RS Feva Winter Championship 2018


Results are provisional as of 15:28 on November 25, 2018


Sailed: 6, Discards: 1, To count: 5, Entries: 55, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Class Nat Sail No Helm Helm Club Helm Gender Crew Crew Club Crew Gender R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Nett
1 RS Feva GBR 6300 Raulf Berry Hayling Island SC M Ralph Nevile Hayling Island SC M 2.0 (11.0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 17.0 6.0
2 RS Feva GBR 5174 Blake Tudor Brightlingsea SC M Brett Tudor Brightlingsea SC M 1.0 1.0 3.0 (21.0) 4.0 4.0 34.0 13.0
3 RS Feva GBR 4624 Alice Davis Great Moor SC F Abby Hire Royal Lymington YC F (8.0) 4.0 2.0 8.0 3.0 8.0 33.0 25.0
4 RS Feva GBR 7000 Joey Taylor Blackwater SC M Terry Hacker Hunts SC M (56.0,UFD) 2.0 8.0 11.0 2.0 7.0 86.0 30.0
5 RS Feva GBR 5782 Tom Ahlheid Frensham Pond SC M Tom Stratton-Brown Frensham Pond SC M 3.0 (12.0) 10.0 3.0 9.0 6.0 43.0 31.0
6 RS Feva GBR 6200 Freddie Fisher Hayling Island SC M Gregan Bergman Smith Hayling Island SC M 4.0 6.0 6.0 (10.0) 5.0 10.0 41.0 31.0
7 RS Feva GBR 501 Caitlin Morley Burnham Sailing Club F Joe Blaker Benfleet YC M 6.0 7.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 (13.0) 48.0 35.0
8 RS Feva GBR 5545 Felix Stewart Windermere Sch M Theo Stewart Windermere Sch M 5.0 (9.0) 7.0 9.0 6.0 9.0 45.0 36.0
9 RS Feva GBR 4470 Quinn Edmonds Chew Valley Lake SC M Fin Oliver Chew Valley Lake SC M (56.0,UFD) 3.0 4.0 15.0 13.0 5.0 96.0 40.0
10 RS Feva GBR 5764 Oliver Rayner Yorkhire Dales SC M Matthew Rayner Yorkshire Dales SC M 9.0 14.0 (20.0) 4.0 12.0 3.0 62.0 42.0
11 RS Feva GBR 4032 Sam Baker Bewl Valley SC M Arran Holman WPNSA M 10.0 18.0 9.0 2.0 8.0 (29.0) 76.0 47.0
12 RS Feva GBR 6272 Joseph Warwicker Bough Beech SC M Luka Franklin Bough Beech SC M (56.0,DNF) 8.0 17.0 5.0 7.0 12.0 105.0 49.0
13 RS Feva GBR 6969 Henry Hallam St Mawes SC M Ashley Hill St Mawes SC M 18.0 (20.0) 11.0 14.0 11.0 2.0 76.0 56.0
14 RS Feva GBR 1665 Jamie Tylecote Rutland SC M Freya Pembery Rutland SC F 15.0 10.0 (28.0) 13.0 18.0 16.0 100.0 72.0
15 RS Feva GBR 3883 Cam Mitchell Hayling Island SC M Archie Primrose Hayling Island SC M 7.0 15.0 16.0 24.0 (25.0) 14.0 101.0 76.0
16 RS Feva GBR 7070 Millie Irish Draycote Water SC F Katherine Burgess Bowmoor SC F 12.0 13.0 12.0 17.0 23.0 (56.0,DNF) 133.0 77.0
17 RS Feva GBR 6112 Amy Boyle St Mawes Sailing Club F Ben Hook Chew Valley Lake SC M 23.0 (52.0) 13.0 12.0 15.0 15.0 130.0 78.0
18 RS Feva GBR 5900 Tess Sadowski Bough Beech SC F Caspar Barton Bough Beech SC M 14.0 (26.0) 21.0 18.0 16.0 20.0 115.0 89.0
19 RS Feva GBR 7052 Martyn Jones Hayling Island SC F Ella Jones Hayling Island SC M (56.0,UFD) 5.0 15.0 6.0 14.0 56.0,DNF 152.0 96.0
