Laser Munster Championships

Baltimore Sailing Club 30-31 March 2024

Results are provisional as of 15:16 on April 7, 2024


4.7 Class

Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 32, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F (3.0) 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 14.0 11.0
2nd Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 4.0 6.0 1.0 (7.0) 5.0 3.0 26.0 19.0
3rd Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 1.0 1.0 5.0 8.0 9.0 (10.0) 34.0 24.0
4th Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 6.0 4.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 (21.0) 47.0 26.0
5th Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 12.0 12.0 2.0 (16.0) 2.0 4.0 48.0 32.0
6th Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 5.0 10.0 8.0 (18.0) 6.0 6.0 53.0 35.0
7th Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M (33.0 DNC) 2.0 6.0 17.0 4.0 9.0 71.0 38.0
8th Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M (15.0) 13.0 11.0 5.0 7.0 2.0 53.0 38.0
9th Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 2.0 14.0 9.0 2.0 (22.0) 15.0 64.0 42.0
10th Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 8.0 8.0 (14.0) 4.0 14.0 13.0 61.0 47.0
11th Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 10.0 9.0 (13.0) 10.0 13.0 7.0 62.0 49.0
12th Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 7.0 5.0 10.0 14.0 (26.0) 14.0 76.0 50.0
13th Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 13.0 7.0 7.0 6.0 17.0 (20.0) 70.0 50.0
14th Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 14.0 15.0 (16.0) 11.0 10.0 8.0 74.0 58.0
15th Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 21.0 21.0 (26.0) 1.0 16.0 11.0 96.0 70.0
16th Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 9.0 11.0 (33.0 DSQ) 13.0 15.0 22.0 103.0 70.0
17th Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 11.0 (33.0 DSQ) 12.0 15.0 20.0 23.0 114.0 81.0
18th Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 16.0 20.0 15.0 (25.0) 12.0 18.0 106.0 81.0
19th Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F (29.0) 17.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 5.0 111.0 82.0
20th Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 18.0 19.0 (21.0) 19.0 11.0 19.0 107.0 86.0
21st Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 17.0 18.0 17.0 21.0 18.0 (24.0) 115.0 91.0
22nd Youth 4.7 211092 CAYC/EABC Luke Simpson IRL M (33.0 DNC) 33.0 DNC 33.0 DNC 12.0 8.0 16.0 135.0 102.0
23rd Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 19.0 16.0 18.0 24.0 (27.0) 27.0 131.0 104.0
24th Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 20.0 22.0 20.0 23.0 24.0 (26.0) 135.0 109.0
25th Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 27.0 25.0 27.0 (28.0) 23.0 12.0 142.0 114.0
26th Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 24.0 (27.0) 24.0 22.0 25.0 25.0 147.0 120.0
27th Youth 4.7 215680 BYC Iseult Speirs IRL F 22.0 (33.0 DNC) 33.0 DNC 31.0 19.0 17.0 155.0 122.0
28th Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 23.0 23.0 25.0 29.0 (30.0) 29.0 159.0 129.0
29th Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 28.0 26.0 22.0 27.0 29.0 (30.0) 162.0 132.0
30th Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 25.0 24.0 (33.0 RET) 30.0 31.0 31.0 174.0 141.0
31st Youth 4.7 178723 BSC Alice Bushe IRL F 26.0 28.0 23.0 (33.0 DNC) 33.0 DNC 33.0 DNC 176.0 143.0
32nd Youth 4.7 1211260 LRYC Henrietta Leech IRL F (33.0 DNC) 33.0 DNC 33.0 DNC 26.0 28.0 28.0 181.0 148.0

