score the series before using this tool PROMPT : Estimate_the_rating_of_this_class = &Estimate the rating of this class PROMPT : Show_result_to_this_many_decimal_places = Show result to this many decimal places BUTTON : Estimate_rating = Uppskatta rankingen PROMPT : Estimated_rating = Estimated rating PROMPT : Using_the_results_of_this_fleet = Using the results of this &fleet BUTTON : Close = Stäng [WinConfirm] WINDOW : Confirm... = Bekräfta... BUTTON : Yes = Ja BUTTON : No = Nej BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinDeleteCompetitorUI] WINDOW : Delete_Competitors = Ta bort deltagare BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : OK = OK [WinDeleteRaceUI] WINDOW : Delete_Races = Ta bort race BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : OK = OK [WinEditAllCompetitors] WINDOW : All_Competitors = Alla deltagare OPTION : For_these_competitors = For these competitors RADIO : All_competitors = Alla deltagare RADIO : All_competitors_with_this_class = All competitors with this class OPTION : Set_this_value = Sätt det här värdet RADIO : Set_fleet_to = Sätt gruppen till RADIO : Set_class_to = Sätt klassen till RADIO : Set_default_rating_to = Set default rating to RADIO : Set_wind_indexed_ratings_to = Set wind indexed ratings to RADIO : Set_club_to = Sätt klubb till BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditCode] WINDOW : Result_code = Resultatkod ENTRY-TIP : You_can_use_any_code_you_like;_it_does_not_have__to_conform_to_t = You can use any code you like; it does not have|to conform to the usual 3 character convention;|similarly it does not have to be all upper case PROMPT : Code = Kod TAB : Method = Metod RADIO : Points_for_position_of_the_number_of_boats_included_in_series_+_ = Points for position of the number of boats included in series + N RADIO-TIP : Set_points_equal_to_the_number_of_boats_in_the__series_plus_the_ = Set points equal to the number of boats in the|series plus the offset you place in the Value|field below. RADIO : Points_for_position_of_the_number_of_boats_that_came_to_start_ar = Points for position of the number of boats that came to start area + N RADIO-TIP : Set_points_equal_to_the_number_of_boats_that__came_to_the_starti = Set points equal to the number of boats that|came to the starting area plus the offset you|place in the Value field below. RADIO : Use_the_same_method_as_another_code = Use the same method as another code RADIO-TIP : Set_points_equal_to_the_points_scored_had_the__result_been_the_c = Set points equal to the points scored had the|result been the code you set in the value field|below. RADIO : Set_the_points_by_hand_when_entering_the_code = Set the points by hand when entering the code RADIO-TIP : Set_points_equal_to_those_you_specify_in_the__result_form_for_a_ = Set points equal to those you specify in the|result form for a particular competitor and race.|RDG for example would probably be set up with|this sort of method. RADIO : Score_a_fixed_number_of_points = Score a fixed number of points RADIO-TIP : Set_points_equal_to_those_you_place_in_the__Value_field_below_-_ = Set points equal to those you place in the|Value field below - useful for points awarded for|OOD for example. RADIO : Average_points_for_all_races_+_N = Average points for all races + N RADIO-TIP : Appendix_A_10(a).__Put_N_in_Value_field_below_if__required. = Appendix A 10(a). Put N in Value field below if|required. RADIO : Average_points_for_all_races_before_the_race_in_question_+_N = Average points for all races before the race in question + N RADIO-TIP : Appendix_A_10(b).___Put_N_in_Value_field_below_if__required. = Appendix A 10(b). Put N in Value field below if|required. RADIO : Position_percentage_penalty_based_on_the_number_of_boats_include = Position percentage penalty based on the number of boats included in the series RADIO-TIP : Put_the_penalty_percentage_value_in_the_Value__field_below.__Thi = Put the penalty percentage value in the Value|field below. This method is usually used for|scoring penalities like SCP and ZFP. Based on|number of overall competitors included in the |series. You would normally tick "This is a penalty|or redress code" so that finishing positions or|elapsed times can be set as well as the code in |any results. RADIO : Position_percentage_penalty_based_on_number_of_boats_that_came_t = Position percentage penalty based on number of boats that came to start area RADIO-TIP : As_above_but_based_on_boats_that_came_to_the__start_area,_not_bo = As above but based on boats that came to the|start area, not boats included in the in the series.|You would normally tick "This is a penalty or |redress code" so that finishing positions or |elapsed times can be set as well as the code in |any results. RADIO : Fixed_points_penalty = Fixed points penalty RADIO-TIP : A_fixed_number_of_points_is_added_to_a_boats__score.__Enter_the_ = A fixed number of points is added to a boats|score. Enter the points penalty in the Value field.|You would normally tick "This is a penalty or|redress code" so that finishing positions or |elapsed times can be set as well as the code in |any results. RADIO : Points_for_position_of_number_of_starters_+_N = Points for position of number of starters + N RADIO : Points_for_position_of_number_of_finishers_+_N = Points for position of number of finishers + N RADIO : Average_points_for_all_non-discarded_races_+_N = Average points for all non-discarded races + N RADIO-TIP : Put_N_in_Value_field_below_if_required. = Put N in Value field below if required. RADIO : Average_points_for_all_races_except_DNCs_+_N = Average points for all races except DNCs + N RADIO-TIP : Appendix_A_10(a)_modified_to_not_take_into__account_any_DNC_resu = Appendix A 10(a) modified to not take into|account any DNC results. Put N in Value|field below if required. PROMPT : Value = Värde TAB : Properties = &Properties CHECK : This_code_is_discardable = This code is discardable CHECK-TIP : When_checked_the_series_scoring_logic_will__allow_results_with_t = When checked the series scoring logic will|allow results with this code to be discarded CHECK : This_is_a_penalty_or_redress_code = This is a penalty or redress code CHECK-TIP : Penalty_and_redress_codes_usually_also_have___associated_recorde = Penalty and redress codes usually also have |associated recorded positions or elapsed times |and take up a finishing position unlike codes like|DNF. Examples of penalty codes would be RDG,|SCP, ZFP and codes using the "Fixed points |penalty" method. CHECK : This_code_implies_that_the_boat_came_to_starting_area_for_the_ra = This code implies that the boat came to starting area for the race CHECK-TIP : When_checked_a_result_with_this_code_implies__the_boat_at_least_ = When checked a result with this code implies|the boat at least came to the starting area|intending to start; she may or may not have|actually started CHECK : This_code_implies_that_the_boat_started_the_race = This code implies that the boat started the race CHECK : This_code_implies_that_the_boat_finished_the_race = This code implies that the boat finished the race TAB : Format = Format RADIO-TIP : Insert_the_code_string_(e.g._DNC).__ = Insert the code string (e.g. DNC).| RADIO : Blank = Tom RADIO : Code = Kod RADIO-TIP : Insert_the_code_string_(e.g._DNC). = Insert the code string (e.g. DNC). RADIO : Points = Poäng RADIO-TIP : Insert_the_code_points. = Insert the code points. ENTRY-TIP : Any_string_in_here.__Press_Tab_or_click_away_on___another_field_ = Any string in here. Press Tab or click away on |another field to see the effect in the example|field. ENTRY-TIP : There_is_nothing_significant_about_99,_it's_just__for_example_pu = There is nothing significant about 99, it's just|for example purposes. PROMPT : Example_using_above_options = Example using above options CHECK : Set_this_format_in_all_codes_when_OK_is_pressed = Set this format in &all codes when OK is pressed BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditColumns] WINDOW : View_Columns = View Columns PROMPT : View_these_columns = View these columns PROMPT : Use_these_column_names = Use these column names CHECK : Tally_column = Tally column ENTRY-TIP : Leave_or_set_blank_to_use_default = Leave or set blank to use default CHECK : Fleet_column = Fleet column CHECK : Boat_name_column = Boat name column CHECK : Class_column = Class column CHECK : Nationality_column = Nationality column CHECK : Sail_number_column = Sail number column CHECK : Helm_column = Helm column CHECK : Crew_column = Crew column CHECK : Club_column = Club column CHECK : Rating_column = Rating column CHECK : Notes_column = Notes column BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditCompetitor] WINDOW : Competitor = Deltagare ENTRY-TIP : Tally_number_or_often_used_for_bow_number. = Tally number or often used for bow number. PROMPT : Tally = Nr PROMPT : Fleet = Grupp PROMPT : Flight = Fli&ght PROMPT : Boat_name = Båtnamn PROMPT : Boat_class = Klass PROMPT : Sail_number = Segelnummer PROMPT : Helm = Rorsman ENTRY-TIP : ISAF_ID_for_crew. = ISAF ID för gast PROMPT : ISAF_ID_of_helm = ISAF ID för rorsman ENTRY-TIP : The_helm_and_crew_for_double_handers_etc. = The helm and crew for double handers etc. PROMPT : Crew = Gast ENTRY-TIP : ISAF_ID_for_helm. = ISAF ID för rorsman PROMPT : ISAF_ID_of_crew = ISAF ID för gast BUTTON : View_bio_entry = ISAF data PROMPT : Club = Klubb PROMPT : Nationality = Nationalitet ENTRY-TIP : Useful_for_noting_special_prizes_etc = Useful for noting special prizes etc PROMPT : Notes = Anmärkning PROMPT : Default_rating = Grundranking ENTRY-TIP : A_comma_separated_list_of_ratings_corresponding__to_the_wind_str = A comma separated list of ratings corresponding|to the wind strengths defined in the scoring|window. The default rating will be used for|any missing values. e.g. in this list 798,799,,800|the third value is missing and in this list|,,799,,800 the first and third values are missing. PROMPT : Wind_indexed_ratings = Vindindexerad ranking CHECK : Exclude_competitor = Markeras ej deltagande CHECK-TIP : This_competitor_is_excluded_from_the_series_when__this_button_is = This competitor is excluded from the series when|this button is down.