North East & Yorkshire Youth Traveller Series 2023

Sunderland 23 September 2023

Results are provisional as of 11:08 on September 27, 2023


Sailed: 1, Discards: 0, To count: 1, Rating system: PY, Entries: 53, Scoring system: Appendix A
Bow No Helm Name Division Class PYN Sail No. Club Area Youth/Junior M/F R1 Total Nett
1 Ethan Wild Main ILCA 6 1150 214578 Ripon SC South Y M 1.0 1.0 1.0
18 Thomas Whitehead Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4401 Filey SC South Y M 2.0 2.0 2.0
35 Lara Eagleton Main Topper 5.3 1369 46147 Scaling Dam SC North Y F 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 George Spence Main Topper 5.3 1369 48618 Ripon SC South Y M 4.0 4.0 4.0
41 Toby Kidd & Charlie Rowell Main Re Feva XL 1248 7814 Derwent Reservoir SC North Y M 5.0 5.0 5.0
68 Olivia Coady Main ILCA 4 1210 178789 Derwent Reservoir SC North Y F 6.0 6.0 6.0
61 Lewis Gordon Main RS Tera Pro 1364 2739 Scaling Dam SC North J M 7.5 7.5 7.5
19 Daniel Whitehead Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4402 Filey SC South J M 7.5 7.5 7.5
72 Harry Wilson Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4582 Filey SC South J M 9.0 9.0 9.0
62 Grace Gordon Main RS Tera Pro 1364 2146 Scaling Dam SC North Y F 10.0 10.0 10.0
50 Isobel Arkle & Olivia Arkle Main Laser 2000 1107 2317 Sunderland YC North J F 11.0 11.0 11.0
28 Zach Williamson Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4354 Ripon SC South J M 12.0 12.0 12.0
4 Molly Wilson Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4343 Filey SC South J F 13.0 13.0 13.0
31 Christa Shackleton Main ILCA 4 1210 172789 Otley SC South Y F 14.0 14.0 14.0
51 Matthew Boatman Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4481 Sunderland YC North J M 15.0 15.0 15.0
109 Isla McKeown Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1807 Gresford SC South Y F 16.0 16.0 16.0
110 Laia Priestley Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3830 Ullswater YC South J F 17.0 17.0 17.0
151 James Reekie Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2109 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 18.0 18.0 18.0
111 Aggie Priestley Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3829 Ullswater YC South J F 19.0 19.0 19.0
153 Andrew Reekie Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2985 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 20.0 20.0 20.0
25 Matthew Mccandless Regatta ILCA 4 1210 170423 Otley SC South J M 21.0 21.0 21.0
128 Archie Denley Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4622 Bolton SC North J M 22.0 22.0 22.0
154 Henry Blades Main Optimist 1635 6500 Scaling Dam SC North Y M 23.0 23.0 23.0
164 Oliver Smith Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3378 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 24.0 24.0 24.0
149 Oscar Davenport Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2569 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 25.0 25.0 25.0
101 Grace Fleming Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2506 Ullswater YC South J F 26.0 26.0 26.0
15 Oscar Trenholme Regatta ILCA 6 1150 169092 Ripon SC South J M 27.0 27.0 27.0
82 Jessica Willars Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2858 Filey SC South J F 28.0 28.0 28.0
9 Lucy Cliffe Main ILCA 4 1210 191038 Otley SC South Y F 29.0 29.0 29.0
108 Hayden Gridley Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2738 Scaling Dam SC North J M 30.0 30.0 30.0
171 Elisheba Barr-Hamilton Regatta ILCA 7 1150 183241 Sunderland Yacht Clu North J F 31.0 31.0 31.0
150 Alex Welfare Main Optimist 1635 5500 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M 32.0 32.0 32.0
59 Johnnie Tellez Main Optimist 1635 5526 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 33.5 33.5 33.5
48 Rose Versey Main Optimist 1635 6206 Derwent Reservoir SC North J F 33.5 33.5 33.5
6 Joshua Wright Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2230 Ripon SC South J M 35.0 35.0 35.0
29 Seb Williamson Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2175 Ripon SC South J M 36.0 36.0 36.0
146 Finlay White Main Optimist 1635 6344 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M 37.0 37.0 37.0
32 Simeon Shackleton Main Topper 5.3 1369 000000 Otley SC South J M 38.0 38.0 38.0
12 Oscar Manning Main Optimist 1635 5370 Ripon SC South J M 39.0 39.0 39.0
38 Toby Eagleton Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 31711 Scaling Dam SC North J M 40.0 40.0 40.0
45 Dylan Jenkins Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1728 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 41.0 41.0 41.0
58 Sebastian Vials Main Optimist 1635 5433 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 42.0 42.0 42.0
24 Joe Mccandless Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 22817 Otley SC South J M 43.0 43.0 43.0
46 Callum Jenkins Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 766 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 44.0 44.0 44.0
44 Rory Polwart Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2123 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 45.0 45.0 45.0
33 John Paul Shackleton Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 TBA Otley SC South J M 46.0 46.0 46.0
167 Aleks Svietik Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1693 Ulley Sailing Club South J M 47.0 47.0 47.0
158 Michael Boatman Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3917 Sunderland YC North J M 48.0 48.0 48.0
102 Harry Fleming Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2167 Ullswater YC South J M 49.0 49.0 49.0
161 Roo Davies Regatta ILCA 7 1150 75090 Sunderland YC North Y M 50.0 50.0 50.0
142 William Guy Main Topper 5.3 1369 19553 Otley SC South J M 51.0 51.0 51.0
10 Kyla Baxter Main Topper 5.3 1369 20272 Covenham SC North Y F 54.0 DNC 54.0 54.0
147 Jake White Main Optimist 1635 4630 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M 54.0 DNF 54.0 54.0