Radial Class

Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 34, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (15.0) 3.0 22.0 7.0
2nd Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 3.0 (4.0) 3.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 17.0 13.0
3rd Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 5.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 1.0 (21.0) 38.0 17.0
4th Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 2.0 5.0 4.0 10.0 2.0 (14.0) 37.0 23.0
5th Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 4.0 3.0 5.0 (35.0 DNC) 9.0 8.0 64.0 29.0
6th Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 9.0 (35.0 DNC) 6.0 3.0 3.0 12.0 68.0 33.0
7th Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 7.0 8.0 7.0 5.0 6.0 (22.0) 55.0 33.0
8th Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 6.0 6.0 8.0 (35.0 DNC) 5.0 11.0 71.0 36.0
9th Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 11.0 10.0 11.0 (12.0) 7.0 6.0 57.0 45.0
10th Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 8.0 12.0 (35.0 DNC) 8.0 13.0 5.0 81.0 46.0
11th Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 10.0 7.0 10.0 11.0 (19.0) 9.0 66.0 47.0
12th Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 12.0 11.0 9.0 (22.0) 18.0 2.0 74.0 52.0
13th Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 15.0 15.0 14.0 4.0 12.0 (17.0) 77.0 60.0
14th Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 16.0 9.0 12.0 16.0 (29.0) 10.0 92.0 63.0
15th Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M (19.0) 17.0 15.0 9.0 8.0 16.0 84.0 65.0
16th Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 13.0 (21.0) 19.0 14.0 11.0 13.0 91.0 70.0
17th Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 18.0 16.0 21.0 (27.0) 24.0 4.0 110.0 83.0
18th Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 21.0 23.0 (27.0) 20.0 14.0 7.0 112.0 85.0
19th Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F 23.0 (35.0 RET) 35.0 DNC 6.0 10.0 20.0 129.0 94.0
20th Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 20.0 20.0 16.0 21.0 17.0 (23.0) 117.0 94.0
21st Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 24.0 (25.0) 18.0 13.0 23.0 19.0 122.0 97.0
22nd Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M (27.0) 24.0 24.0 18.0 16.0 15.0 124.0 97.0
23rd Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M (31.0) 18.0 20.0 15.0 20.0 24.0 128.0 97.0
24th Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M (28.0) 14.0 25.0 17.0 25.0 18.0 127.0 99.0
25th Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 17.0 22.0 17.0 24.0 21.0 (25.0) 126.0 101.0
26th Master Radial 170227 RCYC Philip Doherty IRL M 14.0 13.0 13.0 (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 145.0 110.0
27th Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 25.0 19.0 26.0 23.0 (27.0) 27.0 147.0 120.0
28th Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   29.0 (35.0 RET) 28.0 25.0 22.0 28.0 167.0 132.0
29th Master Radial 214859 RStGYC Sean flanagan IRL M 22.0 (35.0 DNC) 22.0 26.0 28.0 35.0 DNC 168.0 133.0
30th Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 30.0 27.0 23.0 28.0 (31.0) 26.0 165.0 134.0
31st Youth Radial 213700 RStGYC Kate Flood IRL F 26.0 26.0 29.0 19.0 (35.0 DNC) 35.0 DNC 170.0 135.0
32nd Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M (33.0) 28.0 30.0 29.0 30.0 30.0 180.0 147.0
33rd Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 32.0 (35.0 RET) 31.0 30.0 26.0 29.0 183.0 148.0
34th Youth Radial 214563 EABC Zoe Whitford IRL F (35.0 RET) 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 35.0 DNC 210.0 175.0