||You can also toggle this value by double |left-clicking the tick or cross icon in the main|series window.| CHECK : Edit_next = Ändra nästa CHECK-TIP : Load_the_next_competitor_into_the_EditCompetitor__window_when_OK = Load the next competitor into the EditCompetitor|window when OK or Cancel is pressed. BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt STRING : Check_this_value_is_correct = Check this value is correct CHECK : Wind_idx_ratings_enabled = Wind idx ratings enabled PROMPT : Rating_system = Ranking system [WinEditFleet] WINDOW : Fleet = Grupp PROMPT : Fleet = Grupp CHECK : Print_on_a_separate_page = Print on a separate page CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_the_results_for_this_fleet_are__printed_on_a_page_of = When ticked the results for this fleet are|printed on a page of their own if the results|have been scored by fleet. ENTRY-TIP : See_the_default_discard_profile__Edit+ScoringSystem_for_a_descri = See the default discard profile|Edit+ScoringSystem for a description of this field. OPTION : Rating_system = Rating system RADIO : Use_the_overall_rating_system_defined_in_the_Race_Scoring_tab = Use the o&verall rating system defined in the Race Scoring tab RADIO : Use_this_fleet_specific_rating_system = Use t&his fleet specific rating system OPTION : Race_distances = Race distances RADIO : Use_the_race_distances_defined_in_the_race_detail_window = Use the race &distances defined in the race detail window RADIO : Use_these_race_distances = Use &these race distances ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_alternative_race__distances.__The_values = Comma separated list of alternative race|distances. The values here override those in the|race detail windows when scoring this fleet. A|null (or blank) value in the list means use the |race value. e.g. 1.2,3.4, ,3.4. You can include |units. e.g. 1.2nm, 3.4nm,,3.4nm. OPTION : Discard_profile = Discard profile RADIO : Use_the_overall_discard_profile_defined_in_the_Series_Scoring_ta = &Use the overall discard profile defined in the Series Scoring tab RADIO : Use_this_fleet_specific_discard_profile = Us&e this fleet specific discard profile BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditFleets] WINDOW : Fleets = Grupper BUTTON : Edit = Ändra BUTTON : New = Ny BUTTON : Delete = Ta bort BUTTON-TIP : When_sorting_the_results_by_fleet_the_order_set__here_is_used.__ = When sorting the results by fleet the order set|here is used.| CHECK : Results_are_entered_across_fleets = &Results are entered across fleets CHECK-TIP : Fleets_are_assumed_to_have_their_own_sets_of__reuslts_(each_flee = Fleets are assumed to have their own sets of|reuslts (each fleets has it's own 1, 2, 3 etc or|each fleet has it's own start time) unless this box |is ticked. It doesn't affect scoring but can ease |data entry. BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditPositions] WINDOW : Rearrange_recorded_positions = Rearrange recorded positions OPTION : Operation = Operation RADIO : Add_1_to_all_positions_after_and_including_position = &Add 1 to all positions after and including position RADIO : Subtract_1_from_all_positions_after_and_including_position = &Subtract 1 from all positions after and including position GROUP : Apply_to = Lägg till PROMPT : Fleet = Grupp PROMPT : Race = Race BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : OK = OK [WinEditPrize] WINDOW : Prize = Prize PROMPT : Num = Num OPTION : How_to_pick_the_winner_of_the_prize = How to pick the winner of the prize RADIO : Best_eligible_competitor = &Best eligible competitor RADIO-TIP : Sailwave_will_fill_in_the_Winner_field_when_the__series_is_score = Sailwave will fill in the Winner field when the|series is scored - with the competitor that has|acheived the best position in the series and|is eligible to win this prize. RADIO : By_hand = By hand RADIO-TIP : You_must_set_the_Winner_field_by_hand._This_is__useful_for_best_ = You must set the Winner field by hand. This is|useful for best capsize etc - i.e. prizes that are|not dependent on series position.| PROMPT : Winner = Winner PROMPT : Description = Description BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditPrizes] WINDOW : Prizes = Prizes BUTTON : Edit = &Edit BUTTON : New = &New BUTTON : Delete = &Delete BUTTON : Competitors = Co&mpetitors BUTTON-TIP : Select_the_competitors_that_can_win_this_prize.__If__all_competi = Select the competitors that can win this prize. If|all competitors can win this prize leave the list|empty. STRING : The_winners_for_Type_Best_prizes_are_updated_when_the_series_is_ = The winners for Type=Best prizes are updated when the series is scored. BUTTON : OK = &OK BUTTON : Cancel = &Cancel [WinEditProperties] WINDOW : Series_properties = Regattaegenskaper ENTRY-TIP : Appears_in_the_main_page_title_when_publishing.__The_name_of_the = Appears in the main page title when publishing.|The name of the event; e.g. 2001 Catamaran |Open Meeting.| PROMPT : Event_name = Regatta ENTRY-TIP : Appears_on_the_page_footer_when_publishing.__This_is_often_the_s = Appears on the page footer when publishing.|This is often the same as the venue web site but|is useful to put a class association or organising|body's web site. PROMPT : Event_web_site = Webbsida PROMPT : Event_email = E-post ENTRY-TIP : Appears_at_the_top_of_the_page_when_publishing.__This_is_often_t = Appears at the top of the page when publishing.|This is often the same as the venue burgee but|is useful to put a class association or organising|body's burgee image - typically a .jpg or .gif. It is|auto-sized by Sailwave. PROMPT : Event_burgee = Logo BUTTON-TIP : Select_event_burgee = Välj logo för regattan PROMPT : Venue_name = Klubb ENTRY-TIP : Appears_on_the_page_footer_when_publishing.__The_venue_web_site. = Appears on the page footer when publishing.|The venue web site. For example the web site|of the club where the event is being held. PROMPT : Venue_web_site = Webbsida ENTRY-TIP : Appears_on_the_page_footer_when_publishing.__The_venue_email_add = Appears on the page footer when publishing.|The venue email address. For example the email|address of the club where the event is being |held. PROMPT : Venue_email = E-post BUTTON-TIP : Select_venue_burgee = Välj logo för arrangörsklubben ENTRY-TIP : Appears_at_the_top_of_the_page_when_publishing.__The_venue_burge = Appears at the top of the page when publishing.|The venue burgee. For example the burgee|image of the club where the event is being held;|typically a .jpg or .gif. It is auto sized by |Sailwave. It is auto-sized by Sailwave. PROMPT : Venue_burgee = Logo BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditRace] WINDOW : Race = Race TAB : Details = Detaljer ENTRY-TIP : Overrides_the_default_race_column_heading_if__present.__Be_caref = Overrides the default race column heading if|present. Be careful when deleting races |because the names may not make sense|anymore. PROMPT : Name = Namn PROMPT : Number = Nummer ENTRY-TIP : These_dates_or_days_can_optionally_appear_in_the__series_summary = These dates or days can optionally appear in the|series summary when publishing. Use a short|form to keep the columns narrow e.g. 2/10 |instead of 2/10/01 or Tu instead of Tuesday.||You can in fact put anything useful in this field. PROMPT : Published_date_or_day = Published &date or day ENTRY-TIP : Keep_this_string_as_small_as_possible_to_keep__column_widths_sma = Keep this string as small as possible to keep|column widths small when publishing.||You can in fact put anything useful in this field. PROMPT : Published_start_time = Published start time PROMPT : Published_course = Published course ENTRY-TIP : Historical_information.__Essential_if_you_are_making__a_return_t = Historical information. Essential if you are making|a return to USSA. See the USSA web site for|information about the accuracy and units |required. PROMPT : Average_wind_strength = A&verage wind strength PROMPT : Wind_index = Wind index PROMPT : Wind_direction = Wind direction ENTRY-TIP : The_race_distance.__This_can_be_just_a_number__or_a_number_follo = The race distance. This can be just a number|or a number followed by units. e.g. 10 or 10nm or|10 nm or 1.5 miles etc. If the units are missing,|Sailwave assumes nautical miles. PROMPT : Race_distance = Race distance TAB : Advanced = Advanced CHECK : Accumulated_elapsed_time = Acc&umulated elapsed time CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_the_results_for_this_race_are_calculated__by_accumul = When ticked the results for this race are calculated|by accumulating the elapsed times of the races |in the list to the right. ENTRY-TIP : A_comma_separated_list_of_races.__Used_as__described_in_the_"Aut = A comma separated list of races. Used as|described in the "Auto elapsed time" check|box. e.g. 1,2. NB: For the purposes of this list |races must be identified by their number, not their|name. CHECK : Discard_me_first = Discard me first CHECK-TIP : If_discards_are_applicable,_results_for_races__marked_as_"Discar = If discards are applicable, results for races|marked as "Discard me first" are discarded|before considering points. CHECK : This_race_is_not_discardable = T&his race is not discardable CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_the_results_for_this_race_cannot__be_discarded_regar = When ticked the results for this race cannot|be discarded regardless of the result code used BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt CHECK : Sailed_by_at_least_one_fleet = Sailed by at least one fleet BUTTON : OK = OK [WinEditResult] WINDOW : Result = Resultat TAB : Result = Resultat ENTRY-TIP : Elapsed_time_as_d:h:m:s:_or_h:m:s_or_m:s_or_s.__Alternative_sepa = Elapsed time as d:h:m:s: or h:m:s or m:s or s.|Alternative separators are - / . ;||d=days(24hrs), h=hours, m=minutes, s=seconds.|Only integer values allowed. No limit on values. PROMPT : Laps = Varv ENTRY-TIP : time_or_date@time.__time_is_hhmmss_or_hhmm_or___h:m:s_or_h:m.