You can download Version 2.7.0 from the following link – Note this contains a new Results.htm template as well to be placed in your Template directory and All the Styles have been updated so please copy the directory included in the zip :-
Download removed please use 2.8.0
Based on Version 2.6.3 with the following changes
New Feature of Alternative Sail Number
- Adds a new feature of Alternative Sail Number. You can now enter an alternative sail number that is recognised by the Sail Number Wizard but gets translated to the Main sail number. So lets say you have someone that has a change down sail which has a different number then enter this in the Alt Sail No field and it doesn’t matter when you enter the results which sail they use your results will always be correct. Other uses are if someone damages a sail and borrows one with a different number, or maybe you have a competitor who sails a different boat sometimes but you want all their results under the one sail number so that you can merge their results easily. The Alt Sail No defaults to not publishing but you can turn it on in the columns if you wish.
- Note that this adds extra information to the Sailwave blw file so if you open it with a Pre 2.7 version then the Alt Sail no’s that you have enter will be lost. You can use 2.7 to open older files though.
Let me know what you think