Lido All-Girl Regatta


Results are provisional as of 16:29 on July 24, 2019

Adult Class

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 5, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st Adult 8584 LIYC Lauren Simpson 1 2 1 4 4
2nd Adult 9770 LIYC Brooke Sharp 2 3 2 7 7
3rd Adult 8647 LIYC Emily Overstreet 3 1 6 DNC 10 10
4th Adult 7779 LIYC Anita Gillett 5 4 3 12 12
5th Adult 8457 LIYC Brooke Willke 4 5 4 13 13

Sabot C3 Class

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 20, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st Sabot C3 9783 NHYC Reid Oyler 1 3 2 6 6
2nd Sabot C3 8808 NHYC Olivia Norton 8 4 1 13 13
3rd Sabot C3 10253 BCYC Camryn Homer 11 5 3 19 19
4th Sabot C3 10202 NHYC Lucy Klichan 7 8 6 21 21
5th Sabot C3 9706 BCYC Lexi Mandel 5 12 8 25 25
6th Sabot C3 1458 NHYC Lucy McCray 2 13 11 26 26
7th Sabot C3 2442 LBYC Tessa Thompson 12 2 12 26 26
8th Sabot C3 10307 BCYC Chloe Joyce 4 6 16 26 26
9th Sabot C3 545 BCYC Olivia Corbin 14 11 4 29 29
10th Sabot C3 8989 LIYC Penelope Barto 15 9 5 29 29
11th Sabot C3 9858 BCYC Peyton Homer 9 7 15 31 31
12th Sabot C3 9300 NHYC Scarlett Dickerson 21 DNC 1 10 32 32
13th Sabot C3 95 BCYC Chloe Curtin 3 15 17 35 35
14th Sabot C3 103301 BYC Tayla Rizzone 6 16 13 35 35
15th Sabot C3 8171 LIYC Alicia Hamilton 18 10 9 37 37
16th Sabot C3 8392 LIYC Jewel Garcia 10 17 14 41 41
17th Sabot C3 9149 LBYC Caitie Karle 17 18 7 42 42
18th Sabot C3 10115 LBYC Olivia Corzine 13 14 18 45 45
19th Sabot C3 10048 BCYC Allison Shock 16 21 DNC 19 56 56
20th Sabot C3 8906 LBYC Claire McFarland 19 19 20 58 58

H20 Class

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 1, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName R2 R3 Total Nett
1st H20 64 NHYC Whitney Morgan 1 1 2 2

Sabot B Class

Sailed: 0, Discards: 0, To count: 0, Entries: 0, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName Total Nett

Sabot C1 Class

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 6, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st Sabot C1 9335 LIYC Emily Wolken 1 1 6 8 8
2nd Sabot C1 9737 BYC Siena Nichols 2 5 1 8 8
3rd Sabot C1 8855 LBYC Madison Mansour 4 2 2 8 8
4th Sabot C1 9290 BYC Julia Getter 3 3 3 9 9
5th Sabot C1 8727 BCYC Katherine Stone 5 4 4 13 13
6th Sabot C1 10173 LBYC Hannah Crompton 6 6 5 17 17

Sabot C2 Class

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 16, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Sail Number Club HelmName R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st Sabot C2 9789 LIYC Charlotte Bengfort 2 4 6 12 12
2nd Sabot C2 9569 NHYC Kathleen Keller 5 10 1 16 16
3rd Sabot C2 8724 NHYC Charlotte Carmichael 3 11 3 17 17
4th Sabot C2 8884 BCYC Paige Fallon 7 3 8 18 18
5th Sabot C2 8832 NHYC Lyla Henderson 1 9 11 21 21
6th Sabot C2 8618 BYC Maddie Nichols 4 1 17 DSQ 22 22
7th Sabot C2 9796 NHYC Harper Price 12 2 9 23 23
8th Sabot C2 9473 ABYC Brynn Jolly 9 7 7 23 23
9th Sabot C2 8475 LBYC Taylor Carty 10 12 2 24 24
10th Sabot C2 9672 LIYC Claire West 15 5 4 24 24
11th Sabot C2 8940 BYC Isabella Clark 6 8 12 26 26
12th Sabot C2 8904 LBYC Sophia Corzine 8 6 14 28 28
13th Sabot C2 9156 LIYC Avery Schmieder 14 13 5 32 32
14th Sabot C2 8718 NHYC Clare Eadie 13 15 10 38 38
15th Sabot C2 8903 NHYC Alexandra Meserve 11 14 13 38 38
16th Sabot C2 8175 NHYC Chloe Carlson 16 16 15 47 47

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