Version 2.28.7 has been around for a little while with some users that have been testing and I’m happy that it is stable so it’s not strictly a Beta but it is only a .exe which you can replace the existing Sailwave.exe file see the post below if you need details of how to do this
- The user group link in Sailwave has been updated to the new Forum
- You can add additional info or comments in the CSV as it now ignores lines starting with ; after the header-line
- When importing results from a CSV file it will automatically remove the excluded flag for a competitor if they are marked as Excluded.
- It is now possible to import the rating for a specific race
A rating column can now be mapped to RaceRating (Maybe better to name the column RaceRating)
The image below may help explain

When the results are imported the Rating is imported to the rating for that race.
Additionally, if the Competitors default rating is empty and these are results for race 1 then the default rating is set to match that of Race 1
You can download Version 2.28.7 from the link below. Note this is an exe only.
Please do a full install of 2.28.2 if you don’t have it already and replace the Sailwave.exe with this file renaming it to Sailwave.exe
You may if you wish to rename the original Sailwave.exe to say sailwave2-28-2.exe so you can revert to it if you wish (see below)