__I = time or date@time. time is hhmmss or hhmm or |h:m:s or h:m. If finish time is before start time, |and dates are not used, one midnight boundary |is assumed. Alternative separators are - / ; . for |use in times. Date format can be set in |Edit+ScoringSystem. PROMPT : Finish_time = &Finish time OPTION : Recorded_result = Recorded result RADIO : Place = &Place RADIO : Elapsed_time = &Elapsed time RADIO : Start_time = &Start time RADIO : Code = Kod GROUP : Calculated_result = Calculated result PROMPT : Position = Plats CHECK : discarded = Struken ENTRY-TIP : Corrected_time_as_calculated_by_Sailwave. = Corrected time as calculated by Sailwave. PROMPT : Corrected_time = Korrigerad tid PROMPT : Points = Poäng TAB : Rating = Ranking PROMPT : Default_rating = Grundranking PROMPT : Wind_indexed_ratings = Vind indexering CHECK : Wind_indexed_ratings_are_enabled = Wind indexed ratings are enabled PROMPT : Wind_for_this_race = Vindstyrka PROMPT : Rating_for_this_race = Ranking för racet PROMPT : Override_with = Skriv över med CHECK : Use_until_the_next_override = &Use until the next override CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_the_value_above_is_used_for_this__race_and_all_follo = When ticked the value above is used for this|race and all following races until another override|is defined. This saves having to define overrides|for each race when the ratings in fact only |change every N races. TAB : Statistics = Statistik STRING : Change_in_elapsed_time_needed_to_win = Change in elapsed time needed to win STRING : Rating_needed_to_win = Ranking för att vinna STRING : Average_speed = Snitthastighet TAB : Flight = &Flight PROMPT : Flight = Fli&ght BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinEditScoringSystem] WINDOW : Scoring_system = Scoring system TAB : Race_scoring = Beräkning OPTION : Points_system = Poängsystem RADIO : ISAF_Appendix_A_(sequential) = ISAF Appendix A (sequential) RADIO-TIP : 1,_2,_3,_4,_5,_6,_7,_8,_9,_10_etc = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 etc RADIO : ISAF_Appendix_A_(as_above_but_1st___0.75_points) = ISAF Appendix A (as above but 1st = 0.75 points) RADIO : ISAF_Appendix_A_(bonus) = ISAF Appendix A (bonus) RADIO-TIP : 0,_3,_5.7,_8,_10,_11.7,_13,_14,_15,_16_etc = 0, 3, 5.7, 8, 10, 11.7, 13, 14, 15, 16 etc RADIO : Custom_low_point_defined_by_a_list_of_points = Custom low point defined by a list of points RADIO : Custom_low_point_defined_by_a_formula = Custom low point defined by a formula RADIO : Rinderle_B = Rinderle B RADIO : Austrian = Austrian RADIO : Custom_high_point_defined_by_a_list_of_points = Custom high point defined by a list of points RADIO : Custom_high_point_defined_by_a_formula = Custom high point defined by a formula STRING : Low_point_systems = Low point systems ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_points_for_1st,_2nd,_3rd__place_etc.__+1 = Comma separated list of points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd|place etc. +1 is assumed after last entry in list|unless last two entries have same points in which|case all subsequent placess as scored similarly.|Must be ascending (low point). e.g. 0.75,2,3. STRING : High_point_systems = High point systems ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_points_for_1st,_2nd,_3rd__place_etc.__-1 = Comma separated list of points for 1st, 2nd, 3rd|place etc. -1 is assumed after last entry in list|unless last two entries have same points in which|case all subsequent placess as scored similarly.|Must be descending (high point). e.g. 100,99. ENTRY-TIP : An_expression_for_points_using_these_variables__and_functions:-_ = An expression for points using these variables|and functions:-|s - starters in race.|f - finishers in race.|p - position in race.|r - #boats that came to start area.|c - #compatitors included in series/fleet being|scored.|Log10 - log to base 10 function.|Loge - natural log function.|e.g. 101 + 1000 *Log10(r/p)| OPTION : Race_tie_resolution = Vid lika placering RADIO : Shared_points = Shared points RADIO : None_(Appendix_KE) = None (Appendix KE) RADIO-TIP : Race_ties_are_left_as_ties.__This_is_useful_if_you_are__scoring_ = Race ties are left as ties. This is useful if you are|scoring an Appendix KE flight based event with|multiple firsts, seconds etc per race. RADIO : Average_points_(standard_Appendix_A) = Average points (standard Appendix A) RADIO-TIP : For_example_if_three_boats_tied_for_second_place__the_points_all = For example if three boats tied for second place|the points allocated for the first 5 places would|be 1,3,3,3,5 because the average of 2,3,4 is 3.|This is the standard Appendix A setting (see A7). OPTION : Date_format_in_start/finish_times = Date format in start/finish times RADIO : day_/_month_/_year = day / month / year RADIO : month_/_day_/_year = month / day / year RADIO : year_/_month_/_day = year / month / day RADIO : day_-_month_-_year = day - month - year RADIO : year_-_month_-_day = year - month - day RADIO : month_-_day_-_year = month - day - year GROUP : Round_points_to_this_many_decimal_places = Round points t&o this many decimal places TAB : Series_scoring = Regattaberäkning GROUP : Series_tie_resolution = Series &tie resolution CHECK : ISAF_Appendix_A_8.1_-_the_most_firsts,_seconds_etc_(excluding_di = ISAF Appendix A 8.&1 - the most firsts, seconds etc (excluding discards) CHECK-TIP : This_is_the_first_level_of_tie_resolution.__If_not_ticked,__(non = This is the first level of tie resolution. If not ticked,|(non-standard) ties may remain in the final results. CHECK : Include_discards = Inkludera borträkningar CHECK-TIP : Include_discarded_races_when_applying_8.1_if__checked.__Non-stan = Include discarded races when applying 8.1 if|checked. Non-standard. CHECK : Old_ISAF_Appendix_A_8.2_-_who_beat_the_other_guy_the_most_(exclu = Old ISAF Appendix A 8.2 - who beat the other guy the most (excluding discards) CHECK-TIP : THIS_IS_NOW_NON-STANDARD.__IT_WAS___REMOVED_FROM_THE_RULES_EFFEC = THIS IS NOW NON-STANDARD. IT WAS |REMOVED FROM THE RULES EFFECTIVE|1st JUNE 2002. IF TICKED IT IS APPLIED AS|PER THE PRE 1st JUNE 2002 DEFINITION. I.E.|IN BETWEEN THE TWO RULES ABOVE.| CHECK : ISAF_Appendix_A_8.2_-_who_had_the_best_recent_scores_(including_ = ISAF Appendix A 8.&2 - who had the best recent scores (including discards) CHECK-TIP : This_is_the_third_level_of_tie_resolution.__If_not__ticked_(non- = This is the third level of tie resolution. If not|ticked (non-standard), ties may remain in the|final results. | OPTION : Overall_series_points = Overall series &points RADIO : Accumulate_non-discarded_race_scores_(standard_Appendix_A) = &Accumulate non-discarded race scores (standard Appendix A) RADIO : Average_non-discarded_race_scores = A&verage non-discarded race scores ENTRY-TIP : A_comma_separated_list_of_discards_when_1,2,3,4__etc_races_compl = A comma separated list of discards when 1,2,3,4|etc races completed etc; e.g. 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2.|The last value is used if the number of races|sailed is greater then the number of entries in the|profile. Alternatively the discard profile can be|defined by an expression. Use s for the number|of races sailed and r for the number of races in|the series; e.g. s/2+1. The result is truncated to |the nearest whole number and represents the|number of discards.| PROMPT : Discard_profile = Borträkningsprofil BUTTON-TIP : Test_your_discards_profile_based_on_the_actual__number_of_races_ = Test your discards profile based on the actual|number of races in the series and a hypothetical|number of races sailed between 1 and 10. ENTRY-TIP : Only_needed_if_your_SIs_specify_that_competitors___must_sail_N_r = Only needed if your SIs specify that competitors |must sail N races to qualify for a series. A comma|separated list of number of races needed to |qualify for the series when 1,2,3,4 etc races |completed etc; e.g. 0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2. The last |value is used if the number of races sailed is |greater then the number of entries in the profile. |Alternatively the qualification profile can be |defined by an expression. Use s for the number|of races sailed and r for the number of races in |the series. PROMPT : Qualification_profile = &Qualification profile BUTTON : Test = Testa BUTTON-TIP : Test_your_qualification_profile_based_on_the_actual__number_of_r = Test your qualification profile based on the actual|number of races in the series and a hypothetical|number of races sailed between 1 and 10. TAB : Scoring_codes = Beräkningskoder BUTTON : Edit = Ändra BUTTON-TIP : Edit_the_selected_code = Edit the selected code BUTTON : New = Ny BUTTON-TIP : Create_a_new_code_based_on_the_characteristics__of_the_currently = Create a new code based on the characteristics|of the currently selected code. BUTTON : Delete = Ta bort BUTTON : Reset_to_defaults_for_short_club_series_or_championship_event = Reset to defaults for short club series or championship event BUTTON : Reset_to_defaults_for_long_club_series = Reset to defaults for long club series BUTTON-TIP : See_ISAF_Appendix_A_paragraph_A5 = See ISAF Appendix A paragraph A5 TAB : Rating_system = R&ating system ENTRY-TIP : A_comma_separated_list_of_wind_strengths,_one__of_which_muct_be_ = A comma separated list of wind strengths, one|of which muct be recorded per race. OPTION : Wind_indexing = Wind inde&xing RADIO : Don't_use_wind_indexing = Don't use wind indexing RADIO-TIP : When_applying_a_rating_only_use_the_default__value_as_defined_in = When applying a rating only use the default|value as defined in the competitor window. RADIO : Use_wind_indexing = Use wind indexing RADIO-TIP : If_present_use_a_competitor's_list_of_wind__indexed_ratings_to_l = If present use a competitor's list of wind|indexed ratings to look up a value suitable|to the wind strength as logged in the race|window. PROMPT : Wind_strengths = Wind strengths TAB : Rating_System = Rankingsystem RADIO : None = None RADIO-TIP : No_rating_system.__You_can_still_record_races_by__elapsed_times; = No rating system. You can still record races by|elapsed times; positions will be based on the|elapsed or start/finish times. This is useful in |regattas where some fleets are one-design and|some are handicap. RADIO : RYA_Portsmouth = RYA Portsmouth RADIO-TIP : RYA_Portsmouth_Yardstick.____c___(e_*_1000)_/_r = RYA Portsmouth Yardstick.