Standard Class

Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 26, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 (9.0) 15.0 6.0
2nd Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 1.0 4.0 2.0 (7.0) 2.0 6.0 22.0 15.0
3rd Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 3.0 5.0 (8.0) 5.0 6.0 2.0 29.0 21.0
4th Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 5.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 5.0 (7.0) 28.0 21.0
5th Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 4.0 2.0 4.0 12.0 (13.0) 5.0 40.0 27.0
6th Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 6.0 3.0 5.0 3.0 10.0 (27.0 BFD) 54.0 27.0
7th Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 14.0 8.0 (15.0) 4.0 3.0 1.0 45.0 30.0
8th Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 8.0 9.0 (16.0) 6.0 4.0 8.0 51.0 35.0
9th Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M (12.0) 7.0 6.0 11.0 8.0 10.0 54.0 42.0
10th Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 9.0 (12.0) 7.0 8.0 9.0 11.0 56.0 44.0
11th Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 7.0 11.0 (19.0) 14.0 11.0 3.0 65.0 46.0
12th Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M (22.0) 13.0 11.0 9.0 14.0 4.0 73.0 51.0
13th Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 13.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 7.0 (16.0) 68.0 52.0
14th Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 10.0 16.0 13.0 (19.0) 16.0 12.0 86.0 67.0
15th Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 11.0 (20.0) 10.0 15.0 19.0 13.0 88.0 68.0
16th Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M (17.0) 14.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 15.0 85.0 68.0
17th Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 19.0 19.0 (21.0) 16.0 15.0 14.0 104.0 83.0
18th Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 20.0 17.0 17.0 21.0 17.0 (27.0 DNC) 119.0 92.0
19th Master Standard 192703 MBSC/RCYC Ronan Kenneally IRL M 18.0 15.0 9.0 (27.0 DNC) 27.0 DNC 27.0 DNC 123.0 96.0
20th Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M (23.0) 22.0 20.0 17.0 21.0 17.0 120.0 97.0
21st Other Standard 2106 RStGYC/CNC Kei Walker CAN M 16.0 18.0 (27.0 DNC) 20.0 18.0 27.0 DNC 126.0 99.0
22nd Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M (24.0) 21.0 18.0 23.0 24.0 20.0 130.0 106.0
23rd Master Standard 223462 BYC/RUYC Bill OHara IRL M 15.0 (27.0 DNC) 27.0 DNC 18.0 20.0 27.0 DNC 134.0 107.0
24th Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 21.0 (27.0 DNC) 22.0 22.0 23.0 19.0 134.0 107.0
25th Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M (27.0 DNC) 23.0 23.0 24.0 22.0 18.0 137.0 110.0
26th Master Standard 212521 RStGYC Gavan Murphy IRL M (27.0 DNC) 27.0 DNC 27.0 DNC 27.0 DNC 27.0 DNC 27.0 DNC 162.0 135.0

R1 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 58 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 59 2.0
3 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 60 3.0
4 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 61 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 62 5.0
6 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 63 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 64 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 65 8.0
9 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 66 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 67 10.0
11 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 68 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 69 12.0
13 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 70 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 71 14.0
15 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 72 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 73 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 74 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 75 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 76 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 77 20.0
21 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 78 21.0
22 Youth 4.7 215680 BYC Iseult Speirs IRL F 79 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 80 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 81 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 82 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 178723 BSC Alice Bushe IRL F 83 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 84 27.0
28 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 85 28.0
29 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 86 29.0

R2 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 24 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M 25 2.0
3 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 26 3.0
4 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 27 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 28 5.0
6 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 29 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 30 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 31 8.0
9 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 32 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 33 10.0
11 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 34 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 35 12.0
13 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 36 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 37 14.0
15 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 38 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 39 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 40 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 41 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 42 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 43 20.0
21 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 44 21.0
22 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 45 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 46 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 47 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 48 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 49 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 51 27.0
28 Youth 4.7 178723 BSC Alice Bushe IRL F 59 28.0
29 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M DSQ 33.0

R3 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 1 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 2 2.0
3 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 3 3.0
4 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 4 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 5 5.0
6 Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M 6 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 9 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 10 8.0
9 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 11 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 13 10.0
11 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 15 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 17 12.0
13 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 18 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 19 14.0
15 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 20 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 22 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 25 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 31 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 32 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 33 20.0
21 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 36 21.0
22 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 38 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 178723 BSC Alice Bushe IRL F 39 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 40 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 41 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 42 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 46 27.0
28 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M DSQ 33.0
28 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F RET 33.0

R4 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 30 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 33 2.0
3 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 34 3.0
4 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 35 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 37 5.0
6 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 38 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 40 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 46 8.0
9 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 47 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 48 10.0
11 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 53 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 211092 CAYC/EABC Luke Simpson IRL M 54 12.0
13 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 55 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 59 14.0
15 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 60 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 61 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M 62 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 64 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 65 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 68 20.0
21 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 69 21.0
22 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 70 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 74 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 75 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 76 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 1211260 LRYC Henrietta Leech IRL F 78 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 79 27.0
28 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 80 28.0
29 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 81 29.0
30 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 84 30.0
31 Youth 4.7 215680 BYC Iseult Speirs IRL F 85 31.0

