event burgee venue burgee


Results are provisional as of 21:08 on May 1, 2020


Sailed: 6, Discards: 2, To count: 4, Entries: 106, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Name VR Username R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Sam Whaley WhaleX (8) 2 2 (3) 1 1 17 6
2nd Quique Urios Salinas Quicorras (2) (3) 2 1 1 2 11 6
3rd James Royston Roystan26 2 2 (4) 1 1 (5) 15 6
4th Tim Depery Bengbeng 3 2 (6) (6) 1 1 19 7
5th Paul McCombie Bell Rock (8) 1 1 1 5 (6) 22 8
6th Charlie Dixon CharlieGBR724 (8) 4 1 1 2 (8) 24 8
7th Charlie Merryweather 183 (5) 2 3 2 (5) 1 18 8
8th Toby Bloomfield Toby Boomflied 1 (8) 3 2 (4) 2 20 8
9th Isabelle Dompas girlwiththepearll 2 (6) 2 2 (8) 2 22 8
10th Mike O'Donovan Deja Vu (7) (11) 4 1 2 2 27 9
11th James Foster JamesFoster (5) (3) 2 3 3 1 17 9
12th Charlie Ball CharlieGBR 2 1 (7) 3 (9) 3 25 9
13th Luka Franklin Luka47806 3 (5) 2 (7) 1 4 22 10
14th Ben Mueller Mueller2229 4 1 (11) 2 (8) 4 30 11
15th Arthur Van Damme KJOOB 1 (12) (7) 2 5 4 31 12
16th Oliver King Kingyy 2 (8) 1 (107 DNC) 6 5 129 14
17th Kevin Dutch Tornado GBR 435 5 3 3 (7) (7) 3 28 14
18th Filippo Binetti FillipoBP 1 (9) 5 (8) 2 7 32 15
19th Pepjin Cardous Pepjin Cardous (5) 4 3 (5) 4 5 26 16
20th William Pank willpank2235 (12) (10) 4 6.4 RDGa 3 3 38.4 16.4
21st Arthur Farley Arthur2170000 (10) 1 10 (11) 3 3 38 17
22nd Andrew Thornton andrewthrn46 4 (7) 1 (10) 6 6 34 17
23rd Imogen Wade RSTera3262 (24.8 RDGa) 3 4 (107 DNC) 8 2 148.8 17
24th Richie Thurlby Topper48259 6 (8) 5 (8) 2 4 33 17
25th Eden Reynell EdenR 3 5 5.2 RDGa (6) (8) 4 31.2 17.2
26th Thomas Alston Blackjet90 3 (7) (9) 7 7 1 34 18
27th Kamran Ewbank Kewbank260 (8) (11) 6 4 5 3 37 18
28th Noah Fitzgerald NoahFitzgerald 1 (10) 8 5 (12) 5 41 19
29th Henry Redmond Henry R 206839 6 RDGa 3 3 (10) (7) 7 36 19
30th Oliver Mills OM_112 (10) 4 (11) 4 4 7 40 19
31st Oliver Coueret e4c5 (10) 4 5 9 2 (10) 40 20
32nd Zak Mitchell Zak Mitchell XD 4 7 4 (14) 6 (107 DSQ) 142 21
33rd Megan Fearn MDFearn (9) 1 (9) 5 7 9 40 22
34th Peter Foley PFoley03 5.5 5 6 (107 DNC) (9) 6 138.5 22.5
35th Emma Ramm Emma :) 1 7.4 RDGa (10) 5 10 (11) 44.4 23.4
36th Kuba staite Kuba Staite (9) (13) 7 0.5 9 8 45.5 23.5
37th Luca Mitchell Luca Mitchell 11 (12) 8 3 (14) 5 53 27
38th Simon Clover GBR 729 4 (15) 8 6 (12) 9 54 27
39th George Sunderland georgieboy213545 6 6 8 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 8 242 28
40th Susan Huizer Susan2666 8 8 (13) 6 6 (9) 50 28
41st Sonia Evans 29er :) (9) (9) 9 8 4 8 47 29
42nd Joshua Crisp CrispyJ (9) 5 7 (12) 9 8 50 29
43rd Suzie Sturrock Suzie Sturrock 7 (13) (12) 10 3 10 55 30
44th Abbie Clarke abbie1790 8.8 RDGa (11) 6 10 6 (11) 52.8 30.8
45th Ella Bishop Sailor EB 4 (9) 9 9 (10) 9 50 31
46th Jamie Wilkinson Jamboy900 11 11 6 3.5 (107 DSQ) (27.7 RDGa) 166.2 31.5
47th Keiran Bray Keiran45991 (27.8 RDGa) 8 10 (107 DNC) 4 10 166.8 32
48th Mary-Anne Beacock Mary-Anne (13) 6 (15) 5 11 10 60 32
49th Alice Snook alicesookx 10 (12) 8 (107 DSQ) 5 10 152 33
50th Oliver Hamilton Thoughtfulone1 (11) 9 (11) 7 10 7 55 33
51st Lewis Johns Lewisj (11) 10 (12) 4 10 9.4 RDGa 56.4 33.4
52nd Iris Singleton iris048 7 6 (11) (12) 11 9.4 RDGa 56.4 33.4
53rd Mike Dicker Reckid 3 (107 DNC) (16) 9 13 12 160 37
54th Max Bishop sailor nc 7 10 (28.8 RDGa) 11 9 (107 DNC) 172.8 37
55th Catherine Hemsley Windspirit 12 (14) (17) 7 8 11 69 38
56th Toby Clingan TC29A (14) 9 (16) 11 12 9 71 41
57th Paul Huizer Pablo0515 (14) 4 13 (107 DNC) 14 13 165 44
58th Alfie Noel Fret (15) 11 (14) 9 11 13 73 44
59th John Sharpe walneyjohn 12 12 10 (107 DNC) (107 DSQ) 11 259 45
60th Clem Middle Orkan067cm 12 14 9 (107 DSQ) (15) 12 169 47
61st Kaitlyn Wyatt Kaitlyn (17) (107 DNC) 13 13 13 14 177 53
62nd Martin Redmond Martin R 127721 (16) 10 15 15 (16) 15 87 55
63rd Tom Johnson TomJ (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 0.5 10 6 336.5 122.5
