Little Big Brew Co Winter Series

Guernsey Yacht Club

Results are provisional as of 20:25 on January 25, 2021


Sailed: 4, Discards: 1, To count: 3, Entries: 19, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank SailNo HelmName R1 R2 R3 R4 Total Nett
1st Adam Knight Adam Knight 3 1 (5) 1 10 5
2nd Paulo777 Paul Outram 1 (6) 3 3 13 7
3rd MikeyH Mike Henning (20 DNC) 3 2 2 27 7
4th Dark Horse Dino Castro 2 2 (7) 4 15 8
5th JW Joe Walters 4 4 1 (5) 14 9
6th Mist'dboat Sam Van de Velde (20 DNC) 5 8 7 40 20
7th AliB Ali Bisson 8 8 6 (20 DNC) 42 22
8th JonTheBee Jon Brehaut 7 9 (10) 9 35 25
9th GYC Anna Rivers 10 (11) 9 10 40 29
10th Spike665 Spike Whittaker 6 7 (20 DNC) 20 DNC 53 33
11th WillAB Will Bisson (20 DNC) 10 4 20 DNC 54 34
12th SunofaGun Simon Hughes (20 DNC) 20 DNC 11 8 59 39
13th Boat73595   11 12 (20 DNC) 20 DNC 63 43
14th Bigwelshninja2   5 (20 DNC) 20 DNC 20 DNC 65 45
15th Boat15719   (20 DNC) 20 DNC 20 DNC 6 66 46
16th Keelhelm Guilhem Chene 9 (20 DNC) 20 DNC 20 DNC 69 49
17th DPV   (20 DNC) 20 DNC 20 DNC 11 71 51
18th longjongsilver   (20 DNC) 20 DNC 20 DNC 12 72 52
19th Boat88586   (20 DNC) 20 DNC 12 20 DNC 72 52

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.19.8