R5 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 36 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 39 2.0
3 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 41 3.0
4 Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M 43 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 44 5.0
6 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 47 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 48 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 211092 CAYC/EABC Luke Simpson IRL M 49 8.0
9 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 50 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 53 10.0
11 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 60 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 61 12.0
13 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 63 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 65 14.0
15 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 66 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 68 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 69 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 70 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 215680 BYC Iseult Speirs IRL F 71 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 72 20.0
21 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 73 21.0
22 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 75 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 77 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 78 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 79 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 80 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 82 27.0
28 Youth 4.7 1211260 LRYC Henrietta Leech IRL F 83 28.0
29 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 84 29.0
30 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 85 30.0
31 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 86 31.0

R6 - 4.7 Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth 4.7 219148 TBSC/RCYC Riona McMorrow Moriarty IRL F 51 1.0
2 Youth 4.7 214229 RStGYC Jules Start IRL M 52 2.0
3 Youth 4.7 216535 RStGYC Caoilinn McDonnell IRL F 53 3.0
4 Youth 4.7 216121 RCYC /WHSC Rory Whyte IRL M 54 4.0
5 Youth 4.7 216101 WHBTC/NYC Kate Kenny IRL F 55 5.0
6 Youth 4.7 216237 RStGYC Marcus Shelley IRL M 56 6.0
7 Youth 4.7 215234 RCYC Dara Jenkins IRL M 57 7.0
8 Youth 4.7 189052 RCYC/RStGYC Andrew ONeill IRL M 58 8.0
9 Youth 4.7 204041 RCYC/RStGYC Craig ONeill IRL M 59 9.0
10 Youth 4.7 211274 RStGYC Patrick Foley IRL M 60 10.0
11 Youth 4.7 196734 RCYC/BSC Rachel Hyde IRL M 61 11.0
12 Youth 4.7 217237 RCYC/MBSC Fionn Hayes IRL M 62 12.0
13 Youth 4.7 216619 MYC/HYC Stan O Rourke IRL M 63 13.0
14 Youth 4.7 214228 RCYC Shane Collins IRL M 64 14.0
15 Youth 4.7 210978 RStGYC Sergei Vasilev IRL M 65 15.0
16 Youth 4.7 211092 CAYC/EABC Luke Simpson IRL M 66 16.0
17 Youth 4.7 215680 BYC Iseult Speirs IRL F 67 17.0
18 Youth 4.7 211099 RStGYC Emma Hanna IRL F 68 18.0
19 Youth 4.7 214580 MYC Siun Ni Choistealbha GBR M 69 19.0
20 Youth 4.7 211128 RStGYC Zita Tempany IRL F 70 20.0
21 Other 4.7 191879 RCYC/BSC Maeve Leonard IRL F 71 21.0
22 Other 4.7 223479 GHYC/RCYC Eolann Miles IRL M 72 22.0
23 Youth 4.7 197921 RCYC Michael Egan IRL M 73 23.0
24 Youth 4.7 213526 RStGYC Grace Gavin IRL M 74 24.0
25 Youth 4.7 189596 EDYC/KYC Rose Kelly IRL F 75 25.0
26 Youth 4.7 187453 MYC/HYC Connor OSullivan IRL M 76 26.0
27 Youth 4.7 191304 BSC Mimi Jacob IRL F 77 27.0
28 Youth 4.7 1211260 LRYC Henrietta Leech IRL F 78 28.0
29 Youth 4.7 162816 BSC Mary Bushe IRL F 79 29.0
30 Youth 4.7 164968 BSC Elsie O'Flynn IRL F 80 30.0
31 Youth 4.7 198435 RCYC/ISKC Saoirse O Herlihy IRL F 81 31.0

R1 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 25 1.0
2 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 26 2.0
3 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 27 3.0
4 Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 28 4.0
5 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 29 5.0
6 Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 30 6.0
7 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 31 7.0
8 Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 32 8.0
9 Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 33 9.0
10 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 34 10.0
11 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 35 11.0
12 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 36 12.0
13 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 37 13.0
14 Master Radial 170227 RCYC Philip Doherty IRL M 38 14.0
15 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 39 15.0
16 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 40 16.0
17 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 41 17.0
18 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 42 18.0
19 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 43 19.0
20 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 44 20.0
21 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 45 21.0
22 Master Radial 214859 RStGYC Sean flanagan IRL M 46 22.0
23 Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F 47 23.0
24 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 48 24.0
25 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 49 25.0
26 Youth Radial 213700 RStGYC Kate Flood IRL F 50 26.0
27 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 51 27.0
28 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 52 28.0
29 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   53 29.0
30 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 54 30.0
31 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 55 31.0
32 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 56 32.0
33 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 57 33.0
34 Youth Radial 214563 EABC Zoe Whitford IRL F RET 35.0