||c = (e * 1000) / r RADIO : TCF = TCF RADIO-TIP : Any_time_correction_factor_rating_system.______c___e_*_r__ = Any time correction factor rating system. ||c = e * r| RADIO : TCC = TCC RADIO-TIP : Any_time_correction_coefficient_rating_system.____c___e_*_r = Any time correction coefficient rating system.||c = e * r RADIO : LYS = LYS RADIO-TIP : Scandnavian.____c___e_*_r = Scandnavian.||c = e * r RADIO : Custom_(See_Custom_Rating_System_tab) = Custom (See Custom Rating System tab) RADIO : Texel = Texel RADIO-TIP : Texel_catamarn_rating_system._____c___(e_*_100)_/_r = Texel catamarn rating system.|| c = (e * 100) / r RADIO : ISAF_SCHRS = ISAF SCHRS RADIO-TIP : ISAF_Small_Catamaran_Handicap_Rating_System.____c___e_/_r = ISAF Small Catamaran Handicap Rating System.||c = e / r RADIO : USSA_Portsmouth = USSA Portsmouth RADIO-TIP : USSA_Portsmouth_rating_system.____c___(e_*_100)_/_r = USSA Portsmouth rating system.||c = (e * 100) / r RADIO : VYC_Yardstick = VYC Yardstick RADIO-TIP : Victoria_Yacht_Club_Yardstick.____c___(e_*_100)_/_r = Victoria Yacht Club Yardstick.||c = (e * 100) / r RADIO : PHRF_ToD = PHRF ToD RADIO-TIP : PHRF_Time_on_Distance.____c___e_-_rd = PHRF Time on Distance.||c = e - rd RADIO : PHRF_ToT_(use_A_and_B_fields) = PHRF ToT (use A and B fields) RADIO-TIP : PHRF_Time_on_Time.__Use_A_and_B_fields.____c___e_*_A_/_(B_+_r) = PHRF Time on Time. Use A and B fields.||c = e * A / (B + r) RADIO : ECHO = ECHO RADIO-TIP : c___e_*_r = c = e * r RADIO : FFV = FFV RADIO-TIP : c___e_/_r = c = e / r RADIO : CHS_(legacy) = CHS (legacy) RADIO-TIP : Channel_Handicap_System.__Legacy.____c___e_*_r = Channel Handicap System. Legacy.||c = e * r RADIO : IR2000_IRM = IR2000 IRM RADIO-TIP : IR2000_Grand-Prix_rule.____c___e_*_r = IR2000 Grand-Prix rule.||c = e * r RADIO : IR2000_IRC = IR2000 IRC RADIO-TIP : IR2000_Club_rule.____c___e_*_r = IR2000 Club rule.||c = e * r TAB : Custom_rating_system = Custom rating system ENTRY-TIP : Optional._Expression_to_compute_rating_(r)_from_corrected___time = Optional. Expression to compute rating (r) from corrected |time in seconds(c), elapsed time in seconds (e),|race distance (d) and general coefficients A & B.|This must be a simple rearangement of the first |expression. STRING : r__ = r = ENTRY-TIP : Expression_to_compute_corrected_time_in_seconds__from_elapsed_ti = Expression to compute corrected time in seconds|from elapsed time in seconds (e), rating (r), race |distance (d) and general coefficients A & B. The |use of d, A and B is optional. STRING : c__ = c = ENTRY-TIP : Optional._Expression_to_compute_elapsed_time_in___seconds_(e)_fr = Optional. Expression to compute elapsed time in |seconds (e) from corrected time in seconds (c), |rating (r), race distance (d) and general |coefficients A & B. This must be a |simple rearangement of the first expression. STRING : e__ = e = BUTTON-TIP : Test_your_rating_system_expressions.__They_must__be_self-consist = Test your rating system expressions. They must|be self-consistent. STRING : Note:_expressions_for_elapsed_(e)_and_rating_(r) = Note: expressions for elapsed (e) and rating (r) STRING : time_are_only_required_if_you're_including_the = time are only required if you're including the STRING : -Ewin_and_Rwin_columns_when_publishing_results. = -Ewin and Rwin columns when publishing results. ENTRY-TIP : Only_needed_if_you_need_wind_indexed_A_values.__A_comma_separate = Only needed if you need wind indexed A values.|A comma separated list of A values |corresponding to the wind strengths defined on |the right. The default A value will be used for |any missing values or when this field is left blank.|e.g. 10,10,,10 - the third value is missing so the|default will be used. PROMPT : A_values = A values ENTRY-TIP : Only_needed_if_you_need_wind_indexed_B_values.__A_comma_separate = Only needed if you need wind indexed B values.|A comma separated list of B values |corresponding to the wind strengths defined on |the right. The default B value will be used for |any missing values or when this field is left blank.|e.g. 10,10,,10 - the third value is missing so the|default will be used. PROMPT : B_values = B values ENTRY-TIP : 'A'_coefficient_if_required_in_formula_for_rating__system.__E.g. = 'A' coefficient if required in formula for rating|system. E.g. for PHRF TOT. Can also be used|in Custom rating system. Can be wind indexed|by using values in the corredponsing field on the|right. PROMPT : A = A ENTRY-TIP : 'B'_coefficient_if_required_in_formula_for_rating__system.__E.g. = 'B' coefficient if required in formula for rating|system. E.g. for PHRF TOT. Can also be used|in Custom rating system. Can be wind indexed|by using values in the corredponsing field on the|right. PROMPT : B = B BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinErrorMessage] WINDOW : Oops... = Oops... BUTTON : OK = OK CHECK : Rescore_series_when_you_press_OK = Rescore series &when you press OK BUTTON : Edit_race = Ändra race BUTTON-TIP : Edit_the_race_detail_associated_with_the_error__message. = Edit the race detail associated with the error|message. PROMPT : Race = Race BUTTON : Edit_competitor = Ändra deltagare BUTTON-TIP : Edit_the_competitor_details_associated_with_the__error_message. = Edit the competitor details associated with the|error message. PROMPT : Competitor = Deltagare PROMPT : Result = Resultat BUTTON : Edit_result = Ändra resultat BUTTON-TIP : Edit_the_result_detail_associated_with_the_error__message. = Edit the result detail associated with the error|message. BUTTON : Edit_scoring_sys = Ändra beräkningssystem BUTTON : Edit_fleets = Ändra grupper [WinExport] WINDOW : Export_to_clipboard = Export to clipboard GROUP : Export_these_columns = Export these columns CHECK : Position = Position CHECK : Tally = Tally CHECK : Fleet = Fleet CHECK : Boat_Name = Boat Name CHECK : Class = Class CHECK : Sail_No = Sail No CHECK : Crew = Crew CHECK : Club = Club CHECK : Nat = Nat CHECK : Rating = Rating CHECK : Wind_Rats = Wind Rats CHECK : Races = Races CHECK : Total = Total CHECK : Notes = Notes CHECK : Helm = Helm OPTION : Field_seperator = Field seperator RADIO : Tab = Tab RADIO : String = String PROMPT : Preview = Preview BUTTON : Export_the_above_text_into_the_windows_clipboard = E&xport the above text into the windows clipboard BUTTON : Close = Stäng BUTTON-TIP : Cancel_without_placing_text_in_clipboard. = Cancel without placing text in clipboard. [WinImportBLWCompetitors] WINDOW : Import_competitors_from_another_Sailwave_file = Import competitors from another Sailwave file TAB : File = File STRING : This_wizard_will_import_new_competitors_into_this_series. = This wizard will import new competitors into this series. STRING : Only_the_competitor_details_will_be_imported_(no_results). = Only the competitor details will be imported (no results). PROMPT : Select_Sailwave_file_to_import_competitor_details_from = Select Sailwave file to import competitor details from BUTTON : Browse... = Br&owse... BUTTON-TIP : Click_here_to_select_a_file_using_the_standard__windoes_file_sel = Click here to select a file using the standard|windoes file selection dialog. TAB : List = List PROMPT : Select_competitors_to_import = Select competitors to import TAB : Action = Action STRING : Press_Finish_to_import_the_selected_competitors = Press Finish to import the selected competitors STRING : The_new_competitors_will_be_merged_with_the_existing_competitors = The new competitors will be merged with the existing competitors BUTTON : Cancel = &Cancel BUTTON : <_Back = < &Back BUTTON : Next_> = &Next > [WinImportCSVCompetitors] WINDOW : Import_competitor_list = Import competitor list TAB : File = Arkiv STRING : This_wizard_will_import_a_competitor_list_from_a_CSV_file. = This wizard will import a competitor list from a CSV file. STRING : Each_line_is_expected_to_contain_competitor_fields. = Each line is expected to contain competitor fields. PROMPT : Select_CSV_file_to_import = Select CS&V file to import BUTTON : Browse... = Bläddra... BUTTON-TIP : Click_here_to_select_a_file_using_the_standard__windoes_file_sel = Click here to select a file using the standard|windoes file selection dialog. BUTTON : Open_using_Windows_Notepad = Open using Windows Notepad BUTTON : Open_using_the_application_associated_with_.csv_files = Open using the application associated with .csv files BUTTON-TIP : If_you_need_to_view_or_edit_the_file_you_can_use___this_button_t = If you need to view or edit the file you can use |this button to open the file in the application|associated with .csv files. This is often Excel. TAB : List = List PROMPT : CSV_file_field_names = CSV file field names STRING : Sailwave_has_found_these_field_names_in_your_CSV_file. = Sailwave has found these field names in your CSV file. STRING : What_field_names...? = What field names...? PROMPT : If_your_file_does_not_contain_field_names,_and_the_list_on_the_l = If your file does not contain field names, and the list on the left STRING : is_displaying_data,_you_should_create_the_CSV_file_again_with_fi = is displaying data, you should create the CSV file again with field STRING : name_or_go_back_and_edit_the_file_by_hand, = name or go back and edit the file by hand, STRING : When_creating_a_CSV_file_from_Excel_for_example,_you_get_field = When creating a CSV file from Excel for example, you get field STRING : names_included_as_the_first_line_of_the_file_if_you_save_as_a = names included as the first line of the file if you save as a STRING : "Windows"_CSV_file,_rather_than_a"DOS"_CSV_file_format. = "Windows" CSV file, rather than a"DOS" CSV file format. STRING : Here_an_exmaple_of_a_line_of_field_names.