64th Harry Chatterton Harrychat (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 4 7 6 338 124
65th Barty Gray Barty6328 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 8 3 7 339 125
66th Hidde Boon HiddeBoon_ned126 6 6 10 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 343 129
67th Hidde Van Der Meer NED352 5.5 7 11 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 344.5 130.5
68th Marina Garau marinagarau 7 5 12 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 345 131
69th Katy Grace Hanton MagicTurtle1271 15 16 14 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 366 152
70th Dan Holborn Dboat 6 66.4 RDGa 5 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 398.4 184.4
71st Lukas Tyrell Savage sailor 150 16 13 70 RDGa (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 420 206
72nd Bart Lambriex Bart Lambriex (107 DNC) 2 1 (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 431 217
73rd Ben Ashley Benmashley (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 7 8 107 DSQ 107 DNC 443 229
74th Jack Hopkins Hopkins (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 5 107 DSQ 107 DSQ 107 DNC 540 326
75th Israel Martinez Israel mm (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 6 107 DNC 107 DNC 541 327
76th Jonathan Dannatt JonD (107 DNC) 7 (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 542 328
77th Sikon C Horsflied Sailor Si 9 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 544 330
78th Semen Zabelin szabelin (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 11 107 DNC 107 DNC 546 332
79th Henry Noel The Hen 13 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 548 334
80th James Smaggasgale James Smags (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Will Sunderland Wisuland (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Tom Mitchell Tom (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th James Crossley JC R (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Daniel Palmer Daniel Palmer (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Simon Reffold Camp Freddy (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Henry Koe Henry Koe (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Paul Allen P Alle In (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Joe Cantwell SpinMove (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Hette Griepsma HetteGriepsma (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Srbeny Pukki Sirbeany (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Tim Rifjers Tim Rifjers (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Leah Rickard roselia (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th James Johnon Jameskj (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Teun Binkhorst Teun Binkhorst ]] (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Drew Barnes CSC-dre (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Robin worldsbesttrimmer (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Frederick Nabor Frederick (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Daniel Fletcher Dan656 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Joshua Reason JR1703 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 RDGa 642 428
80th Theo Stewart Couch Sailing 335 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Isabel Ritchie Dragon Queen (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Markus Berthet markusberthet (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Toby Holmes-ling TobyHL (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Max Farmer Max 420 (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Andreas Hellstrom 68North (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428
80th Pedro De Mello Machado DaMoose (107 DNC) (107 DNC) 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 107 DNC 642 428

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