Changes in this version from 2.17.0 are
- This version removes the error message that the scored position is greater than the number of competitors – This makes it easier to delete competitors or complete fleets and rescore without having to readjust there recorded positions – Typically you would have had to use the Tools – Rearrange recorded position tool.
- Fix a bug in the Tools rearrange recorded position if there is a competitor with a code and no recorded position. The tool was creating a recorded position of zero which then caused an error when scoring.
This update is supplied as a zip file containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.17.1 and the new SWHelper.exe 1.5.0. You need to extract the zip and replace the two above files in the directory C:\Program Files\Sailwave or C:\Program Files (x86)\Sailwave (for 64 bit operating systems) .
Is this fix implemented in the non beta latest versios of Sailwave or should I have to keep using this one if this is important to me?
Hi Ana – That was a good question as it reminded me that I saw it last year and it surprised me that it was not in the later version. Don’t know how it got back in – anyway I’ve fixed it now in 2.19,15 The latest version is available at
Make sure you run the latest full installer and then replace the sailwave.exe with the one above which as of today is 2.19.15