__Note_that_these = Here an exmaple of a line of field names. Note that these STRING : must_appear_before_any_data_in_the_file:- = must appear before any data in the file:- STRING : Skipper,Club,Nationality,Division = Skipper,Club,Nationality,Division TAB : Map = Map BUTTON : Press_this_button_to_get_Sailwave_to_guess_at_any_"Not_Mapped"_f = Press this button to get Sailwave to guess at any "Not Mapped" fields. STRING : If_some_of_the_mapping_are_still_wrong_you = If some of the mapping are still wrong you STRING : now_have_to_sort_them_out_by_hand. = now have to sort them out by hand. STRING : Map_fields_using_right-click_or_Enter. = Map fields using right-click or Enter. TAB : Action = Action CHECK : Delete_existing_series_competitors_and_their_results_before_impo = Delete existing series competitors and their results before importing STRING : Now_press_Finish_to_start_the_import = Now press Finish to start the import BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : <_Back = < Tillbaka BUTTON : Next_> = Nästa > [WinImportCSVResults] WINDOW : Import_race_results = Import race results TAB : File = File STRING : This_wizard_will_import_a_racing_results_from_a_CSV_file. = This wizard will import a racing results from a CSV file. STRING : Each_line_is_expected_to_contain_fields_identifying_a_competitor = Each line is expected to contain fields identifying a competitor, a race number and race data fields. PROMPT : Select_CSV_file_to_import = Select CS&V file to import BUTTON : Browse... = Br&owse... BUTTON-TIP : Click_here_to_select_a_file_using_the_standard__windoes_file_sel = Click here to select a file using the standard|windoes file selection dialog. BUTTON : Open_using_Windows_Notepad = Open using Windows Notepad BUTTON : Open_using_the_application_associated_with_.csv_files = Open using the application associated with .csv files BUTTON-TIP : If_you_need_to_view_or_edit_the_file_you_can_use___this_button_t = If you need to view or edit the file you can use |this button to open the file in the application|associated with .csv files. This is often Excel. CHECK : Create_competitors_during_the_import_if_they_are_not_already_in_ = Create competitors during the import if they are not already in the series TAB : List = List PROMPT : CSV_file_field_names = CSV file field names STRING : Sailwave_has_found_these_field_names_in_your_CSV_file. = Sailwave has found these field names in your CSV file. STRING : What_field_names...? = What field names...? PROMPT : If_your_file_does_not_contain_field_names,_and_the_list_on_the_l = If your file does not contain field names, and the list on the left STRING : is_displaying_data,_you_should_create_the_CSV_file_again_with_fi = is displaying data, you should create the CSV file again with field STRING : name_or_go_back_and_edit_the_file_by_hand, = name or go back and edit the file by hand, STRING : When_creating_a_CSV_file_from_Excel_for_example,_you_get_field = When creating a CSV file from Excel for example, you get field STRING : names_included_as_the_first_line_of_the_file_if_you_save_as_a = names included as the first line of the file if you save as a STRING : "Windows"_CSV_file,_rather_than_a"DOS"_CSV_file_format. = "Windows" CSV file, rather than a"DOS" CSV file format. STRING : Here_an_exmaple_of_a_line_of_field_names.__Note_that_these = Here an exmaple of a line of field names. Note that these STRING : must_appear_before_any_data_in_the_file. = must appear before any data in the file. STRING : Race,Class,SailNo,Start,Finish,Elapsed,Code = Race,Class,SailNo,Start,Finish,Elapsed,Code TAB : Map = Map BUTTON : Press_this_button_to_get_Sailwave_to_guess_at_any_"Not_Mapped"_f = Press this button to get Sailwave to guess at any "Not Mapped" fields. STRING : If_some_of_the_mapping_are_still_wrong_you = If some of the mapping are still wrong you STRING : now_have_to_sort_them_out_by_hand. = now have to sort them out by hand. STRING : Map_fields_using_right-click_or_Enter. = Map fields using right-click or Enter. TAB : Action = Action STRING : Now_press_Finish_to_start_the_import = Now press Finish to start the import BUTTON : Cancel = &Cancel BUTTON : <_Back = < &Back BUTTON : Next_> = &Next > [WinImportCSVSummary] WINDOW : Import_series_summary = Import series summary TAB : File = File STRING : This_wizard_will_import_a_series_summary_from_a_CSV_file. = This wizard will import a series summary from a CSV file. STRING : Each_line_is_expected_to_contain_competitor_fields_and_a_single_ = Each line is expected to contain competitor fields and a single result for each imported race. PROMPT : Select_CSV_file_to_import = Select CS&V file to import BUTTON : Browse... = Br&owse... BUTTON-TIP : Click_here_to_select_a_file_using_the_standard__windoes_file_sel = Click here to select a file using the standard|windoes file selection dialog. BUTTON : Open_using_Windows_Notepad = Open using Windows Notepad BUTTON : Open_using_the_application_associated_with_.csv_files = Open using the application associated with .csv files BUTTON-TIP : If_you_need_to_view_or_edit_the_file_you_can_use___this_button_t = If you need to view or edit the file you can use |this button to open the file in the application|associated with .csv files. This is often Excel. TAB : List = List PROMPT : CSV_file_field_names = CSV file field names STRING : Sailwave_has_found_these_field_names_in_your_CSV_file. = Sailwave has found these field names in your CSV file. STRING : What_field_names...? = What field names...? PROMPT : If_your_file_does_not_contain_field_names,_and_the_list_on_the_l = If your file does not contain field names, and the list on the left STRING : is_displaying_data,_you_should_create_the_CSV_file_again_with_fi = is displaying data, you should create the CSV file again with field STRING : name_or_go_back_and_edit_the_file_by_hand, = name or go back and edit the file by hand, STRING : When_creating_a_CSV_file_from_Excel_for_example,_you_get_field = When creating a CSV file from Excel for example, you get field STRING : names_included_as_the_first_line_of_the_file_if_you_save_as_a = names included as the first line of the file if you save as a STRING : "Windows"_CSV_file,_rather_than_a"DOS"_CSV_file_format. = "Windows" CSV file, rather than a"DOS" CSV file format. STRING : Here_an_exmaple_of_a_line_of_field_names.__Note_that_these = Here an exmaple of a line of field names. Note that these STRING : must_appear_before_any_data_in_the_file. = must appear before any data in the file. STRING : Skipper,Club,Nationality,Division,R1,R2,R3 = Skipper,Club,Nationality,Division,R1,R2,R3 TAB : Map = Map BUTTON : Press_this_button_to_get_Sailwave_to_guess_at_any_"Not_Mapped"_f = Press this button to get Sailwave to guess at any "Not Mapped" fields. STRING : If_some_of_the_mapping_are_still_wrong_you = If some of the mapping are still wrong you STRING : now_have_to_sort_them_out_by_hand. = now have to sort them out by hand. STRING : Map_fields_using_right-click_or_Enter. = Map fields using right-click or Enter. TAB : Action = Action CHECK : Delete_existing_series_competitors_and_their_results_before_impo = Delete existing series competitors and their results before importing OPTION : Race_columns = Race columns RADIO : Race_columns_contain_positions_or_codes = Race columns contain positions or codes RADIO : Race_columns_contain_elapsed_times_or_codes = Race columns contain elapsed times or codes STRING : Now_press_Finish_to_start_the_import = Now press Finish to start the import BUTTON : Cancel = &Cancel BUTTON : <_Back = < &Back BUTTON : Next_> = &Next > [WinMain] BUTTON : Global_options = Globala inställningar BUTTON : Rating_files = Ranking BUTTON : Open = Öppna BUTTON-TIP : Open_a_series = Öppna regatta BUTTON : History = Tidigare BUTTON-TIP : Open_series_via_hsitory_pick_list = Open series via hsitory pick list BUTTON : New = Ny BUTTON-TIP : Create_a_new_series = Skapa en ny regatta ITEM : Sailwave_website_library... = Sailwave website li&brary... ITEM : Sailwave_website_home... = Sailwave website &home... ITEM : Check_for_breaking_news... = Check for breaking &news... ITEM : Check_for_updates = Check for &updates ITEM : About... = Om... ITEM : Arrange_icons = Arrangera ikoner ITEM : Cascade = Överlappade ITEM : Tile = Ordna ITEM : Global_options... = Globala inställningar... ITEM : Rating_files... = Ranking filer... MENU : Tools = &Tools ITEM : Set_files = Set files ITEM : Exit = Avsluta ITEM : x = x ITEM : Open_series... = Öppna... ITEM : History... = Tidigare... ITEM : New_series... = Ny... MENU : File = Arkiv MENU : Help = Hjälp MENU : Window = Fönster [WinMergeUI] WINDOW : Merge_series = Infoga regatta PROMPT : Series_to_merge = Regatta att infoga BUTTON : Browse... = Browse... OPTION : Merge_options = Inställningar RADIO : Append_competitors_and_merge_races/results = &Append competitors and merge races/results RADIO : Merge_competitors_and_create_a_new_race_using_the_series_positio = M&erge competitors and create a new race using the series positions from the merged series RADIO : Merge_competitors_and_append_races/results = Merge c&ompetitors and append races/results RADIO-TIP : Competitors_that_are_not_matches_are_added__to_the_series. = Competitors that are not matches are added|to the series. STRING : Tick_fields_that_must_match_to_merge_a_competitor = Tick fields that must match to merge a competitor CHECK : Class = Klass CHECK : Helm = Rorsman CHECK : Nationality = Nationalitet CHECK : Sail_number = Segelnummer CHECK : Crew = Gast CHECK : Boat_name = Båtnamn BUTTON : Merge = Infoga BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinNewSeries] WINDOW : New_Series = Ny regatta PROMPT : Initial_number_of_races = Initial number of &races PROMPT : Initial_number_of_competitors = Initial number of c&ompetitors BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinOnceMsg] WINDOW : Message... = Medelande... BUTTON : OK = OK CHECK : Don't_show_me_this_message_again = Don't show me this message again CHECK-TIP : You_can_reincarnate_the_message_later_using__the_Tools_+_Options = You can reincarnate the message later using|the Tools + Options menu item [WinOptions] WINDOW : Global_Options = Globala inställningar STRING : These_options_are_saved_in_Sailwave's_INI_file;_they_are_indepen = These options are saved in Sailwave's INI file; they are independent of any series. TAB : General = &General ENTRY-TIP : First_name_of_the_usual_user_of_Sailwave = First name of the usual user of Sailwave PROMPT : Personal_name = &Personal name ENTRY-TIP : Last_name_of_the_usual_user_of_Sailwave = Last name of the usual user of Sailwave PROMPT : Family_name = &Family name CHECK : Check_for_updates_when_starting_Sailwave = Check for &updates when starting Sailwave CHECK-TIP : Check_to_see_if_new_version_sof_Sailwave_are__available_when_Sai = Check to see if new version sof Sailwave are|available when Sailwave starts. If this box is|not ticked you can check for new versions by|hand from the OnlineTools menu. TAB : Editing = Ändra CHECK : Auto_edit_new_competitors = Auto edit new competitors CHECK-TIP : When_creating_a_new_competitor_show_the_details__in_a_window_rat = When creating a new competitor show the details|in a window rather than just adding a new|competitor to the list. Cancelling out of the window|means that the competitor is not added to the list|of entries. TAB : Scoring = Resultat CHECK : Annotate_overall_series_positions_as_1st,_2nd,_3rd_etc_instead_o = Annotate overall series positions as 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc instead of 1, 2, 3. TAB : Files = &Files ENTRY-TIP : To_replace_the_standard_main_frame_background__image,_enter_the_ = To replace the standard main frame background|image, enter the path to your preferred |background image here. Please note that you |will not see the new background until Sailwave |is restarted. PROMPT : Background_image = &Background image ENTRY-TIP : A_locale_file_that_you_have_either_downloaded___from_the_Sailwav = A locale file that you have either downloaded |from the Sailwave site or created youself. PROMPT : Locale = Språk TAB : Paths = &Paths ENTRY-TIP : The_location_of_all_your_rating_files.