venue burgee

Queensland Impulse State Championships - 2021

Humpybomg Yacht Club

Results are provisional as of 15:03 on October 3, 2021


Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 23, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Nett
1st 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 1 (9) 1 5 1 1 9
2nd 732 Jester Phil Gray 5 1 (7) 1 7 3 17
3rd 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 4 2 3 2 (24 OCS) 6 17
4th 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 3 (6) 5 6 3 2 19
5th 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 2 3 6 (8) 2 7 20
6th 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 7 (8) 2 3 4 4 20
7th 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 8 (24 OCS) 4 4 10 5 31
8th 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 6 7 (18) 12 5 8 38
9th 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 11 5 (14) 10 6 12 44
10th 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 10 10 8 7 (24 OCS) 9 44
11th 563 pluto John Price (14) 12 9 11 9 14 55
12th 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 15 4 11 (19) 14 13 57
13th 579 Solution James Stone 9 (18) 13 14 11 11 58
14th 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 16 (19) 10 17 8 10 61
15th 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 12 13 15 9 12 (18) 61
16th 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 13 14 12 18 (24 OCS) 16 73
17th 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall (19) 17 16 13 13 15 74
18th 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 17 11 (19) 16 15 19 78
19th 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 18 16 17 (20) 17 17 85
20th 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 20 15 20 (21) 18 21 94
21st 641 May Contain Nuts Tony Slater (24 DNC) 24 DNC 24 DNC 15 16 20 99
22nd 603 Cowabunga Andy Patrick (24 DNC) 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 120
22nd 661 Out of the Blue Sheldon Haines (24 DNC) 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 24 DNC 120

Race 1 - 2/10/2021

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 12.10.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 0.35.22 1
2 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 0.35.35 2
3 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 0.36.19 3
4 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 0.36.30 4
5 732 Jester Phil Gray 0.37.02 5
6 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 0.37.19 6
7 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 0.37.30 7
8 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 0.38.00 8
9 579 Solution James Stone 0.38.13 9
10 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 0.38.29 10
11 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 0.39.30 11
12 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 0.39.58 12
13 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 0.40.27 13
14 563 pluto John Price 0.41.45 14
15 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 0.42.21 15
16 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 0.42.31 16
17 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 0.42.33 17
18 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 0.43.06 18
19 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 0.43.40 19
20 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 0.44.12 20

Race 2 - 2/10/21

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 13.25.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 732 Jester Phil Gray 0.49.25 1
2 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 0.49.50 2
3 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 0.51.38 3
4 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 0.51.39 4
5 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 0.52.09 5
6 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 0.53.30 6
7 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 0.56.12 7
8 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 0.56.35 8
9 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 0.58.44 9
10 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 0.59.06 10
11 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 0.59.41 11
12 563 pluto John Price 0.59.52 12
13 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 0.59.53 13
14 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 1.00.58 14
15 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 1.01.17 15
16 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 1.01.45 16
17 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 1.02.33 17
18 579 Solution James Stone 1.17.43 18
19 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 1.19.12 19
20 710 Fbs Brent Pearson OCS 24

Race 3 - 2/10/21

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 12.10.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 3.34.14 1
2 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 3.34.15 2
3 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 3.34.25 3
4 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 3.34.31 4
5 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 3.34.36 5
6 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 3.35.09 6
7 732 Jester Phil Gray 3.35.19 7
8 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 3.36.25 8
9 563 pluto John Price 3.36.48 9
10 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 3.37.46 10
11 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 3.38.09 11
12 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 3.38.22 12
13 579 Solution James Stone 3.38.34 13
14 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 3.38.45 14
15 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 3.38.51 15
16 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 3.39.02 16
17 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 3.39.11 17
18 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 3.40.55 18
19 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 3.42.56 19
20 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 3.43.40 20

Race 4 - 3/10/21

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 11.55.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 732 Jester Phil Gray 0.30.48 1
2 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 0.31.07 2
3 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 0.31.44 3
4 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 0.32.14 4
5 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 0.33.22 5
6 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 0.33.38 6
7 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 0.33.50 7
8 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 0.33.52 8
9 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 0.34.05 9
10 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 0.34.21 10
11 563 pluto John Price 0.34.30 11
12 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 0.34.31 12
13 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 0.36.12 13
14 579 Solution James Stone 0.36.22 14
15 641 May Contain Nuts Tony Slater 0.36.34 15
16 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 0.36.42 16
17 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 0.37.07 17
18 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 0.37.13 18
19 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 0.37.44 19
20 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 0.38.25 20
21 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 0.39.10 21

Race 5 - 3/10/21

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 12.48.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 0.31.11 1
2 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 0.31.32 2
3 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 0.31.38 3
4 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 0.31.42 4
5 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 0.32.23 5
6 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 0.32.30 6
7 732 Jester Phil Gray 0.32.39 7
8 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 0.33.04 8
9 563 pluto John Price 0.33.33 9
10 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 0.33.35 10
11 579 Solution James Stone 0.34.04 11
12 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 0.34.10 12
13 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 0.34.11 13
14 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 0.34.30 14
15 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 0.35.01 15
16 641 May Contain Nuts Tony Slater 0.36.42 16
17 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 0.36.48 17
18 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 0.37.44 18
19 682 the stink Andrew Triggell OCS 24
19 703 Triple T Tony Hannan OCS 24
19 669 another problem Ray Hobbs OCS 24

Race 6 - 3/10/21

Start: Start 1, Finishes: Finish time, Time: 13.38.00
Rank Sail number Boat Name Skipper Name Elapsed Points
1 701 Boaty McBoatface Andrew Turnbull-Miller 0.24.23 1
2 627 Slipknot Joshua Young 0.24.35 2
3 732 Jester Phil Gray 0.24.57 3
4 570 Cosmosoarus David Harrison 0.25.07 4
5 710 Fbs Brent Pearson 0.25.14 5
6 682 the stink Andrew Triggell 0.25.28 6
7 638 bedrock fundamentals Brett Buckley 0.26.17 7
8 643 Plymouth Michael Robinson 0.26.46 8
9 703 Triple T Tony Hannan 0.27.05 9
10 554 Strangely Enough Grant Steinback 0.27.22 10
11 579 Solution James Stone 0.27.50 11
12 634 Sapphire Keith Briers 0.27.55 12
13 575 Good Vibes Ricky Hoe 0.28.03 13
14 563 pluto John Price 0.28.13 14
15 667 Billycart Marshall Nuttall 0.28.22 15
16 669 another problem Ray Hobbs 0.28.59 16
17 514 Windspiel Maria Mohrholz 0.30.47 17
18 471 Wacko Tim Robinson 0.31.35 18
19 208 Wirraway Rebecca Woodbury 0.31.44 19
20 641 May Contain Nuts Tony Slater 0.33.27 20
21 657 Seoladh Michael Hewson 0.34.27 21

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 24
OCSOn course side at start or broke rule 30.1 24

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0