Overall1stSouth - ILCA 6 214578 Ethan Wild
Overall2ndSouth - RS Tera Pro 4401 Thomas Whitehead
Overall3rdNorth - Topper 5.3 46147 Lara Eagleton
John Dowd Memorial Trophy - Regatta Division1stSouth - ILCA 4 170423 Matthew Mccandless
John Dowd Memorial Trophy - Regatta Division2ndSouth - ILCA 6 169092 Oscar Trenholme
John Dowd Memorial Trophy - Regatta Division3rdNorth - RS Tera Sport 2738 Hayden Gridley
Male Sailors1stSouth - ILCA 6 214578 Ethan Wild
Male Sailors2ndSouth - RS Tera Pro 4401 Thomas Whitehead
Male Sailors3rdSouth - Topper 5.3 48618 George Spence
Female Sailors1stNorth - Topper 5.3 46147 Lara Eagleton
Female Sailors2ndNorth - ILCA 4 178789 Olivia Coady
Female Sailors3rdNorth - RS Tera Pro 2146 Grace Gordon
Junior Category1stSouth - RS Tera Sport 4402 Daniel Whitehead
Junior Category2ndNorth - RS Tera Pro 2739 Lewis Gordon
Junior Category3rdSouth - RS Tera Sport 4582 Harry Wilson
Youth Sailors1stSouth - ILCA 6 214578 Ethan Wild
Youth Sailors2ndSouth - RS Tera Pro 4401 Thomas Whitehead
Youth Sailors3rdNorth - Topper 5.3 46147 Lara Eagleton
North Area Trophy - 1st Boat North Area1stNorth - Topper 5.3 46147 Lara Eagleton
Martin Platt Memorial Shield - 1st Boat South Area1stSouth - ILCA 6 214578 Ethan Wild
Southern Junior Champ - 1st Junior Boat South Area1stSouth - RS Tera Sport 4402 Daniel Whitehead
Northern Junior Champ - 1st Junior Boat North Area1stNorth - RS Tera Pro 2739 Lewis Gordon
New Northern Junior Champ - 1st Junior Boat North Area1stNorth - RS Tera Pro 2739 Lewis Gordon
RS Tera Pro Northern Champ1stSouth - RS Tera Pro 4401 Thomas Whitehead
RS Tera Pro Northern Champ2ndNorth - RS Tera Pro 2739 Lewis Gordon
RS Tera Pro Northern Champ3rdNorth - RS Tera Pro 2146 Grace Gordon
RS Tera Pro Northern Champ4thSouth - RS Tera Pro 4354 Zach Williamson
RS Tera Pro Northern Champ5thNorth - RS Tera Pro 4481 Matthew Boatman
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ1stSouth - RS Tera Sport 4402 Daniel Whitehead
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ2ndSouth - RS Tera Sport 4582 Harry Wilson
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ3rdSouth - RS Tera Sport 4343 Molly Wilson
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ4thSouth - RS Tera Sport 1807 Isla McKeown
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ5thSouth - RS Tera Sport 3830 Laia Priestley
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ6thNorth - RS Tera Sport 2109 James Reekie
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ7thSouth - RS Tera Sport 3829 Aggie Priestley
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ8thNorth - RS Tera Sport 2985 Andrew Reekie
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ9thNorth - RS Tera Sport 3378 Oliver Smith
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ10thNorth - RS Tera Sport 2569 Oscar Davenport
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ11thSouth - RS Tera Sport 2506 Grace Fleming
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ12thSouth - RS Tera Sport 2858 Jessica Willars
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ13thNorth - RS Tera Sport 2738 Hayden Gridley
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ14thSouth - RS Tera Sport 2230 Joshua Wright
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ15thSouth - RS Tera Sport 2175 Seb Williamson
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ16thNorth - RS Tera Sport 1728 Dylan Jenkins
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ17thNorth - RS Tera Sport 766 Callum Jenkins
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ18thNorth - RS Tera Sport 2123 Rory Polwart
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ19thSouth - RS Tera Sport 1693 Aleks Svietik
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ20thNorth - RS Tera Sport 3917 Michael Boatman
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ21stSouth - RS Tera Sport 2167 Harry Fleming
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ22nd 
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ23rd 
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ24th 
RS Tera Sport Northern Champ25th 

