Summer 2019


Results are provisional as of 17:34 on June 10, 2019


Sailed: 1, Discards: 0, To count: 1, Rating system: PY, Entries: 3, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class SailNo HelmName CrewName PY R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1st Dart 5742 Chris Nurney   824 1           1 1
2nd Merlin Rocket - Old 3360 Scott McColm Nicola McColm 1000 2           2 2
3rd FLYING FIFTEEN 1026 Gordon Daly Jane Gascoigne 1026 3 RET           3 3


Start: Start 1, Finishes: Elapsed time
Rank Class SailNo HelmName CrewName PY Elapsed Laps Corrected Points
1 Dart 5742 Chris Nurney   824 22.52 1 0.27.45 1
2 Merlin Rocket - Old 3360 Scott McColm Nicola McColm 1000 34.32 1 0.34.32 2
3 FLYING FIFTEEN 1026 Gordon Daly Jane Gascoigne 1026 RET 1   3

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8