venue burgee

DN Stockholm Cup 2022

Results are final as of 17:54 on March 19, 2022


Sailed: 5, Discards: 0, To count: 5, Entries: 33, Scoring system: Appendix A
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb DNSC1 DNSC2 DNSC3 DNSC4 DNSC5 Total Netto
1 Max Koszela S 844 VIJK 11 0 (DNC) 14 5 9 39 39
2 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 7 5 7 9 8 36 36
3 Stefan Karlsson S 924 SIK 15 8 5 0 (DNC) 7 35 35
4 Oskar Svensson S 714 SÄSS 16 0 (DNC) 15 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 31 31
5 Stefan Borgås S 889 SIK 8 6 8 0 (DNC) 6 28 28
6 David Croner S 1 VIJK 14 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 12 0 (DNC) 26 26
7 Gustav Lindén S 887 OXSS 12 0 (DNC) 13 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 25 25
8 Tomas Flisiak S 878 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 11 11 0 (DNC) 22 22
9 Fredrik Lönegren S 8 SIK 0 (DNC) 9 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 11 20 20
10 Jonas Seweling S 22 SIK 0 (DNC) 7 12 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 19 19
11 Peter Witt S 896 SIK 6 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 8 4 18 18
12 Jan Hanberg S 835 SIK 4 2 2 6 0 (DNC) 14 14
13 Dideric van Riemsdijk S 867 GIJK 13 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 13 13
14 Magnus Reichard S 846 SIK 3 1 0 (DNC) 7 0 (DNC) 11 11
15 Felix Jondal S 854 SIK 1 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 10 0 (DNC) 11 11
16 Oscar Wersäll S 794 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 10 10 10
17 Kimmo Viljamaa L 147   0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 10 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 10 10
18 Patrik Stenberg S 726 GIJK 10 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 10 10
19 David Lindsay K 14 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 9 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 9 9
20 Göran Ekdahl S 882 SIK 9 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 9 9
21 Philipp Koch Z 141   0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 6 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 6 6
22 Niklas Philipsson S 824 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 5 5 5
23 Viktor Svensson S 914 SÄSS 5 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 5 5
24 Hans Ovesen S 875 SIK 2 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 3 0 (DNC) 5 5
25 Birger Törnqvist S 678 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 4 0 (DNC) 4 4
26 Scilla Gal S 868   0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 4 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 4 4
27 Julius Hallström S SIK1 SIK 0 (DNC) 4 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 4 4
28 Gunnar Alaeus S 91 SIK 0 (DNC) 3 1 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 4 4
29 Fredrik Söderman S 833 UKF 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 3 3 3
30 Gunnar Rehn S 814   0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 3 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 3 3
31 Stefan Pehrsson S   SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 2 1 3 3
32 Rasmus Söderman S 832 UKF 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 2 2 2
33   S 231 SIK 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 0 (DNC) 1 0 (DNC) 1 1


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb Place Points
1 Oskar Svensson S 714 SÄSS 1 16
2 Stefan Karlsson S 924 SIK 2 15
3 David Croner S 1 VIJK 3 14
4 Dideric van Riemsdijk S 867 GIJK 4 13
5 Gustav Lindén S 887 OXSS 5 12
6 Max Koszela S 844 VIJK 6 11
7 Patrik Stenberg S 726 GIJK 7 10
8 Göran Ekdahl S 882 SIK 8 9
9 Stefan Borgås S 889 SIK 9 8
10 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 10 7
11 Peter Witt S 896 SIK 11 6
12 Viktor Svensson S 914 SÄSS 12 5
13 Jan Hanberg S 835 SIK 13 4
14 Magnus Reichard S 846 SIK 14 3
15 Hans Ovesen S 875 SIK 15 2
16 Felix Jondal S 854 SIK 16 1


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb Place Points
1 Fredrik Lönegren S 8 SIK 1 9
2 Stefan Karlsson S 924 SIK 2 8
3 Jonas Seweling S 22 SIK 3 7
4 Stefan Borgås S 889 SIK 4 6
5 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 5 5
6 Julius Hallström S SIK1 SIK 6 4
7 Gunnar Alaeus S 91 SIK 7 3
8 Jan Hanberg S 835 SIK 8 2
9 Magnus Reichard S 846 SIK 9 1


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb Place Points
1 Oskar Svensson S 714 SÄSS 1 15
2 Max Koszela S 844 VIJK 2 14
3 Gustav Lindén S 887 OXSS 3 13
4 Jonas Seweling S 22 SIK 4 12
5 Tomas Flisiak S 878 SIK 5 11
6 Kimmo Viljamaa L 147   6 10
7 David Lindsay K 14 SIK 7 9
8 Stefan Borgås S 889 SIK 8 8
9 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 9 7
10 Philipp Koch Z 141   10 6
11 Stefan Karlsson S 924 SIK 11 5
12 Scilla Gal S 868   12 4
13 Gunnar Rehn S 814   13 3
14 Jan Hanberg S 835 SIK 14 2
15 Gunnar Alaeus S 91 SIK 15 1


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb Place Points
1 David Croner S 1 VIJK 1 12
2 Tomas Flisiak S 878 SIK 2 11
3 Felix Jondal S 854 SIK 3 10
4 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 4 9
5 Peter Witt S 896 SIK 5 8
6 Magnus Reichard S 846 SIK 6 7
7 Jan Hanberg S 835 SIK 7 6
8 Max Koszela S 844 VIJK 8 5
9 Birger Törnqvist S 678 SIK 9 4
10 Hans Ovesen S 875 SIK 10 3
11 Stefan Pehrsson S   SIK 11 2
12   S 231 SIK 12 1


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Plac Namn Nat Segelnummer Klubb Place Points
1 Fredrik Lönegren S 8 SIK 1 11
2 Oscar Wersäll S 794 SIK 2 10
3 Max Koszela S 844 VIJK 3 9
4 Henrik Hansen S 856 SIK 4 8
5 Stefan Karlsson S 924 SIK 5 7
6 Stefan Borgås S 889 SIK 6 6
7 Niklas Philipsson S 824 SIK 7 5
8 Peter Witt S 896 SIK 8 4
9 Fredrik Söderman S 833 UKF 9 3
10 Rasmus Söderman S 832 UKF 10 2
11 Stefan Pehrsson S   SIK 11 1

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