R1 - 30/09/23

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Place
Bow No Helm Name Division Class PYN Sail No. Club Area Youth/Junior M/F Elapsed Corrected BCE Points
1 Ethan Wild Main ILCA 6 1150 214578 Ripon SC South Y M 0.52.10 0.45.22 0.00.00 1.0
18 Thomas Whitehead Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4401 Filey SC South Y M 46.36 0.45.33 0.00.12 2.0
35 Lara Eagleton Main Topper 5.3 1369 46147 Scaling Dam SC North Y F 47.42 0.46.27 0.01.07 3.0
7 George Spence Main Topper 5.3 1369 48618 Ripon SC South Y M 48.36 0.47.20 0.02.01 4.0
41 Toby Kidd & Charlie Rowell Main Re Feva XL 1248 7814 Derwent Reservoir SC North Y M 0:44:20 0:47:22 0:01:52 5.0
68 Olivia Coady Main ILCA 4 1210 178789 Derwent Reservoir SC North Y F 0.57.50 0.47.48 0.02.57 6.0
61 Lewis Gordon Main RS Tera Pro 1364 2739 Scaling Dam SC North J M 49.03 0.47.57 0.02.39 7.5
19 Daniel Whitehead Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4402 Filey SC South J M 51.58 0.47.57 0.02.48 7.5
72 Harry Wilson Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4582 Filey SC South J M 52.14 0.48.12 0.03.04 9.0
62 Grace Gordon Main RS Tera Pro 1364 2146 Scaling Dam SC North Y F 50.43 0.49.35 0.04.19 10.0
50 Isobel Arkle & Olivia Arkle Main Laser 2000 1107 2317 Sunderland YC North J F 0.54.55 0.49.37 0.04.42 11.0
28 Zach Williamson Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4354 Ripon SC South J M 51.15 0.50.06 0.04.51 12.0
4 Molly Wilson Main RS Tera Sport 1445 4343 Filey SC South J F 55.22 0.51.05 0.06.12 13.0
31 Christa Shackleton Main ILCA 4 1210 172789 Otley SC South Y F 0.46.29 0.51.13 0.05.19 14.0
51 Matthew Boatman Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4481 Sunderland YC North J M 52.35 0.51.24 0.06.11 15.0
109 Isla McKeown Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1807 Gresford SC South Y F 55.58 0.51.39 0.06.48 16.0
110 Laia Priestley Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3830 Ullswater YC South J F 56.25 0.52.03 0.07.15 17.0
151 James Reekie Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2109 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 57:04 0:52:39 0:07:54 18.0
111 Aggie Priestley Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3829 Ullswater YC South J F 57.14 0.52.49 0.08.04 19.0
153 Andrew Reekie Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2985 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 57.44 0.53.16 0.08.34 20.0
25 Matthew Mccandless Regatta ILCA 4 1210 170423 Otley SC South J M 0.48.24 0.53.20 0.07.14 21.0
128 Archie Denley Main RS Tera Pro 1364 4622 Bolton SC North J M 55.04 0.53.50 0.08.40 22.0
154 Henry Blades Main Optimist 1635 6500 Scaling Dam SC North Y M 0.44.06 0.53.57 0.07.01 23.0
164 Oliver Smith Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3378 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 58.48 0.54.15 0.09.38 24.0
149 Oscar Davenport Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2569 Bassenthwaite SC North J M 59.00 0.54.26 0.09.50 25.0
101 Grace Fleming Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2506 Ullswater YC South J F 40.29 0.56.02 0.07.43 26.0