__Sailwave__reads_these_fi = The location of all your rating files. Sailwave|reads these files when it starts and also when|you load manually from Tools+RatingFiles. PROMPT : Rating_file_path = Rating file path BUTTON : Browse... = Bro&wse... TAB : DUMMY = DUMMY BUTTON : Button_3 = Knapp 3 BUTTON : Button_4 = Knapp 4 BUTTON : OK = OK BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPubToYandY] WINDOW : Yachts_and_Yachting__Publishing_Wizard = Yachts and Yachting Publishing Wizard BUTTON : Next = Nästa TAB : Intro = Intro STRING : This_wizard_sends_your_results_to_the = This wizard sends your results to the STRING : Yachts_and_Yachting_web_site. = Yachts and Yachting web site. PROMPT : Yachts_and_Yachting_will_publish_most_results_sent_to_them,_incl = Yachts and Yachting will publish most results sent to them, including club series from all over the world. PROMPT : Press_Next_to_proceed... = Press Next to proceed... TAB : Event = Event PROMPT : Event = Event PROMPT : Venue = Venue ENTRY-TIP : The_person_who_is_submitting_the_results = The person who is submitting the results PROMPT : Author = Author CHECK : Exclude_tally_column = Exclude tally column CHECK-TIP : Tally_numbers_are_not_usually_useful_to_your__readers. = Tally numbers are not usually useful to your|readers. CHECK : Exclude_notes_column = Exclude notes column CHECK-TIP : Notes_are_not_usually_useful_to_your_readers. = Notes are not usually useful to your readers. CHECK : Include_special_prize_winners_list = Include special prize winners list CHECK-TIP : When_checked_a_list_of_the_special_prize_winners__is_published_i = When checked a list of the special prize winners|is published immediately after the series summary. CHECK : Exclude_rating_column = Exclude rating column CHECK-TIP : Ratings_are_not_always_useful_to_your_readers. = Ratings are not always useful to your readers. PROMPT : Date = Date TAB : Report = Report PROMPT : You_can_optionally_include_a_report_of_the_event_here = You can optionally include a report of the event here TAB : Go = Go STRING : You_are_now_ready_to_send_your_results_to = You are now ready to send your results to PROMPT : the_Yachts_and_Yachting_web_site. = the Yachts and Yachting web site. STRING : Pressing_Finish_will_create_an_email = Pressing Finish will create an email PROMPT : with_the_results_attached. = with the results attached. STRING : Visit_the_Yachts_and_Yachting_web_site = Visit the Yachts and Yachting web site BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : Back = Tillbaka [WinPublishDecAltOptions] WINDOW : Publish_declaration_of_alternative_penalty_form = Publish declaration of alternative penalty form PROMPT : Title = Titel PROMPT : Columns = Kolumner ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_column_headings.__Use__spaces_to_make_th = Comma separated list of column headings. Use|spaces to make the columns wider. PROMPT : Notes = Notering PROMPT : Rows = Rader BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishDecRetOptions] WINDOW : Publish_declaration_of_retirement_form = Publish declaration of retirement form PROMPT : Title = Titel ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_column_headings.__Use__spaces_to_make_th = Comma separated list of column headings. Use|spaces to make the columns wider. PROMPT : Columns = Kolumner PROMPT : Notes = Notering PROMPT : Rows = Rader BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishEntryOptions] WINDOW : Publish_competitor_list = Publish competitor list PROMPT : Title = Titel ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_column_headings_that__appear_after_the_c = Comma separated list of column headings that|appear after the competitor columns. Use|spaces to make the columns wider. PROMPT : Extra_cols = Extra kolumner RADIO : All_fleets = Alla grupper RADIO : Just_this_fleet = Endast denna grupp PROMPT : Fleets = Grupper PROMPT : Notes = Notering BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishNoticeOptions] WINDOW : Publish_a_notice = Publisera ett meddelande PROMPT : Title = Titel PROMPT : Content = Innehåll BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishOnOffOptions] WINDOW : Publish_sign_on/off_declaration_form = Publish sign on/off declaration form PROMPT : Title = Titel ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_column_headings.__Use__spaces_to_make_th = Comma separated list of column headings. Use|spaces to make the columns wider. PROMPT : Columns = Kolumner PROMPT : Notes = Notering PROMPT : Rows = Rader BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishOptions] WINDOW : Publish_series/races = Publish series/races PROMPT : Title = Titel OPTION : Race_tables = Race tables RADIO : None = Inga RADIO-TIP : Don't_include_any_race_tables_in_the_published__results. = Don't include any race tables in the published|results. RADIO : All_sailed_races = All sailed races RADIO-TIP : Include_a_table_of_elapsed/corrected_etc_for_all__races. = Include a table of elapsed/corrected etc for all|races. RADIO : Just_this_race = Just this race RADIO-TIP : Include_a_table_of_elapsed/corrected_etc_for_one__race. = Include a table of elapsed/corrected etc for one|race. GROUP : Series_summary_table = Series summary table CHECK : Publish_series_summary = &Publish series summary CHECK : Include_race_dates = Include race dates CHECK : Include_race_times = Include race times OPTION : Fleets = Fleets RADIO : All_fleets = Alla grupper RADIO : Just_this_fleet = Bara denna grupp RADIO-TIP : Fleet_options_apply_to_both_the_series_summary__and_the_race_det = Fleet options apply to both the series summary|and the race details. CHECK : Include_DNC_results = Inc&lude DNC results CHECK-TIP : If_this_is_not_checked,_competitors_who_are_scored__as_DNC_in_a_ = If this is not checked, competitors who are scored|as DNC in a race will not appear in the published|table of reuslts for that race. CHECK : Include_corrected_times = Include corrected time&s CHECK-TIP : Include_a_column_of_corrected_times_when__appropriate. = Include a column of corrected times when|appropriate. CHECK : Include_start_times = Include start times CHECK-TIP : Include_a_column_of_start_times_when_appropriate. = Include a column of start times when appropriate. CHECK : Include_finish_times = Include finish times CHECK-TIP : Include_a_column_of_finish_times_when__appropriate. = Include a column of finish times when|appropriate. CHECK : Include_average_speed = Include a&verage speed CHECK-TIP : When_elapsed_times_and_race_distances_are__defined,_Sailwave_can = When elapsed times and race distances are|defined, Sailwave can display a column of |average speed. Tick this if you don't want to|see the average speed column in this context. CHECK : Include_-Ewin = Include -E&win CHECK-TIP : Include_a_column_showing_how_much_faster_each__boat_needed_to_sa = Include a column showing how much faster each|boat needed to sail on elapsed tim to tie with the|winner. If used, the rating system is taken into |account when making this calculation. CHECK : Include_Rwin = Include Rw&in CHECK-TIP : For_use_in_handicap_races.__Include_a_column__showing_the_achiev = For use in handicap races. Include a column|showing the achieved rating of each boat |relative to the winner. This can also be |interpreted as the rating each boat needed to|tie with the winner. PROMPT : Notes = Noteringar BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt CHECK : Publish_list_of_special_prize_winners = Publish list of special pri&ze winners CHECK-TIP : When_clicked_a_summary_of_the_special_prize__winners_is_included = When clicked a summary of the special prize|winners is included in the published results. |the prize summary is positioned immediately|after the series summary. [WinPublishPopOnOffOptions] WINDOW : Publish_populated_sign_on/off_list = Publish populated sign on/off list PROMPT : Title = Titel ENTRY-TIP : Comma_separated_list_of_column_headings_that__appear_after_the_c = Comma separated list of column headings that|appear after the competitor columns. Use|spaces to make the columns wider. PROMPT : Extra_cols = Extra kolumner RADIO : All_fleets = Alla grupper RADIO : Just_this_fleet = Endast denna grupp PROMPT : Fleets = Grupper PROMPT : Notes = Notering BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt [WinPublishWiz] WINDOW : Publishing_destination = Publishing destination GROUP : Pick_style = Pick style OPTION : Pick_destination = Pick destination RADIO : To_your_default_internet_browser = To your default internet bro&wser RADIO-TIP : Display_the_results_in_your_default_internet__browser.__You_can_ = Display the results in your default internet|browser. You can print or email etc from here.