event burgee venue burgee

GJW ITCA GBR Virtual Inland Championships

Results are provisional as of 11:29 on May 3, 2020


Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Entries: 195, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Flight Name VR Username R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Nett
1st 1 Suzie sturrock Suzie Sturrock (7) 1 1 1 10 3
2nd 4 Toby Bloomfield Toby Bloomfield 1 (2) 1 1 5 3
3rd 9 Mike O'Donovan Deja Vu 1 1 (2) 1 5 3
4th 6 Simon Clover GBR 729 (8) 2 1 1 12 4
5th 7 Kevin Dutch Tornado GBR 435 1 1 (10) 2 14 4
6th 8 Mike Pickering mjpicks 1 2 (3) 1 7 4
7th 2 James Deaton JamesDeaton215271 (6) 1 2.7 RDGa 1 10.7 4.7
8th 10 Sonia Evans 29er :) 1 (4) 3 1 9 5
9th 2 Kamran Ewbank Kewbank260 2 2 1 (6) 11 5
10th 5 Hugo Valentine T_45170 (3) 1 2 2 8 5
11th 10 Xavier Dunn Xavvvvy 2 (5) 1 3 11 6
12th 6 Ben Paling 47790 1 (11) 2 4 18 7
13th 8 Ollie Bull Wng Cdr Oli 2 (7) 1 4 14 7
14th 8 Arlo Turner Sailorboi726 3 1 3 RDGa (5) 12 7
15th 9 Luca Mitchell Luca Mitchell 2 2 (3) 3 10 7
16th 1 Charlie o'mally Charlie1579 1 (5) 2 5 13 8
17th 5 Sam Whaley WhaleX (196 DNC) 2 1 5 204 8
18th 5 Roo Purves Rooboat (6) 4 3 1 14 8
19th 9 Israel Martínez Israel mm 3 3 (4) 2 12 8
20th 10 Charlie ball CharlieGBR 3.7 RDGa 3 (6) 2 14.7 8.7
21st 7 Isabelle Dompas girlwiththepearll 6 2 (9) 1 18 9
22nd 2 Noah Curtis Sailor NC 1 (5) 3 5 14 9
23rd 3 Mary-Anne Beacock Mary-Anne 2 (196 DNC) 2 5 205 9
24th 4 Joseph Michael Warwicker Joe14 (11) 3 4 2 20 9
25th 4 Noah Fitzgerald Noah Fitzgerald 2 (5) 3 4 14 9
26th 7 Max pachl MPSC 2 4 (6) 3 15 9
27th 2 Joel Travis Joel Travis204 3 3 (6) 3 15 9
28th 3 Rhys Chandler rhyschandler17 (12) 5.3 RDGa 3 1 21.3 9.3
29th 8 Eden Reynell EdenR 3.3 RDGa 3 (4) 3 13.3 9.3
30th 9 Harriet Lee T307p1 (5) 3.7 RDGa 1 5 14.7 9.7
31st 4 James Crossley JCR 6 1 (7) 3 17 10
32nd 1 Clem Middle Orkan067cm 2 6 (8) 2 18 10
33rd 10 Charlie Merryweather 183 3 (6) 2 5 16 10
34th 2 Sam Grayton Sam315 (4) 4 4 2 14 10
35th 6 Max Vella SCOTMaxv213 3 (12) 4 3 22 10
36th 5 Sam Walton topper169 1 3 (7) 7 18 11
37th 7 Lewis Ray Bacon *Bacon* 4 6 1 (9) 20 11
38th 10 Mark Ripley MRipley 5 1 5 (8) 19 11
39th 1 Tom Moss Tommy658 5 3 3 (7) 18 11
40th 6 Cadan Pearce (332) Cadan 2 4 6 (9) 21 12
41st 6 Finlay Morgan Finn48586 5 (8) 5 2 20 12
42nd 3 Ella Bishop Sailor EB (10) 3 6 3 22 12
43rd 1 Barty Grey Barty6328 (8) 4 5 RDGa 3 20 12
44th 7 Edward Felix Lee Hiker 3 (7) 4 5 19 12
45th 3 Tom Bates Txm_11 (11) 1 8 4 24 13
46th 7 Aimee Bray ABray610 (10) 3 3 7 23 13
47th 1 Finn Hartshorn Finn Hartshorn 3 (7) 6 4 20 13
48th 4 Toby broadbent Toby b 3 4 6 (8) 21 13
49th 5 Keiran Bray keiran45991 5 5.3 RDGa (8) 3 21.3 13.3
50th 1 Megan Fearn MDFearn 4 (8) 4 5.3 RDGa 21.3 13.3
51st 2 Edwin cross Edwin318 5 7 2 (10) 24 14
52nd 5 Daniel Palmer Daniel Palmer 2 7 5 (10) 24 14
53rd 10 Leo Yates Oppie6508 6 2 (8) 6 22 14
54th 3 Isabelle Smith Issy S 5 4 5.7 RDGa (8) 22.7 14.7
55th 6 Sachin Gholkar SJG133 7 1 7 (8) 23 15
56th 1 Iris Singleton Iris048 (196 DNC) 2 7 6 211 15
57th 8 Ben Adler beno130 (196 DNC) 4 5 6 211 15
58th 8 Lewis johns Lewisj 4 5 6 (8) 23 15
59th 3 Zak Mitchell Zak Mitchell Xd 4 5.5 RDGa (7) 5.5 RDGa 22 15
60th 7 Matthew Chadderton Trimply Matty 5 5 5 (6) 21 15
61st 8 Daniel McGregor Dan164 5 (10) 2 9 26 16
62nd 5 LEO CLARKE-LENS Leo-Vonitsa 4 8 4 (9) 25 16
63rd 9 Dan Holborn Dboat 7 5 (196 DNC) 4 212 16
64th 6 Eddie Quinn Eddie160 (10) 6.5 3 7 26.5 16.5
65th 3 Spiros Siamos LaserVargo_NAOV (14) 10 1 6 31 17
66th 8 Sian Baird Sian44627 7 (9) 8 2 26 17
67th 6 Hayden Moore Hayden545 4 3 10 (11) 28 17
68th 9 Finn Caddy FinnC 4 6 7 (8) 25 17
69th 3 Jibriel Bostan Jib Sailing 6 5 (9) 6.7 RDGa 26.7 17.7
70th 2 Bertalan Goncz HUN68451 (9) 9 5 4 27 18
71st 9 Millie Hardiman Millie 582 (10) 4 8 6 28 18
72nd 4 Lee Hetherington Topaz 6807 7 6 (10) 5 28 18
73rd 4 Theo McGonigle Jozy (10) 7 5 6 28 18
74th 5 Jasper Bramwell 47299 9 (196 DNC) 6 4 215 19
75th 10 Caitlin Thomas Caitliniscool 7 (13) 4 9 33 20
76th 9 Arlo Braund 4rlobraund 9 (196 DNC) 5 7 217 21
77th 2 harriet wood Topper599 7 (8) 7 7 29 21
78th 1 Lauren Irons Meeeeee (196 DNC) 9 5 8 218 22
79th 6 ANNA PRIFTI Anna pr (196 DNC) 9 8 5 218 22