20 RS Feva GBR 5627 Becky Caiger Sevenoaks Sch F Jamie Elder Sevenoaks Sch M 11.0 23.0 25.0 (27.0) 26.0 11.0 123.0 96.0
21 RS Feva GBR 6311 Ali Macun Sevenoaks Sch M Ferdinand Beier Sevenoaks Sch M 13.0 17.0 31.0 (46.0) 28.0 17.0 152.0 106.0
22 RS Feva GBR 4917 Rosie Sheahan Chew Valley Lake SC F Susie Sheahan Chew Valley Lake SC F 24.0 22.0 (35.0) 22.0 17.0 24.0 144.0 109.0
23 RS Feva GBR 4945 Eilish Graham South Shields SC F Olivia Rawlinson Roa Island Boat Club F 19.0 (27.0) 27.0 26.0 19.0 19.0 137.0 110.0
24 RS Feva GBR 4042 George Sunderland Solihull Sch/OMSC M Freddie Sunderland Solihull Sch/OMSC M 25.0 21.0 18.0 30.0 (56.0,DNC) 18.0 168.0 112.0
25 RS Feva GBR 6585 Alissa Marshall Royal Hospital Sch F Jorja Marshall Royal Hospital Sch F 27.0 19.0 (29.0) 19.0 27.0 22.0 143.0 114.0
26 RS Feva GBR 4102 Clara Jones Burghfield SC F Anna Utting Starcross YC F 16.0 36.0 26.0 16.0 21.0 (43.0) 158.0 115.0
27 RS Feva GBR 4079 Max Sydenham Dell Quay SC M Tristan Ahlheid Frensham Pond SC M 20.0 (51.0) 19.0 36.0 20.0 23.0 169.0 118.0
28 RS Feva GBR 6321 Sam Webb Royal Lymington YC M Oliver Baddeley Royal Lymington YC M (36.0) 28.0 14.0 32.0 24.0 21.0 155.0 119.0
29 RS Feva GBR 6818 Theo Aers Blackwater SC Squiddies M Rhiannon Webber Blackwater SC Squiddies F 21.0 24.0 (34.0) 20.0 31.0 27.0 157.0 123.0
30 RS Feva GBR 6611 Marnie Aers Blackwater SC Squiddies F Ellie Shelter Blackwater SC Squiddies F 17.0 29.0 22.0 29.0 (35.0) 30.0 162.0 127.0
31 RS Feva GBR 2431 Ben Tylecote Rutland SC M Solomon Wilby Rutland SC M 31.0 (32.0) 30.0 25.0 22.0 26.0 166.0 134.0
32 RS Feva GBR 4194 Edward Day Reading SC M Archie Bourne Burghfield SC M (56.0,DNF) 16.0 23.0 39.0 36.0 25.0 195.0 139.0
33 RS Feva GBR 7261 Imogen Palmer Royal Hospital Sch F Muiris Capon-Telford Royal Hospital Sch M 30.0 30.0 (39.0) 23.0 30.0 35.0 187.0 148.0
34 RS Feva GBR 7056 Alfie Sheahan Chew Valley Lake SC M Megan Rhodes Paignton SC F 29.0 (45.0) 42.0 28.0 29.0 37.0 210.0 165.0
35 RS Feva GBR 6601 Roan Briggs Bede's Sch M William Watson Bede's Sch M 28.0 37.0 36.0 31.0 (51.0) 34.0 217.0 166.0
36 RS Feva GBR 5763 Katy Jenkins Bowmoor SC F Amelie Hiscocks Castle Cove SC F 33.0 25.0 (38.0) 33.0 38.0 38.0 205.0 167.0
37 RS Feva GBR 6505 Ruby Andrews Blackwater SC Squiddies F Pippa Tallowin Blackwater SC Squiddies F 22.0 43.0 37.0 40.0 (45.0) 31.0 218.0 173.0
38 RS Feva GBR 73 Kate Newman Burghfield SC F Amelie Curtis Burghfield SC F 35.0 (42.0) 41.0 41.0 39.0 33.0 231.0 189.0
39 RS Feva GBR 4825 Will Martin Cardiff Bay YC M Peter Martin Cardiff Bay YC M 43.0 54.0 33.0 (56.0,RET) 34.0 28.0 248.0 192.0
40 RS Feva GBR 5450 Joe Slipper Silver Wing SC M Liam Farrell Llandudno SC M 26.0 31.0 24.0 (56.0,DNC) 56.0,DNC 56.0,DNC 249.0 193.0
