How do I combine leg times into an overall race time?

In a start window you can tick the AccumulateElapsedTime check box to automatically set the elapsed times for competitors in that start to be the accumulation of their elapsed times from some of the other races. This is performed every time the series is scored.

You define the races to accumulate by a comma separated list of race numbers.

If you only want the accumulated time race to count for the purposes of scoring the series you can mark the other races so that they are discarded – to do this tick the DiscardMeFirst check box in the start window. You then have to setup an appropriate discard profile.

For example if you have an event comprising two separate races but you want to score the event based on the accumulation of the two races you would proceed as follows:-

Set up a series of 3 races. The first two races will be the actual races (separate legs). The third race isn’t physically sailed as such but its elapsed time will be the accumulation of race 1 and race 2 times when we score the event. Rename the races if required. E.g. “Leg 1”, “Leg 2” and “Overall”. These names come out on the published results are well as being shown on the screen.

Set the appropriate rating system and other scoring system options; see later about how to choose a discard profile.

Edit race 1 and race 2 starts ticking the DiscardMeFirst check box for each.

Edit race 3 start ticking the AccumulateElapsedTime check box and entering 1,2 into the entry field next to it. i.e. we’re saying that race 3 elapsed times will be the accumulation of the elapsed times of race 1 and race 2.

Set the discard profile to 0,0,2. i.e. when 3 races are sailed we discard 2 – so because race 1 and race 2 are marked as DiscardMeFirst they’ll get discarded leaving race 3 as the only contribution to the series results. DiscardMeFirst does not mean that the results for such a race is always discarded; rather, that when discarding results discard the results from races marked DiscardMeFirst before considering points for the purposes of discarding.

When publishing, include the details of all races so that you can see the overall times and overall corrected times as well as the details for the two real races.

You can publish after race 1 if you want to. If any result for race 1 or race 2 is a retirement code instead of an elapsed time this code is propagated into race 3. This is necessary otherwise anybody that sailed one leg will get a low accumulated time! i.e. if they are DNF in race 1 or race 2 they are DNF overall.