| RADIO : To_a_web_page_on_your_computer = To a web page on &your computer RADIO-TIP : Save_the_results_as_an_HTML_file_on_your__computer.__You_can_the = Save the results as an HTML file on your|computer. You can then upload to a web site |at a later time. RADIO : To_a_web_page_and_then_open_it_with_the_program_below = To a web page and then open it with the program below RADIO : To_a_web_page_and_upload_to_a_web_site_using_FTP = To a web page and upload to a web site using &FTP RADIO : As_a_web_page_attachment_to_an_email_addressed_to_the_person(s)_ = As a web page &attachment to an email addressed to the person(s) below RADIO-TIP : This_only_works_for_MAPI_compliant_email_clients__such_as_Outloo = This only works for MAPI compliant email clients|such as Outlook and Outlook Express. Most|modern email clients are MAPI compliant. RADIO : To_your_default_web_page_editor = To your default web page &editor RADIO-TIP : Publish_to_the_program_that_is_registered_in_the__Windows_Shell_ = Publish to the program that is registered in the|Windows Shell as the default editor for .htm files.|This is often Microsoft Word unless you use |something like FrontPage etc. ENTRY-TIP : use_a_semicolon_to_separate_multiple_addresses. = use a semicolon to separate multiple addresses. ENTRY-TIP : The_path_of_the_HTML_file. = The path of the HTML file. BUTTON-TIP : Select_web_document_using_standard_windows__file_dialog. = Select web document using standard windows|file dialog. ENTRY-TIP : You_can_find_out_the_path_to_apps_from__MyComputer_-_Tools+Folde = You can find out the path to apps from|MyComputer - Tools+FolderOptions - FileTypes -|select extension - Advanced - select Open - Edit -|the path to the app is then visible. Press Cancel |etc.| BUTTON : Browse... = Br&owse... ENTRY-TIP : FTP_host,_e.g._ftp.sailwave.com. = FTP host, e.g. ftp.sailwave.com. ENTRY-TIP : FTP_user_name. = FTP user name. PROMPT : User = User ENTRY-TIP : FTP_password_for_user_name. = FTP password for user name. PROMPT : Password = Password ENTRY-TIP : File_name_to_save_to_on_the_domain.__Note_that__if_directory_nam = File name to save to on the domain. Note that|if directory names are included you must use /.|e.g. public_html/results/2003/myseries.htm. PROMPT : File = File PROMPT : Port = Port PROMPT : Domain = Domain BUTTON : Publish = Publisera BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : Back = Tillbaka [WinRatingCalculator] WINDOW : ISAF_SCHRS_rating_calculator = ISAF SCHRS rating calculator PROMPT : Class = Class TAB : ISAF_SCHRS = ISAF SCHRS PROMPT : WS_Maximum_boat_sailing_weight_(kg) = WS Maximum boat sailing weight (kg) PROMPT : Weight_of_crew_(kg) = Weight of crew (kg) PROMPT : AL_Maximum_overall_length_(m) = AL Maximum overall length (m) PROMPT : WL_Maximum_waterline_length_(m) = WL Maximum waterline length (m) PROMPT : Rated_length = Rated length PROMPT : CM_Maximum_mainsail_area_(sqm) = CM Maximum mainsail area (sqm) PROMPT : Rated_sail_area = Rated sail area PROMPT : VLM_Max_vertical_projection_of_main_luff_(m) = VLM Max vertical projection of main luff (m) PROMPT : Mainsail_efficiency = Mainsail efficiency PROMPT : CJ_Maximum_jib_area_(sqm) = CJ Maximum jib area (sqm) ENTRY-TIP : Set_to_0_if_no_jib_or_single-handed. = Set to 0 if no jib or single-handed. PROMPT : VLJ_Maximum_vertical_projection_of_jib_(m) = VLJ Maximum vertical projection of jib (m) PROMPT : Jib_efficiency = Jib efficiency ENTRY-TIP : Set_to_0_if_no_spinnaker. = Set to 0 if no spinnaker. PROMPT : CSPI_Maximum_spinnaker_area_(sqm) = CSPI Maximum spinnaker area (sqm) PROMPT : CB_Maximum_board_area_(sqm) = CB Maximum board area (sqm) PROMPT : VLB_Maximum_board_depth_below_hulls_(m) = VLB Maximum board depth below hulls (m) PROMPT : Rated_weight = Rated weight CHECK : Carbon_fibre_mast = Carbon fibre mast BUTTON : Calculate = Kalkylera PROMPT : Calculated_ISAF_rating = Calculated ISAF rating [WinRenameColumn] WINDOW : Rename_column = Ändra kolumn PROMPT : Default_column_name = Grundinställning ENTRY-TIP : Leave_or_set_blank_to_use_default_column_name. = Leave or set blank to use default column name. PROMPT : Use_this_column_name = Nytt namn BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : OK = OK [WinSailNoTool] WINDOW : Enter_results_via_sail_number = Enter results via sail number PROMPT : Race = Race STRING : Select_the_race_number_or_leave_it_as_it_is_and_then_press_Enter = Select the race number or leave it as it is and then press Enter to proceed. PROMPT : Race_number = Race nummer STRING : Type_in_enough_of_the_sail_number_to_make_it_unique_and_then_pre = Type in enough of the sail number to make it unique and then press Enter to proceed. STRING : You_can_resolve_ambiguities_by_selecting_a_competitor_from_the_l = You can resolve ambiguities by selecting a competitor from the list or by entering STRING : text_into_the_Resolve_ambiguity_field_-_crew/class/boat/club/nat = text into the Resolve ambiguity field - crew/class/boat/club/nat/fleet are checked. ENTRY-TIP : Type_in_the_sail_number_for_the_boat_that_you_have__a_result_for = Type in the sail number for the boat that you have|a result for. PROMPT : Sail_number = Segelnummer CHECK : Match_last = Match last CHECK-TIP : When_set_the_sail_number_that_is_types_in_is__matched_against_th = When set the sail number that is types in is|matched against the last N chars of competitor|sail numbers. Useful in fleets where all boats start|with similar numbers. STRING : chars_only = chars only ENTRY-TIP : To_resolve_ambiguities_you_can_type_a_string_in__here_that_is_ma = To resolve ambiguities you can type a string in|here that is matched against fleet, class, club,|boat name, crew and nationality. Competitors|that remain in the last are those that have the|typed text appearing anywhere in any of these|fields. PROMPT : Resolve_ambiguity = Resolve ambiguity STRING : Type_in_the_result_and_then_press_Enter_to_record_it_in_the_seri = Type in the result and then press Enter to record it in the series. STRING : You_can_edit_the_result_later_by_doubling-clicking_on_the_result = You can edit the result later by doubling-clicking on the result cell etc. ENTRY-TIP : time_or_date@time.__time_is_hhmmss_or_hhmm_or___h:m:s_or_h:m.__I = time or date@time. time is hhmmss or hhmm or |h:m:s or h:m. If finish time is before start time, |and dates are not used, one midnight boundary |is assumed. Alternative separators are - / ; . for |use in times. Date format can be set in |Edit+ScoringSystem. PROMPT : Start_time = Start time PROMPT : Finish_Prompt = Finish Prompt PROMPT : Laps = Varv OPTION : Record_result_as = Record result as RADIO : Position_or_retirement_code = &Position or retirement code RADIO : Start_time_and_finish_time_or_retirement_code = Start ti&me and finish time or retirement code RADIO : Elapsed_time_or_retirement_code = &Elapsed time or retirement code BUTTON : Go = Vidare BUTTON : Back = Tillbaka BUTTON : Next = Nästa BUTTON-TIP : Pressing_the_Enter_has_the_same_effect_as_clicking__on_this_butt = Pressing the Enter has the same effect as clicking|on this button. [WinSaveTeamToHTML] WINDOW : Team_rankings_wizard = Team rankings wizard BUTTON : Next = &Next TAB : Intro = Intro PROMPT : Use_the_options_below_to_define_how_the_team_rankings_for_this_e = Use the options below to define how the team rankings for this event will be calculated. The series must be scored before using this wizard; it uses the values in the net series points column. PROMPT : Publishing_template = &Publishing template PROMPT : Title = &Title OPTION : Define_the_teams_by_unique_values_of_this_field = Define the &teams by unique values of this field RADIO : Club = Club RADIO : Nationality = Nationality RADIO : Fleet = Fleet RADIO : Class = Class PROMPT : the_points_for_each_team_are_calculated_by_accumulating_the_best = the points for each team are calculated by accumulating the best overall series points for this many competitors in each team. PROMPT : If_a_team_does_not_have_the_required_number_of_competitors,_use_ = If a team does not have the required number of competitors, use this many points for each missing competitor. TAB : Notes = Notes PROMPT : You_may_add_some_notes_here_if_you_wish.__They_will_be_included_ = You may add some notes here if you wish. They will be included in the published team ranking results. TAB : Go = Go PROMPT : Sailwave_will_now_calculate_the_team_rankings_and_send_them_to_t = Sailwave will now calculate the team rankings and send them to the standard publishing options selector. BUTTON : Cancel = &Cancel [WinSaveVolvoToHTML] WINDOW : Volvo_prize_wizard = Volvo prize wizard TAB : Tab_1 = Tab 1 STRING : Select_the_files_to_use_for_calculation_of_the_Volvo_prize_ranki = Select the files to use for calculation of the Volvo prize rankings. STRING : You_can_optionally_exclude_some_of_the_files_from_the_calculatio = You can optionally exclude some of the files from the calculation STRING : by_using_the_Ignore_check_boxes. = by using the Ignore check boxes. BUTTON : 1_Browse = 1 Browse BUTTON : 2_Browse = 2 Browse BUTTON : 3_Browse = 3 Browse BUTTON : 4_Browse = 4 Browse BUTTON : 5_Browse = 5 Browse BUTTON : 6_Browse = 6 Browse BUTTON : 7_Browse = 7 Browse BUTTON : 8_Browse = 8 Browse BUTTON : 9_Browse = 9 Browse BUTTON : 10_Browse = 10 Browse CHECK : Ignore = Ignore TAB : Tab_2 = Tab 2 STRING : Select_your_options = Select your options PROMPT : Competitor_field_used = Competitor &field used PROMPT : Number_of_scores_to_count_per_nation_per_race = &Number of scores to count per nation per race PROMPT : Only_consider_results_up_to_this_many_points_in_a_race = &Only consider results up to this many points in a race BUTTON : Show_points_allocation = Show points &allocation ENTRY-TIP : e.g._12,14,_19 = e.g. 12,14, 19 PROMPT : Comma_separated_list_of_races_to_exclude = Comma separated list of races to e&xclude CHECK : Include_a_column_showing_Volvo_Prize_contributing_scores = Include a column s&howing Volvo Prize contributing scores CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_the_table_shows_a_list_of_scores__used_for_the_tie_b = When ticked the table shows a list of scores|used for the tie break. Scores that were|excluded scores when scoring the event for real|are shown in parenthesis. CHECK : Include_a_column_showing_tie_break_rules_used = Include a column showing tie &break rules used CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_show_a_column_in_the_table_to__indicate_which_ties_w = When ticked show a column in the table to|indicate which ties were broken with 8.1 or|8.2 etc. CHECK : Only_consider_Volvo_Prize_contributing_scores_for_tie_breaking = Only consider &Volvo Prize contributing scores for tie breaking CHECK-TIP : When_ticked,_only_consider_scores_that__contribute_to_the_nation = When ticked, only consider scores that|contribute to the nation Volvo prize scores, for|tie breaking. This will (probably) include some |scores that were discarded during the event|scoring. CHECK : Apply_8.1_tie_breaking = Apply 8.