R2 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 50 1.0
2 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 52 2.0
3 Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 53 3.0
4 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 54 4.0
5 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 55 5.0
6 Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 56 6.0
7 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 57 7.0
8 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 58 8.0
9 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 60 9.0
10 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 61 10.0
11 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 62 11.0
12 Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 63 12.0
13 Master Radial 170227 RCYC Philip Doherty IRL M 64 13.0
14 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 65 14.0
15 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 66 15.0
16 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 67 16.0
17 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 68 17.0
18 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 69 18.0
19 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 70 19.0
20 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 71 20.0
21 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 72 21.0
22 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 73 22.0
23 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 74 23.0
24 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 75 24.0
25 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 76 25.0
26 Youth Radial 213700 RStGYC Kate Flood IRL F 77 26.0
27 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 78 27.0
28 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 79 28.0
29 Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F RET 35.0
29 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   RET 35.0
29 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M RET 35.0

R3 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 51 1.0
2 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 52 2.0
3 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 53 3.0
4 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 54 4.0
5 Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 55 5.0
6 Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 56 6.0
7 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 57 7.0
8 Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 58 8.0
9 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 59 9.0
10 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 60 10.0
11 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 61 11.0
12 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 62 12.0
13 Master Radial 170227 RCYC Philip Doherty IRL M 63 13.0
14 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 64 14.0
15 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 65 15.0
16 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 66 16.0
17 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 67 17.0
18 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 68 18.0
19 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 69 19.0
20 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 70 20.0
21 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 71 21.0
22 Master Radial 214859 RStGYC Sean flanagan IRL M 72 22.0
23 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 73 23.0
24 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 74 24.0
25 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 75 25.0
26 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 76 26.0
27 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 77 27.0
28 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   78 28.0
29 Youth Radial 213700 RStGYC Kate Flood IRL F 79 29.0
30 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 80 30.0
31 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 81 31.0

R4 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 25 1.0
2 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 26 2.0
3 Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 27 3.0
4 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 28 4.0
5 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 29 5.0
6 Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F 31 6.0
7 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 32 7.0
8 Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 36 8.0
9 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 39 9.0
10 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 41 10.0
11 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 42 11.0
12 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 43 12.0
13 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 44 13.0
14 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 45 14.0
15 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 49 15.0
16 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 50 16.0
17 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 51 17.0
18 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 52 18.0
19 Youth Radial 213700 RStGYC Kate Flood IRL F 56 19.0
20 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 57 20.0
21 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 58 21.0
22 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 63 22.0
23 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 66 23.0
24 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 67 24.0
25 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   71 25.0
26 Master Radial 214859 RStGYC Sean flanagan IRL M 72 26.0
27 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 73 27.0
28 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 77 28.0
29 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 82 29.0
30 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 83 30.0

R5 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 25 1.0
2 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 26 2.0
3 Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 27 3.0
4 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 28 4.0
5 Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 29 5.0
6 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 30 6.0
7 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 31 7.0
8 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 32 8.0
9 Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 33 9.0
10 Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F 34 10.0
11 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 35 11.0
12 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 37 12.0
13 Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 38 13.0
14 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 40 14.0
15 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 42 15.0
16 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 45 16.0
17 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 46 17.0
18 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 51 18.0
19 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 52 19.0
20 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 54 20.0
21 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 55 21.0
22 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   56 22.0
23 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 57 23.0
24 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 58 24.0
25 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 59 25.0
26 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 62 26.0
27 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 64 27.0
28 Master Radial 214859 RStGYC Sean flanagan IRL M 67 28.0
29 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 74 29.0
30 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 76 30.0
31 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 81 31.0