80th 5 Oliver Gatton *_*Nemo*_* 7 (10) 9 6 32 22
81st 2 Ella Spain Ella237 (8) 6 8 8 30 22
82nd 10 Erin Young Erin179 (8) 8 7 7 30 22
83rd 8 Matthew Beattie Matthew181 10 6 7 (11) 34 23
84th 3 Sam Ellis SamE 9 7 (12) 7 35 23
85th 6 Toby Clingan TC29A 8.3 RDGa (10) 9 6 33.3 23.3
86th 10 Lucy Rains LucyR 11 (12) 9 RDGa 4 36 24
87th 10 Thomas Machell Tom146 4 10 10 (196 DNC) 220 24
88th 5 Jack ODonnell Topper4Life 8 5 11 (13) 37 24
89th 4 Huw Beare Hbea 5 9 (11) 10 35 24
90th 7 Emma Vella EmmaV 8 8 (196 DNC) 8 220 24
91st 9 Isabel Glazebrook Issy (12) 10 6 9.3 RDGa 37.3 25.3
92nd 4 Felix Cummings Felix076 13 11 2 (196 DNC) 222 26
93rd 6 George Spence Northminnow (196 DNC) 5 11 10 222 26
94th 3 Emily Smith Emily Smith 7 9 (13) 10 39 26
95th 3 Kaitlyin Wyatt Kaitlyin 8 9 RDGa (10) 9 36 26
96th 4 Edward Paling Eddie331 9 8 (12) 9 38 26
97th 8 Jamie Whittle Jamie42924 9 8 (10) 10 37 27
98th 9 Rosanna Joyce Rosanna (13) 9 9 9 40 27
99th 7 Finn Goodman FinnsterX (196 DNC) 9 7 12 224 28
100th 8 Matthew Baird Jenny Hanover 8 11 9 (12) 40 28
101st 2 Henry Smith hen6003 (11) 10 9 9 39 28
102nd 5 Abbie Clarke Abbie1790 12 6 (13) 10.3 RDGa 41.3 28.3
103rd 9 Oliver Lumb Oarsome II 11 8 (196 DNC) 10 225 29
104th 10 Jessica Powell Jess611 9 9 (11) 11 40 29
105th 4 Emily Shearer Snazzyshearer 8 (196 DNC) 9 13 226 30
106th 5 Rebecca Smith Rebecca 13 9 (14) 8 44 30
107th 7 Aimee Taylor Bilbob 9 11 (12) 11 43 31
108th 2 Charlotte Copper Topper 398 10 11 10 (196 DNC) 227 31
109th 7 Jessica Garlick Jessica123! (11) 10 11 10 42 31
110th 10 Thomas Lloyd tom lloyd 10 11 (12) 10 43 31
111th 5 Maddie Smith Maddie Smith 11 11 10 (14) 46 32
112th 3 Callum Russell SCO46272-CR (15) 6 14 13 48 33
113th 3 Samson Cross SC571 (13) 11 11 11 46 33
114th 5 Ollie Jennings ollie098 10 (196 DNC) 12 12 230 34
115th 4 Arran Goodman Arran_G (196 DNC) 10 14 12 232 36
116th 4 Richard Geoghegan Richard Geoghegan (196 DNC) 12 13 11 232 36
117th 7 Ffion Wood FfionW 12 (13) 13 13 51 38
118th 4 Jessica Taylor Jessicator 14 13 15 (196 DNC) 238 42
119th 3 Arthur Farley Arthur2170000 1 2 66.3 RDGa (196 DNC) 265.3 69.3
120th 7 Felix McMullan Felix M 7 69 RDGa (196 DNC) 4 276 80
121st 10 Islay Goodman Islay (196 DNC) 7 9 70.7 RDGa 282.7 86.7
122nd 3 Catriona Forrest Cat :) (196 DNC) 196 DNC 4 2 398 202
123rd 3 Jack Hopkins Hopkins 3 8 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 403 207
124th 7 Arthur Quinn Arthur161 (196 DNC) 12 2 196 DNC 406 210
125th 1 Bethany Doga BethanyD 6 (196 DNC) 9 196 DNC 407 211
126th 9 Rebecca Shearer rebecca264 8 7 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 407 211
127th 3 Morven Wood Morven554 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 5 12 409 213
128th 7 Harriet Sacker harriet sacker 13 (196 DNC) 8 196 DNC 413 217
129th 4 Olly Smith Ollmiester (196 DNC) 196 DNC 8 14 414 218
130th 5 Joseph Mole joemolesailing (196 DNC) 12 196 DNC 11 415 219
131st 6 James Clarke JC_6 6 132.7 RDGa (196 DNC) 196 DNC 530.7 334.7
132nd 4 Heather Quinn Heather667 12 134.7 RDGa (196 DNC) 196 DNC 538.7 342.7
133rd 9 Alice Chaplin alice_chaplin 14 135.3 RDGa (196 DNC) 196 DNC 541.3 345.3
134th 4 Max Leckzut GER1577 4 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 592 396
135th 8 Daniel Fletcher Daniel Fletcher 6 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 594 398
136th 9 Lukas tyrrell Savage sailor 150 6 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 594 398
137th 4 Alfie noel Fret (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 7 595 399
138th 8 Noah Wood NoahW (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 7 595 399
139th 6 Luka franklin Luka47806 9 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 597 401
140th 1 Emma Ramm Emma:) (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Edward Sitton Edward662 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Robin Phipps TitianRob (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Tom Mitchell tom (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Will Sunderland Wisuland (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Jack Hardy Givesuahardy (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Joshua Edwards Joshh4993 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Richie Thurbly Topper48259 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Henry koe Henry koe (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Russell Bird HMBird (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