&1 tie breaking CHECK : Apply_8.2_tie_breaking = Apply 8.&2 tie breaking CHECK-TIP : Will_be_applied_after_8.1_if_8.1_is_also_checked. = Will be applied after 8.1 if 8.1 is also checked. CHECK : Include_discards = Include discards CHECK-TIP : In_this_context_"Discards"_refers_to_those___scored_discarded_in = In this context "Discards" refers to those |scored discarded in the main event scoring. CHECK : Show_list = Show list CHECK-TIP : When_ticked_a_column_is_included_the_table__showing_those_scores = When ticked a column is included the table|showing those scores that were used for|Appendix A 8.2 tie breaking.| PROMPT : Publishing_template = Publishing template TAB : Tab_3 = Tab 3 STRING : You_are_now_ready_to_publish_the_Volvo_prize_rankings. = You are now ready to publish the Volvo prize rankings. STRING : Press_Finish_to_select_a_publishing_destination = Press Finish to select a publishing destination STRING : and_generate_the_rankings. = and generate the rankings. BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : Next = Nästa [WinSelectCompetitors] WINDOW : Select_competitors_for_prize = Select competitors for prize PROMPT : Available_competitors = Available competitors PROMPT : Competitors_eligible_to_win_this_prize = Competitors eligible to win this prize BUTTON : Add_>> = Lägg till >> BUTTON : <<_Remove = << Ta bort BUTTON : Copy_to_Clipboard = Kopiera till klippbordet BUTTON : Cancel = Avbryt BUTTON : OK = OK [WinSeries] ITEM : Sailwave_website_library... = Sailwave website li&brary... ITEM : Sailwave_website_home... = Sailwave website &home... ITEM : Check_for_breaking_news... = Check for breaking &news... ITEM : Check_for_updates = Check for &updates ITEM : About... = Om... ITEM : Arrange_icons = Arrangera ikoner ITEM : Cascade = Överlappade ITEM : Tile = Överlappande ITEM : Global_options... = Globala inställningar... ITEM : Rating_files... = Rankingfiler... MENU : Tools = Verktyg ITEM : Set_files = Välj fil ITEM : Exit = Avsluta ITEM : 4_rs400.blw = 4 rs400.blw ITEM : 3_club.blw = &3 club.blw ITEM : 2_ussa.blw = &2 ussa.blw ITEM : 1_winter.blw = &1 winter.blw ITEM : Open_series... = Öppna regatta... ITEM : History... = Tidigare... ITEM : New_series... = Ny regatta... MENU : File = Arkiv WINDOW : Series = Regatta ITEM : Close_series = Stäng ITEM : Save_series____Ctrl+s = &Save series Ctrl+s ITEM : Save_series_as... = Spara som... ITEM : Merge_in_another_Sailwave_series... = &Merge in another Sailwave series... MENU : Export = Exportera ITEM : Series_summary_to_Windows_clipboard... = Series summary to Windows clip&board... ITEM : Series_to_XML_file = Regattan till en XML fil MENU : Import = Import ITEM : Competitors_from_another_Sailwave_series... = Competitors from another S&ailwave series... ITEM : Competitors_from_a_CSV_file = Competitors from a C&SV file ITEM : Series_summary_from_a_CSV_file... = Series summary from a CS&V file... ITEM : Race_results = Race results MENU : Edit = Ändra ITEM : Edit_series_properties... = Edit series &properties... ITEM : Edit_scoring_system... = Edit &scoring system... ITEM : Edit_fleets... = Ändra grupper... ITEM : Edit_prizes = Edit pri&zes ITEM : Edit_competitor... = Ändra deltagare... ITEM : New_competitor...____Ctrl+n = New &competitor... Ctrl+n ITEM : New_competitor_(like_selected)...____Ctrl+Shift+n = New co&mpetitor (like selected)... Ctrl+Shift+n ITEM : Delete_competitor... = Ta bort deltagare... ITEM : Mark_all_sailed_competitors_as_included = Mar&k all sailed competitors as included ITEM : Mark_all_unsailed_competitors_as_excluded = &Mark all unsailed competitors as excluded ITEM : Edit_all_competitors... = Edit a&ll competitors... ITEM : Edit_race... = Ändra race... ITEM : New_race = Nytt race ITEM : Delete_race... = Ta bort race... ITEM : Move_race_left = Flytta race åt höger ITEM : Move_race_right = Flytta race åt höger ITEM : Edit_result... = Ändra resultat... ITEM : Clear_results_for_selected_race = Cle&ar results for selected race ITEM : Clear_results_for_all_races = Clear results for all ra&ces ITEM : Clear_results_for_selected_competitor = Clear results for selected competitor ITEM : Clear_results_for_all_excluded_competitors = Clear results for all excluded competitors MENU : Publish = Publisera MENU : View = Visa ITEM : Font... = Font... MENU : Show_result_cells_as = Visa resultatcellerna som ITEM : Recorded_results = Beräknade resultat ITEM : Corrected_results = Korrigerat resultat ITEM : Scored_points = Beräknade poäng ITEM : Scored_positions = Beräknat resultat ITEM : Race_specific_ratings = Race &specific ratings ITEM : Elapsed_change_to_win = &Elapsed change to win ITEM : Rating_needed_to_win = Ranking för att vinna ITEM : Columns... = Kolumner... ITEM : Hide_unsailed_races = Göm ej seglade race ITEM : Hide_excluded_competitors = Hide excluded &competitors ITEM : Hide_property_bar = Göm egenskapsmenyn ITEM : Show_property_bar_as_a_tree = Show property bar as a &tree ITEM : Refresh_publish_menu = Uppdatera publiseringsmenyn ITEM : Refresh_screen____F5 = Uppdatera F5 ITEM : Score_series____F9 = Beräkna F9 ITEM : Unscore_series____Alt+F9 = &Unscore series Alt+F9 ITEM : Score_fleets_separately____Ctrl+F9 = Score &fleets separately Ctrl+F9 ITEM : Enter_results_by_sail_number_wizard...____F12 = Enter results by sail number wizard... F12 ITEM : Rearrange_recorded_positions... = Rearrange recorded &positions... ITEM : Set_competitor_tally_numbers = Set competitor tall&y numbers ITEM : Update_ratings = Update ratin&gs ITEM : Rating_estimator... = Rankingupskattning... ITEM : ISAF_SCHRS_rating_calculator... = ISAF SCHRS rating calculator... MENU : Plug-Ins = Plug-Ins ITEM : Send_results/report_to_Yachts_and_Yachting_magazine... = Send results/report to &Yachts and Yachting magazine... ITEM : Publish_Volvo_prize_rankings... = Publish &Volvo prize rankings... ITEM : Publish_team_rankings... = Publish team ran&kings... BUTTON-TIP : New_series = Ny regatta BUTTON-TIP : Opened_series_history = Opened series history BUTTON-TIP : Open_series = Öppna regatta BUTTON : Save = Spara BUTTON-TIP : Save_series = Spara regattan BUTTON : Properties = Egenskaper BUTTON : Scoring_system = Beräkningssystem BUTTON : Fleets = Grupper BUTTON : Prizes = Priser BUTTON : New = Ny BUTTON-TIP : New_competitor_(Ctrl+n) = New competitor (Ctrl+n) BUTTON : New_like = Ny liknande BUTTON-TIP : New_competitor_like_selecter_competitor_(Ctrl+Shit+n) = New competitor like selecter competitor (Ctrl+Shit+n) BUTTON : Delete = Ta bort BUTTON-TIP : Delete_competitor = Ta bort deltagare BUTTON-TIP : Font_face,_size_and_colour = Font face, size and colour BUTTON-TIP : Edit_global_options = Ändra globala inställningar BUTTON-TIP : Edit_rating_files = Ändra rankingfiler BUTTON : Score = Beräkna BUTTON-TIP : Score_series_(F9) = Beräkna (F9) BUTTON : Score_fleets = Beräkna gruppvis BUTTON-TIP : Score_fleets_separately_(Ctrl+F9) = Score fleets separately (Ctrl+F9) BUTTON-TIP : New_race = Nytt race BUTTON : Columns = Kolumner BUTTON : Sail_num_wizard = Assistent BUTTON-TIP : Enter_results_by_sail_num_wizard_(F12).__Note_that__you_do_not_h = Enter results by sail num wizard (F12). Note that|you do not have to enter results like this; it's just|convenient for large fleets. CHECK-TIP : Hide_unsailed_races_when_pressed = Hide unsailed races when pressed PROMPT : Viewing = Visa CHECK-TIP : Hide_excluded_competitors_when_pressed = Hide excluded competitors when pressed CHECK-TIP : Hide_property_bar_when_pressed = Hide property bar when pressed MENU : Help = Hjälp MENU : Window = Fönster [WinViewPickList] WINDOW : History = Tidigare TAB : Series = Regatta BUTTON : Open_the_selected_series = &Open the selected series BUTTON-TIP : Open_the_selected_seriesFolders_tab) = Open the selected seriesFolders tab) BUTTON : Delete_from_list = Ta bort från listan BUTTON-TIP : Delete_the_selected_series_from_the_list.__This__does_NOT_delete = Delete the selected series from the list. This|does NOT delete the series; just removes it from|the history list. TAB : Folders = Mappar BUTTON : Open_a_series_in_the_selected_folder = &Open a series in the selected folder BUTTON-TIP : Open_a_series_in_the_selected_folder = Open a series in the selected folder BUTTON : Clear_lists = Rensa listan BUTTON-TIP : Clear_the_list_of_series_and_the_list_of_folders = Clear the list of series and the list of folders BUTTON : Close = Stäng [WinViewRatingFiles] WINDOW : Rating_files = Rating files PROMPT : The_rating_files_folder_contains_rating_files_that_are_read_when = The rating files folder contains rating files that are read when Sailwave starts. The data contained in the files, as shown below, is used when selecting rating values for competitors etc; it is *not* used for scoring. PROMPT : Rating_files_folder = Rating files folder BUTTON : Open_the_rating_files_folder = &Open the rating files folder BUTTON-TIP : Opens_the_rating_files_folder_in_My_Computer__from_where_they_ca = Opens the rating files folder in My Computer|from where they can be edited using your |choice of editor. BUTTON : Update_the_list_after_editing_one_or_more_of_the_rating_files = &Update the list after editing one or more of the rating files BUTTON-TIP : Having_edited_your_files,_press_this_button_to__reload_them_into = Having edited your files, press this button to|reload them into Sailwave. They were initially|loaded when Sailwave started. BUTTON : Close = &Close