Houghton Lake, Michigan -- January 4-5, 2025

Results are provisional as of 14:18 on January 5, 2025

Gold Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 23, Scoring system: DN Scoring System
Rank Sail No. First Last R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st KC 5629 Robin Lagraviere 2 1 1 4 4
2nd US 44 Ron Sherry 1 2 3 6 6
3rd US 3 Jim Grogan 5 3 2 10 10
4th US 5166 Chris Berger 3 6 4 13 13
5th US 60 John Harper 4 4 10 18 18
6th US 4755 Rick Lemberg Jr 6 7 7 20 20
7th KC 2766 Peter Van Rossem 9 9 5 23 23
8th US 4 Griffin Sherry 7 12 6 25 25
9th US 3283 J.Bruce Williams 8 13 8 29 29
10th US 5358 David Frost 12 8 12 32 32
11th KC 5514 John Curtis 14 11 9 34 34
12th KC 5508 Nicolas Mabboux 10 5 21 36 36
13th US 321 Mike Bloom 11 10 16 37 37
14th US 4155 Richard Lemberg Sr. 16 15 14 45 45
15th US 5053 George Reis 17 14 15 46 46
16th US 5435 Jody Kjoller 13 18 17 48 48
17th US 5558 Cooper Frost 24 DNC 17 11 52 52
18th US 1301 Chad Coberly 15 20 18 53 53
19th US 5451 Andy Allen 19 16 19 54 54
20th US 5633 Pete Johanson 24 DNC 19 13 56 56
21st US 5369 Mike Miller 18 21 20 59 59
22nd US 5430 Bill Cutting 24 DNF 24 DNC 24 DNC 72 72
22nd US 807 JR Francis 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 72 72

Silver Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 15, Scoring system: DN Scoring System
Rank Sail No. First Last R1 R2 R3 Total Nett
1st US 5777 Milo Fleming 2 1 2 5 5
2nd US 5465 Don Niles 1 4 1 6 6
3rd US 5298 Richard Fish 4 2 7 13 13
4th US 5813 Keith Schwark 5 3 5 13 13
5th US 5871 Tim Mower 9 7 4 20 20
6th US 5706 Andrew Roeder 6 6 9 21 21
7th US 5930 Robert Cutting 10 8 3 21 21
8th US 5127 Hugh Stephens 8 9 6 23 23
9th KC 5515 Donald James Foster 7 5 16 DNC 28 28
10th US 1873 Martha Croasdale 11 11 8 30 30
11th US 5646 Matthew Meyer 3 16 DNF 16 DNC 35 35
12th US 5677 Peggy Menzies 16 DNC 10 10 36 36
13th US 4203 Patrick FitzGerald 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 48 48
13th US 1610 Bruce Brown 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 48 48
13th US 2360 Pete Johns 16 DNC 16 DNC 16 DNC 48 48

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