R6 - Radial Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Radial 211122 RStGYC/NYC Sam Ledoux IRL M 21 1.0
2 Youth Radial 216390 RCYC/YHSC Michael Doherty IRL M 22 2.0
3 Youth Radial 223676 BYC/RNIYC Bobby driscoll IRL M 23 3.0
4 Master Radial 215356 RStGYC Brendan Hughes IRL M 24 4.0
5 Youth Radial 211260 RStGYC Daniel O Connor IRL M 25 5.0
6 Master Radial 211171 RStGYC Hugh Delap IRL M 26 6.0
7 Youth Radial 212113 WHBTC Peter Doyle IRL M 27 7.0
8 Youth Radial 219146 HYC/NYC Charlie keating IRL M 28 8.0
9 Youth Radial 218252 WHBTC/NYC Peter Kenny IRL M 29 9.0
10 Youth Radial 211099 RStGYC/CNC Seth Walker IRL M 30 10.0
11 Other Radial 183109 RSC Tom Fox IRL M 31 11.0
12 Youth Radial 219096 Ballyholme Y.C Daniel Palmer IRL M 32 12.0
13 Youth Radial 211119 RStGYC Ava Ennis IRL F 33 13.0
14 Youth Radial 22179 RCYC Andrew Kingston IRL M 34 14.0
15 Other Radial 213000 RCYC Liam Duggan IRL M 35 15.0
16 Master Radial 196738 RStGYC Conor Clancy IRL M 36 16.0
17 Master Radial 213957 RCYC/KYC Conor Barry IRL M 37 17.0
18 Youth Radial 147247 MBSC Olin Bateman IRL M 38 18.0
19 Youth Radial 202052 EDYC/KYC Sam Kelly IRL M 39 19.0
20 Youth Radial 219634 MYC/HYC Glenda Gallagher IRL F 40 20.0
21 Youth Radial 222543 BYC Lewis Thompson IRL M 41 21.0
22 Youth Radial 220768 RStGYC/CSC Lucy Ives IRL F 42 22.0
23 Youth Radial 206939 CAYC Rory Pollard IRL M 43 23.0
24 Youth Radial 219139 MYC/HYC Viktor Samoilovs IRL M 44 24.0
25 Youth Radial 216000 RCYC Megan O Sullivan IRL F 45 25.0
26 Master Radial 219126 WSC Michael Norman IRL M 46 26.0
27 Youth Radial 198815 RCYC/ISKC Sean O Herlihy IRL M 47 27.0
28 Youth Radial 8 MBSC Conor Kelly IRL   48 28.0
29 Youth Radial 174431 MBSC/RCYC Bella Waterman IRL M 49 29.0
30 Youth Radial 190755 MYC Alex Deasy IRL M 50 30.0

R1 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 1 1.0
2 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 2 2.0
3 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 3 3.0
4 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 4 4.0
5 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 5 5.0
6 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 6 6.0
7 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 7 7.0
8 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 8 8.0
9 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 9 9.0
10 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 10 10.0
11 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 11 11.0
12 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 12 12.0
13 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 13 13.0
14 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 14 14.0
15 Master Standard 223462 BYC/RUYC Bill OHara IRL M 15 15.0
16 Other Standard 2106 RStGYC/CNC Kei Walker CAN M 16 16.0
17 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 17 17.0
18 Master Standard 192703 MBSC/RCYC Ronan Kenneally IRL M 18 18.0
19 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 19 19.0
20 Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 20 20.0
21 Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 21 21.0
22 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 22 22.0
23 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 23 23.0
24 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 24 24.0

R2 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 1 1.0
2 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 2 2.0
3 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 3 3.0
4 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 4 4.0
5 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 5 5.0
6 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 6 6.0
7 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 7 7.0
8 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 8 8.0
9 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 9 9.0
10 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 10 10.0
11 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 11 11.0
12 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 12 12.0
13 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 13 13.0
14 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 14 14.0
15 Master Standard 192703 MBSC/RCYC Ronan Kenneally IRL M 15 15.0
16 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 16 16.0
17 Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 17 17.0
18 Other Standard 2106 RStGYC/CNC Kei Walker CAN M 18 18.0
19 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 19 19.0
20 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 20 20.0
21 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 21 21.0
22 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 22 22.0
23 Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M 23 23.0