41 RS Feva GBR 6973 Matthew Hill St Mawes SC M Dan Brigg St Mawes SC M 34.0 39.0 (48.0) 45.0 47.0 32.0 245.0 197.0
42 RS Feva GBR 6581 Max Shiel Royal Hospital Sch M George Reeve Royal Hospital Sch M (56.0,DNF) 33.0 43.0 37.0 42.0 42.0 253.0 197.0
43 RS Feva GBR 6310 Charlotte Lo Sevenoaks Sch F Liam Pfister Sevenoaks Sch M 38.0 34.0 45.0 (50.0) 41.0 41.0 249.0 199.0
44 RS Feva GBR 6939 Tom Hobbs Sevenoaks Sch M Henry Hobbs Sevenoaks Sch M 42.0 35.0 32.0 (56.0,RET) 37.0 56.0,DNF 258.0 202.0
45 RS Feva GBR 10 Ellen Morley Hollowell SC F Hazel McDonnell Hollowell SC F 45.0 (48.0) 47.0 44.0 32.0 36.0 252.0 204.0
46 RS Feva GBR 5452 Luke Humphries Starcross YC M Luca Guyon Starcross YC M 32.0 49.0 (55.0) 43.0 40.0 40.0 259.0 204.0
47 RS Feva GBR 6589 Ben Woodcock Royal Hospital Sch M Luke Pepper Royal Hospital Sch M 41.0 (46.0) 46.0 42.0 43.0 39.0 257.0 211.0
48 RS Feva GBR 2937 Ben Knights Hunts SC M Theodore Deverell Hunts SC M (56.0,UFD) 38.0 40.0 56.0,RET 33.0 48.0 271.0 215.0
49 RS Feva GBR 148 Rachel Harper Hayling Island SC F Tom Collins Hayling Island SC M 40.0 41.0 50.0 38.0 (52.0) 46.0 267.0 215.0
50 RS Feva GBR 6095 Erin Pank Castle Cove SC F Nathan Sloley Castle Cove SC M 37.0 40.0 (51.0) 51.0 49.0 44.0 272.0 221.0
51 RS Feva GBR 6351 Freddie MacLaverty Llandudno SC M Keira Luke Llandudno SC F 39.0 (47.0) 44.0 47.0 46.0 45.0 268.0 221.0
52 RS Feva GBR 89 Max Rawlinson Coniston SC M James Armstrong Tees & Hartlepool YC M 46.0 44.0 (49.0) 48.0 48.0 47.0 282.0 233.0
53 RS Feva GBR 6971 Rose Hallam St Mawes SC F Tara Scully St Mawes SC F 44.0 (53.0) 52.0 49.0 44.0 49.0 291.0 238.0
54 RS Feva GBR 6598 Toby Simmonds Bede's Sch M James Wong Bede's Sch F (56.0,UFD) 50.0 53.0 34.0 50.0 56.0,DNF 299.0 243.0
55 RS Feva GBR 1887 Josh Lyttle Datchet SC M Oliver Hughes Datchet SC M 47.0 (56.0,DNF) 54.0 35.0 56.0,DNC 56.0,DNC 304.0 248.0


RS Feva Winter Champion1GBR - RS Feva 6300 Raulf Berry & Ralph Nevile
RS Feva Winter Champion2GBR - RS Feva 5174 Blake Tudor & Brett Tudor
RS Feva Winter Champion3GBR - RS Feva 4624 Alice Davis & Abby Hire
RS Feva Winter Champion4GBR - RS Feva 7000 Joey Taylor & Terry Hacker
RS Feva Winter Champion5GBR - RS Feva 5782 Tom Ahlheid & Tom Stratton-Brown
RS Feva Winter Champion6GBR - RS Feva 6200 Freddie Fisher & Gregan Bergman Smith
RS Feva Winter Championship Endeavour Prize1GBR - RS Feva 5452 Luke Humphries & Luca Guyon
RS Feva Ladies Winter Champion1GBR - RS Feva 4624 Alice Davis & Abby Hire

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 56
DNFStarted but did not finish 56
RETRetired 56
UFDU flag disqualification under rule 30.3 56

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.25.10