140th 1 Jack marler  Jackmarler24 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Maddie Childs Ella (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Reuben Reuben48177 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 James Johnson Jameskj (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Ben Urquhart Ebby Urquhart (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 George Walton SailingMad0807 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Markus Berthet markusberthet (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Tony FitzGerald Tony FitzG20 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Richard Geoghegan Richard Geoghegan (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Mattew Oldrini Mattew44200 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
151st 2 Luke Crichton Luke.Crichton (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
161st 3 Ethan Sparks Topper48706 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
161st 3 Peter Foley PFoley03 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
161st 3 Sam Glover Sam Glover (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
161st 3 Tara Ewbank x_tara_lxla_x (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
165th 4 ANDREW McPAKE Eve McPake (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
165th 4 Jack Bew Topper4Days (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 RDGa 196 RDGa 784 588
167th 5 Ruairi Herrington RH5687 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
167th 5 Ben Rolfe Ben Rolfe (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
167th 5 Ted Ball Tedb (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
167th 5 Louise Davis louisedavis170 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
171st 6 Lucy Davis Lucydavis (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
171st 6 Lara Fitzgerald Lara2000 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
171st 6 storm vanleeuwen Storminator (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
171st 6 Joshua reason jr1703 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
171st 6 Georgia Hughes GeorgiaH (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
176th 7 Archie Burton Archie (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
176th 7 Ryan Walford RyanWalford673 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
176th 7 Harry Wemyss DJ Hazza 21 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
176th 7 Israel Martínez Israel mm (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Antonio Pascali Roccia640 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Zak CW toppSailor344 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Edmund Clarke EdmundUYC (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Mike dicker Reckid (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Alex Assirati Alex (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
180th 8 Alicia Biggs Biggs570 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
186th 9 Caitlin Parr caitlin51 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
186th 9 Toby holmes-ling TobyHL (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
186th 9 Max Shiel Max3450 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
186th 9 Oliver Hamilton Thoughtfulone1 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
186th 9 Jack Dolder KittyCat (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
191st 10 Cecily Webb cecilyy (196 DNC) 196 RDGa 196 DNC 196 RDGa 784 588
191st 10 Dominic Atherton DOM@TG (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
191st 10 Tim DEPERY Bengbeng (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
191st 10 Thomas Alston Blackjet90 (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588
191st 10 Rhys Griffiths Rhysgriffiths (196 DNC) 196 DNC 196 DNC 196 DNC 784 588

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