R3 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 7 1.0
2 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 8 2.0
3 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 12 3.0
4 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 14 4.0
5 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 16 5.0
6 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 21 6.0
7 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 23 7.0
8 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 24 8.0
9 Master Standard 192703 MBSC/RCYC Ronan Kenneally IRL M 26 9.0
10 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 27 10.0
11 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 28 11.0
12 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 29 12.0
13 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 30 13.0
14 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 34 14.0
15 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 35 15.0
16 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 37 16.0
17 Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 43 17.0
18 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 44 18.0
19 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 45 19.0
20 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 47 20.0
21 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 48 21.0
22 Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 49 22.0
23 Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M 50 23.0

R4 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 1 1.0
2 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 2 2.0
3 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 3 3.0
4 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 4 4.0
5 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 5 5.0
6 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 6 6.0
7 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 7 7.0
8 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 8 8.0
9 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 9 9.0
10 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 10 10.0
11 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 11 11.0
12 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 12 12.0
13 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 13 13.0
14 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 14 14.0
15 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 15 15.0
16 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 16 16.0
17 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 17 17.0
18 Master Standard 223462 BYC/RUYC Bill OHara IRL M 18 18.0
19 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 19 19.0
20 Other Standard 2106 RStGYC/CNC Kei Walker CAN M 20 20.0
21 Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 21 21.0
22 Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 22 22.0
23 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 23 23.0
24 Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M 24 24.0

R5 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 1 1.0
2 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 2 2.0
3 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 3 3.0
4 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 4 4.0
5 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 5 5.0
6 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 6 6.0
7 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 7 7.0
8 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 8 8.0
9 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 9 9.0
10 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M 10 10.0
11 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 11 11.0
12 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 12 12.0
13 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 13 13.0
14 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 14 14.0
15 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 15 15.0
16 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 16 16.0
17 Master Standard 223953 MYC Andrejs Samoilovs IRL M 17 17.0
18 Other Standard 2106 RStGYC/CNC Kei Walker CAN M 18 18.0
19 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 19 19.0
20 Master Standard 223462 BYC/RUYC Bill OHara IRL M 20 20.0
21 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 21 21.0
22 Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M 22 22.0
23 Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 23 23.0
24 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 24 24.0

R6 - Standard Class - 30/03/2024

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Rank Fleet Class Sail No Club Helm Name Nat M/F Place Points
1 Master Standard 219127 CSC Dan O Connell IRL M 1 1.0
2 Other Standard 203718 BSC Fionn Lyden IRL M 2 2.0
3 Master Standard 222551 SSC Daragh Kelleher IRL M 3 3.0
4 Master Standard 217533 RCYC\BYC Nick Walsh IRL M 4 4.0
5 Other Standard 211116 RCYC Jonathan O Shaughnessy IRL M 5 5.0
6 Other Standard 223303 RStGYC Fiachra McDonnell IRL M 6 6.0
7 Master Standard 17 RStGYC Conor Byrne IRL M 7 7.0
8 Master Standard 222017 BYC Rory Lynch IRL M 8 8.0
9 Other Standard 222547 EABC / PYC Tom Coulter IRL M 9 9.0
10 Other Standard 1998 MBSC/RCYC Chris Bateman IRL M 10 10.0
11 Other Standard 216711 RStGYC Oisin Hughes IRL M 11 11.0
12 Master Standard 204759 MYC Colm Cunningham IRL M 12 12.0
13 Master Standard 219804 BYC Conrad Simpson IRL M 13 13.0
14 Master Standard 190769 MBSC Paul O Sullivan IRL M 14 14.0
15 Other Standard 213789 TBSC/RCYC Stephen Cunnane IRL M 15 15.0
16 Other Standard 213141 HYC Conor Murphy IRL M 16 16.0
17 Other Standard 198780 YSC Edward Coyne IRL M 17 17.0
18 Master Standard 210531 GBSC Alex Fernie IRL M 18 18.0
19 Master Standard 108596 BSC/RStGYC Neil Hegarty IRL M 19 19.0
20 Master Standard 214628 RStGYC Richard Tate IRL M 20 20.0
21 Master Standard 204159 BYC/SLYC Colin Leonard IRL M BFD 27.0

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