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2024-01-08 11:19:10 ILCA 6 2024.htm

2024-01-08 11:06:27 ILCA 4 2024.htm

2024-01-08 10:26:14 ILCA 7 2024.htm

2024-01-04 08:48:28 test ILCA 6 2024.htm

2024-01-03 12:38:52 ILCA 6 2024.html

2024-01-03 09:29:02 ILCA4_2024.htm

2024-01-01 08:44:21 ILCA 7 2024 Prac.htm

2024-01-01 08:42:29 ILCA 6 2024 Prac.htm

2024-01-01 08:38:48 ILCA 4 2024 Prac.htm

2023-12-28 07:40:55 ILCA 4 and 6 2024.htm

2023-12-28 05:09:19 ILCA 2024.htm

2023-12-11 01:46:43 ILCA Downunder 2023.htm

2023-10-12 02:16:26 amg-23 divisions.htm

2023-10-12 02:15:47 amg-23 classes.htm

2023-10-12 02:15:00 amg-23 overall.htm

2023-10-12 01:45:58 amg-23 dividions.htm

2023-10-11 08:02:51 amg-23 division.htm

2023-10-10 07:43:59 amg-23 divisios.htm

2023-10-10 06:06:05 amg-23 class.htm

2023-10-05 06:25:52 amg-23 competitors.htm

2023-09-21 03:39:58 amg-19 division.htm

2022-04-27 04:02:23 ASC Club Event 2021-22.htm

2022-04-27 04:01:15 ASC Club Championship 2021-22.htm

2022-04-06 12:01:48 ASC XV One Club Championship 2021-22.htm

2021-05-05 13:05:19 ASC Club Championship 2020-21.htm

2021-04-28 04:50:26 ASC Club Event 2020-21.htm

2021-04-17 09:22:39 Opti Nationals Green Fleet 2021.htm

2021-04-17 09:04:38 Opti Nationals Open, Intrmediate 2021.htm

2021-01-07 02:24:23 ASC Summer Of Sail 2020.htm

2020-04-20 04:45:09 ASC Club Championship 2019-20.htm

2020-04-20 04:42:52 ASC Club Event 2019-20.htm

2020-03-13 08:20:54 Melges 24 National.htm

2020-03-09 03:29:51 Melges 24 State.htm

2020-03-04 03:40:02 Melges 24.htm

2020-01-10 07:25:33 Mosquito Nationals 2020.htm

2020-01-10 06:59:04 Ronstan Finn Nationals 2020.htm

2020-01-10 06:54:02 OK Dinghy Nationals 2020.htm

2019-10-10 08:52:02 amg-19 class.htm

2019-10-10 08:19:52 amg-19 overall.htm

2019-10-09 03:49:30 amg-19 divisions.htm

2019-09-11 08:55:27 amg-19.htm

2019-09-08 09:46:36 ASC Club Event 2018-19.htm

2019-04-08 07:39:47 ASC Club Championship Series 1 2018-19.htm

2019-04-08 07:21:35 ASC Club Championship Series 2018-19.htm

2019-04-08 07:05:29 ASC Club Championship Series 2 2018-19.htm

2019-02-13 07:09:35 2014-15 Melges 24 SA State championship.htm

2019-02-13 07:03:16 2014 Melges 24 Christmas Sprint Series.htm

2019-02-13 06:59:02 2016-17 Melges 24 Vostok Europe Series.htm

2019-02-13 06:55:32 ASC Club Championship - Melges 24 2016-17.htm

2019-02-13 06:23:35 ASC Club Championship 2016-17.htm

2019-02-13 04:34:15 ASC Club Championships 2016-17.htm

2019-02-13 04:26:37 ASC Club Event 2016-17.htm

2019-02-13 04:00:32 ASC Club Championship 2017-18.htm

2019-02-13 03:54:15 ASC Club Event 2017-18.htm

2019-01-30 06:34:46 2018-19 Australian Sharpie National Championship.htm

2019-01-30 03:24:48 2018-19 Australian F18 National Championship.htm