Big enhancements for Translation of Sailwave into different languages.  This update is supplied as a full install containing the Sailwave.exe version 2.25.1  .    You need to download from the link below and run the installer.

Changes in this version from 2.24 are

  • The main changes in this version from 2.24 are greatly enhanced support for translations (Locales).  Version 2.24 allowed you to supply translations for all the text associated with each screen but not messages and text that changed the default text.
  • V2.25 now has the same file as previously so you can still use that as a starting point but some screens were missing previously these are now included.
  • An additional File now holds translations for the other text that needs translation such as Error messages and right click menus.  Instructions and the file for translation are available for download, please see the instructions in the Locale Library section which have all been updated.
  • V2,25 includes the Italian translation as standard and recognises if the machine is Italian at the point of installation.  If it is Italian it automatically configures Sailwave to use the Italian translation.  But it is possible to switch it back to English if so wished. If other countries are interested in this please contact
  • Column headers (Fields)  can now be also included in the translation.   These are Translated when a new series is created so the scorer can still rename them as they wish.
  • Users can still modify / add translations using a plain text editor.
  • UFD as a scoring code is included automatically for new series.

If you find any phrases or text that is missing from the translation please let us know.  If you have new translations that you would like to share please contact and we can publish them on the Sailwave Locale Library.

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