8 thoughts on “Website update”

  1. Can I download the Portsmouth Yardstick for offshore classes such as Beneteau, Catalina, J boats etc.

  2. Hi Bill, I do not have PN’s for offshore classes so currently no there is no file of ratings you can download. I will be willing to create one if I am provided with PN’s for the offshore classes such as Beneteau, Ctalaina, J-Boats etc.

    Kind regards,

  3. As Commodore of the Emmarentia Sailing Club, I wondered if there was a facility to emploit with this application to post the results to a database on our website similar to what is being done to the sailwave database. Is there a way of directing the standard update form provided in sailwave to also direct it to another website ?
    We will follow the deal requirements for this application.
    Please advise asap.

    Andrew Arthur

  4. Hi.
    I’ve changed my rating file to the new 2018-2019 RYAPN, but sailwave is continuing to use the old ratings, rather than updating them. Is there a trick for getting it to use the new numbers? It’s a file with existing competitors, rather than starting from scratch.


  5. Hi Lucinda,
    Yes, there is a tick box at the bottom of the Scoring System, Ratings tab. Tick this box and rescore and the ratings will be read from the ratings file. If you want to manually change any of them remember to untick the box again


  6. I’m trying to forward our Clubs Results (Broxbourne SC)
    to the RYA. Unfortunately they keep being rejected, because
    I don’t date each race. I don’t know how to do this. can you please help?

  7. John. Right click on the race and then select edit race, or you can select edit race through the menu. You can then enter the date of the race.

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