event burgee venue burgee

Coxy Cup 2019


Results as of 21:25 on August 17, 2019


Sailed: 1, Discards: 0, To count: 1, Rating system: PY, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Division Boat Class SailNo HelmName Byron Coxy Cup Total Nett
1st 2 Luna Sea Moody 336 336 N. Nicholson 1050 1.0 1.0 1.0
2nd 2 Paladin Westerly Fulmar FR52 A Liberson 1017 2.0 2.0 2.0
3rd 1 Meercat Comfortina 32 K9907 Jim Atkinson 946 3.0 3.0 3.0
4th 1 Three Little Pigs Hunter 707 7067 H. Crow 927 4.0 4.0 4.0
5th 1 Quiet Tango Projection 7152 R. Ayres 880 5.0 5.0 5.0
6th 1 Hydrodjinn Hydro 28 5550 I. Donovan 965 6.0 6.0 6.0
7th 1 Ceol Mor Westerly Storm 33 1640C A Freeman 929 7.0 7.0 7.0
8th 1 Ocean Dream Westerly Fulmar 312 C. McCarthy 1017 8.0 8.0 8.0
9th 2 Harlequin Trapper300 TK None N. Speller 1095 10.0 DNF 10.0 10.0

The Coxy Cup in 2018 will employ the the Byron handicap system. Div 2 are boats with twin keels.

Coxy Cup - 14/07/2018 at 11.30 and 12.30

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Division Boat Class SailNo HelmName Byron Start Finish Elapsed Corrected Points
1 2 Luna Sea Moody 336 336 N. Nicholson 1050 123340 172834 4:54:54 4:40:51 1.0
2 2 Paladin Westerly Fulmar FR52 A Liberson 1017 124645 175941 5:12:56 5:07:42 2.0
3 1 Meercat Comfortina 32 K9907 Jim Atkinson 946 130106 175303 4:51:57 5:08:37 3.0
4 1 Three Little Pigs Hunter 707 7067 H. Crow 927 130201 175025 4:48:24 5:11:07 4.0
5 1 Quiet Tango Projection 7152 R. Ayres 880 125906 173345 4:34:39 5:12:06 5.0
6 1 Hydrodjinn Hydro 28 5550 I. Donovan 965 122548 173434 5:08:46 5:19:58 6.0
7 1 Ceol Mor Westerly Storm 33 1640C A Freeman 929 125434 175639 5:02:05 5:25:10 7.0
8 1 Ocean Dream Westerly Fulmar 312 C. McCarthy 1017 122102 175750 5:36:48 5:31:10 8.0
9 2 Harlequin Trapper300 TK None N. Speller 1095     DNF   10.0



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