15 Oscar Trenholme Regatta ILCA 6 1150 169092 Ripon SC South J M 0.48.21 0.56.03 0.09.13 27.0
82 Jessica Willars Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2858 Filey SC South J F 40.45 0.56.24 0.07.59 28.0
9 Lucy Cliffe Main ILCA 4 1210 191038 Otley SC South Y F 0.51.23 0.56.37 0.10.13 29.0
108 Hayden Gridley Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2738 Scaling Dam SC North J M 41.42 0.57.43 0.08.56 30.0
171 Elisheba Barr-Hamilton Regatta ILCA 7 1150 183241 Sunderland Yacht Clu North J F 0.49.55 0.57.52 0.10.47 31.0
150 Alex Welfare Main Optimist 1635 5500 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M 0.47.20 0.57.54 0.10.15 32.0
59 Johnnie Tellez Main Optimist 1635 5526 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 0.47.37 0.58.15 0.10.32 33.5
48 Rose Versey Main Optimist 1635 6206 Derwent Reservoir SC North J F 0.47.37 0.58.15 0.10.32 33.5
6 Joshua Wright Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2230 Ripon SC South J M 42.30 0.58.49 0.09.44 35.0
29 Seb Williamson Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 2175 Ripon SC South J M 42.50 0.59.17 0.10.04 36.0
146 Finlay White Main Optimist 1635 6344 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M 0.49.45 1.00.51 0.12.40 37.0
32 Simeon Shackleton Main Topper 5.3 1369 000000 Otley SC South J M 62.49 1.01.11 0.16.14 38.0
12 Oscar Manning Main Optimist 1635 5370 Ripon SC South J M 0.50.31 1.01.48 0.13.26 39.0
38 Toby Eagleton Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 31711 Scaling Dam SC North J M 42.31 1.02.07 0.11.28 40.0
45 Dylan Jenkins Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1728 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 44.59 1.02.16 0.12.13 41.0
58 Sebastian Vials Main Optimist 1635 5433 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 0.53.52 1.05.54 0.16.47 42.0
24 Joe Mccandless Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 22817 Otley SC South J M 45.08 1.05.56 0.14.05 43.0
46 Callum Jenkins Regatta RS Tera Sport 1445 766 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 49.23 1.08.21 0.16.37 44.0
44 Rory Polwart Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2123 Derwent Reservoir SC North J M 55.01 1.16.09 0.22.15 45.0
33 John Paul Shackleton Regatta Topper 5.3 1369 TBA Otley SC South J M 60.53 1.28.57 0.29.50 46.0
167 Aleks Svietik Main RS Tera Sport 1445 1693 Ulley Sailing Club South J M 39.05 1.48.11 0.22.42 47.0
158 Michael Boatman Main RS Tera Sport 1445 3917 Sunderland YC North J M 43.30 2.00.25 0.27.07 48.0
102 Harry Fleming Main RS Tera Sport 1445 2167 Ullswater YC South J M 43.45 2.01.06 0.27.22 49.0
161 Roo Davies Regatta ILCA 7 1150 75090 Sunderland YC North Y M 1.17.09 2.14.10 0.51.04 50.0
142 William Guy Main Topper 5.3 1369 19553 Otley SC South J M 55.10 2.41.11 0.39.38 51.0
147 Jake White Main Optimist 1635 4630 Leigh and Lowton SC South J M DNF     54.0

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 54
DNFStarted but did not finish 54

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0